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Defensive? Before anyone can complain about any other government attempting to do something in our election, We need to keep out of the elections of other countries. Look at what 0bama tried to do in the middle east. From Israel to Syria. Talk about a mess that is going to cost for years and years to come.


Why dose 0bama pick Russia and not China(let alone all the other countries that have a computer), which actually has done more hacking then Russia. Putin has over and over again outplayed 0bama, shown him as a boy attempting to play an adults game.


the same thing happened in the Brexit vote, Obama told someone that to leave the EU would put the UK at the end of the "cue" which some read as sarcastic being that Americans use the word " line " not cue. Anyway it landed in the tabloids and might of actually swayed the whole referendum.


 I dont think Obama meant for any disruption but it is clear that he didnt really stand for any foreign policy change .

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The DNC, The Left, The Media are all aching to make him fail somehow. They are looking for anything to discredit the win. 


Got a juicy fake story, push it till it is true. The DNC got hacked, it was Trump's fault and collaboration with Putin. And don't get me started on the "Poplular Vote" shit. Just fucking stop it! 


Yes, Trump needs to chill his shit and stop wanting to kick everyone's ass, and some deserve a good ass kicking, and get it under control. Obama mastered it, he is good at sounding diplomatic while cutting the shit out of you. It was a Yo mama joke fest and the Dems had the best jokes. Repubs are a bit slow on the Joke department and thus got their asses handed to them on whit. 


How better is America after Obama, some things worked and some things did not. I will give him credit that he had the best intentions, some where better than others. But the way it was carried out was a bit much. A world wide apology tour that made us the laughing stock of the world. Putin must have put the first "Kick Me" sign on him at one of the summits. 

Claims there where no terror attacks on U.S. on his watch. But the numbers beg to differ. The economy was in pretty bad shape, he helped right the ship, but it never left the dock. But at least it was till afloat! 


He was given credit for a few things and talked up more than he really was by some of his supporters. 


Basically, he is giving Trump a car with an empty tank and a shit load of parking tickets on it. And nobody wants to go cruising with him. 


These are just my opinions, your mileage may vary 

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judge slapped clock boy with $82,000 in legal fees.


Glenn Beck dismissed from 'clock boy' defamation suit


Another judge also dismissed the local Fox News affiliate and political commentator Ben Ferguson from the suit in December. He ordered that the Mohameds pay them more than $82,000 in legal fees, records show.


The Mohameds seek up to $100,000 in damages, along with "nonmonetary relief." The family moved to Qatar in 2015 after the arrest. No charges were filed.



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Why Russia? Because it's evident. Proven to those who are in the know. While I'd love to know, I accept that Orel can be attained at risk. And I'm not important enough to demand it. I'm concerned, and dismayed that others are not.


And even if it is our just deserts, and we deserve it, it concerns me no less. Deflection is not defense

Proven to those in the know,...lol, do you think for even a single second that anything what so ever as a proven fact would not be known by every media outlet all across this country? As much as the media is attempting to stop Trump.


What Jessie said, and it is the single and only reason "The DNC, The Left, The Media are all aching to make him fail somehow. They are looking for anything to discredit the win." That single statement covers around 80 to 90% of what passes for news, and a good part of what we talk about here.

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Proven to those in the know,...lol, do you think for even a single second that anything what so ever as a proven fact would not be known by every media outlet all across this country? As much as the media is attempting to stop Trump.


What Jessie said, and it is the single and only reason "The DNC, The Left, The Media are all aching to make him fail somehow. They are looking for anything to discredit the win." That single statement covers around 80 to 90% of what passes for news, and a good part of what we talk about here.

And I fear that, in and of itself, is a weakness worth considering. We would discredit far too much on that premise alone. I try hard to look at each piece in its own. I really do. And what i see is damaged perspectives from both sides. And it's troubling. As a third party supporter, I'd truly like to see both the left and right take their hand out of their pants and start applying themselves.

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And I fear that, in and of itself, is a weakness worth considering. We would discredit far too much on that premise alone. I try hard to look at each piece in its own. I really do. And what i see is damaged perspectives from both sides. And it's troubling. As a third party supporter, I'd truly like to see both the left and right take their hand out of their pants and start applying themselves.

ya' know, think the guy elected is going to do that for a change. hence the reason there seems to be so much panic in trying to discredit the guy.



Jill Stein kind of took a very sharp knife and sliced up 3rd party into little bits that are going to be hard for the next attempt to get going.

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isnt the FBI , CIA, DE(whatever the fuck ) all in deep trouble anyway STILL from all the classified leakage coming outa the woodworks,


I think its a last ditch attempt to save face as the power switches is flipped off and replaced






ps skip the beginning of this just go straight to 9:00

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Nah. Romneycare wasn't my dream come true. I want single payer.

Obamas cabinet prevented, in no insignificant way, a global crash. Basically, our economy pulled up so fucking last second, we might have clipped our landing gear.

His re-election in 2012 prevented a world war. Or at minimum postponed it until now. Israel would have waged war with Iran had Romney took office.

I don't care to gush on the guy here. Cuz most of you hate him... His main failure was trying to be bipartisan when he started off. I liked it, but the right never gave him an inch to move. I hope the left doesn't do the same this time around

Is it hard to breathe with Obama's dick buried balls deep in your mouth? The guy did literally nothing but try to push bullshit globalist agenda and wipe his ass with the constitution.

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Remember the good old days when we thought we needed to protect the 2nd ammendment?


Looks like it's safe. Now what was that thing before it?


I can never remember all those things. Meanwhile, fuck the press. The president should run it directly. Maybe religion too.

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isnt the FBI , CIA, DE(whatever the fuck ) all in deep trouble anyway STILL from all the classified leakage coming outa the woodworks,


I think its a last ditch attempt to save face as the power switches is flipped off and replaced






ps skip the beginning of this just go straight to 9:00

as I watched this all I could think about was the strict secrecy maintained by Obama and the dems regarding Obamacare as it was being discussed before the vote. there was one copy of the bill, it was in a secured, guarded room, the senators and congressmen who wanted to read it had to sign in, surrender their electronic devices before they entered that room and the taking of notes was strictly forbidden. they damned sure understood document security when leaks would have killed Obamacare.

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Remember the good old days when we thought we needed to protect the 2nd ammendment?


Looks like it's safe. Now what was that thing before it?


I can never remember all those things. Meanwhile, fuck the press. The president should run it directly. Maybe religion too.


What to you mean "We Thought"? We still need to fight for the 2nd, and now more than ever! 


Especially in CA where we just got liberal dick shoved up our asses in gun laws! Next to New York, we are the worst in the nation for 2nd Amendment Rights. So no, the fight is not over for some. 


So no, we are not safe. And yes, I know you are in Texas where it is normal, but here in the occupied states, we are fucked. 

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Russia didn't influence the election.If you believe they did you've let the lying media influence you.




Even if " the Russians " did hack our election they would try to make it out that the Democrats or China did it.

not even kidding,    and who is " they "


what bullshit

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Russia didn't influence the election.If you believe they did you've let the lying media influence you.

You could make that arguement about watersportgate, which I never gave my attention. What I'm drawing from is the CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies. These are the people we employ to catch this kind of shit. You are letting your love for one man blind you. According to Priebus, Trump even supports the findings. Denial only strengthens future attacks. As a nation, we should support our intelligence agencies findings in these matters. Blind denial because you are worried it is an attack on your candidate is letting this partisan rhetoric blind your judgement.

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Russia and the 4chan water sport story are both worthless talking points.

I've seen oil drive larger scandals. Water sports story broke at just the right time to pull focus, as well as legitimacy from the Russian election intervention. Unfortunate, or well planned. Either way, one our president, and president elect supports. The other, no one supports. Tabloid shit from day one

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