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When you guys (the one's who haven't) figure out that Soros is funding BLM, then you'll be able to connect the dots and make sense of it all.


                 It all boils down to "We're going to give you something,for nothing" ("Everything's FREE!").

Whatever happened to "You want stuff - go work for it"?

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Hey Paradime!, did you look into any of this shit yet....



If I were you I'd be worrying more about what's going on in your stupid state, do you even follow politics in your own state?, Jerry Brown is about to turn your home into an open border haven to anyone from anywhere coming in, he's even gone to the extent of providing free services to those plus passing legislation to prioritize the hiring of those over its citizens.....are you ready to become a sanctuary state?, its happening, bro!

You've got bigger fish to fry, and this ain't no conspiracy theory, nobody can stop the next multi billion dollar train to hell from Jerry Brown!


PS, How's that 6% budgeting of infrastructure working out for your state?, must suck to not have checks and balances....

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You lost my vote at handjobs. A05427FE-0E28-4B6D-82E5-3C5BD849DD0A.png

*repost, but relevant

That may be the only use that chick has.



Let me sway your vote just a bit.


1 mouth but 2 hands. Every good handjob ever given had some mouth involved. Even the mouthless ones ain't too bad.


I've had bad blowjobs though. What is a blowjob without use of the hands? Seriously.


Need the hands in there. Gotz too.

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Many people? how about the swamp tenders that want to be losers. Fake news. It is a hell of a lot of you lost, got a beat down at the election booth and your pissing in your own breakfast cereal blaming it on Trump.

It is like your BLM. Based on a lie, compounded by other lies, promoted by the media to achieve an agenda.


I'm telling you, even honorable and intelligent life long conservatives like my father are concerned with Trumps erratic behavior on the world stage. I think it's kind of fucked up that I need to assure Mike that I'm not trolling here, but I do want to make a point, so here you go. My name is Paradime and I stand behind this opinion 100%. 


I don't need fake or real news to see Trump's behavior is consistent with a narcissistic personality type. In fact I posted this observation and the DSM V criteria under the same context almost a year ago right here in Cuz (page 133). I was responding to dhp123166 http://community.ratsun.net/topic/63554-cuz-merica/?p=1358654My response http://community.ratsun.net/topic/63554-cuz-merica/?p=1358662


Saying this is fake news, or comes from some left wing agenda is directly parroting Trump's deflection tactics. The idea that people questioning Trump are "swamp tenders that want to be losers" reflects a demand for absolute obedience to Trump's rhetoric. I want to challenge that defensive thinking, and ask that folks keep an open mind before brushing me off as an educationally brainwashed libtard who's trying to troll everyone because I speak out against Trump.


I didn't vote for president this election, because I know dangerous shit (on both sides) when I see it. I'm all about overthrowing the corrupt Washington establishment, but I don't trust a polarizing self centered egotist like Trump to do that job. At the same time I wouldn't trust the Hildabitch's crap in the office either. The only reason I would have voted for Sanders was he is the only candidate who talked about overturning the Citizens United decision and implementing real campaign finance reform. He has been consistently articulating the message for years that taking the corrupting influence of hidden money out of the system would overthrow the establishment's power structure. The truth is Sanders didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell because he was a threat to the system, and not because he was a leftwing nut. Not say'n he isn't a left nut though.


Trumps personality and public demeanor aside, judging by his cabinet picks, clearly his vision for making America great again is empowering those with capital in creating dependence upon the corporation (Republican establishment) rather than dependance upon government (Democratic establishment). The key word here is 'dependance' as in the establishment's social structure of a parent child relationship between the government and the people rather than a government for and by the people. Every time I speak about this stuff here, or say Trump has no desire to put America back in the hands of the common man, I'm accused of being a foil hat waring conspiracy wing nut.  Funny thing is I get the same reaction in liberal political forums. It's like both sides feel a need to defend against non polarized centrist reasoning. This goes to the core of the deep fear and divisions now between the left and right. So deep there's talk of civil war on both sides. That's real wing nut shit IMO.

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I can throw that a sympathy like. Bernie had some commie ideas that I couldn't get behind. The main two were the South Park giant douche vs. shit sandwich. There were no real good options. I voted for 5% and failed.


Point is, we have got to agree that we don't want to kill each other. This country can't take an actual civil war. Libtard vs. Conman rhetoric is getting out of hand.

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