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You can stroke it it all you want. Trump got less votes than Clinton. That's just really really sad. I'm mean, less than Hillary Clinton. There are likely less than two or three other people in the world capable of that feat. Really, trump one the Electors. That's all. Once. But, yes. Congrats. Mostly for the sweep of cabinets. That's gold



                  But you never heard the Democrats complain about that -



                                                        - when it went their way.

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                  I saw where they did a show with Michelle Obama tonight (really!).

It was on at 8 Pacific Time.It was ONE HOUR!

                  I told my Wife that if I watched it,we'd have to get another TV.

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You can stroke it it all you want. Trump got less votes than Clinton. That's just really really sad. I'm mean, less than Hillary Clinton. There are likely less than two or three other people in the world capable of that feat. Really, trump one the Electors. That's all. Once. But, yes. Congrats. Mostly for the sweep of cabinets. That's gold

I am more then willing to say Hillary did not even win the popular vote. Pointing to Wisconsin, Hillary lost votes through out the recount. Michigan recount was shut down after 3days when it was found out Detroit double counted Hillary's vote. Take the illegals vote out of California, and New York, If any kind of serious look at the vote totals were to take place all my money goes on Hillary loosing big time in the popular vote.

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I am more then willing to say Hillary did not even win the popular vote. Pointing to Wisconsin, Hillary lost votes through out the recount. Michigan recount was shut down after 3days when it was found out Detroit double counted Hillary's vote. Take the illegals vote out of California, and New York, If any kind of serious look at the vote totals were to take place all my money goes on Hillary loosing big time in the popular vote.

I'd certainly take that bet.

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I am more then willing to say Hillary did not even win the popular vote. Pointing to Wisconsin, Hillary lost votes through out the recount. Michigan recount was shut down after 3days when it was found out Detroit double counted Hillary's vote. Take the illegals vote out of California, and New York, If any kind of serious look at the vote totals were to take place all my money goes on Hillary loosing big time in the popular vote.



                      And don't forget the dead voters.

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You can stroke it it all you want. Trump got less votes than Clinton. That's just really really sad. I'm mean, less than Hillary Clinton. There are likely less than two or three other people in the world capable of that feat. Really, trump one the Electors. That's all. Once. But, yes. Congrats. Mostly for the sweep of cabinets. That's gold

Did it ever occur to you that Hitlery ran a popular vote campaign, while Trump ran an electoral campaign? Trump didn't waste time in states he knew he couldn't win while prison elect Clinton did. My feeling is her camp knew what the msm didn't want to report, victory was an uphill battle so she did what she could to save face.

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I am of the opinion that the Democrats and them rich people on TV calling the election thought that she was going to win, as they all were stunned as it unfolded, the way them people were talking on TV made it very obvious that they had not a clue.

My neighbor across the street was the same, he kept telling me that a vote for Johnson was a vote for Hilary, not a word has come out of him since the election, not one word.

Maybe she knew what was going on, but she kept playing the card if the people that are voting for him think he can't win, maybe they won't even vote, but I seriously doubt that she will ever admit it.

I really did think it was hilarious that some of the WA state electors defected from Hilary and cast their vote for others, I mean these are democrats that could not vote for their own party, if stuff like this keeps going on, there might be a chance that this country could change, we possibly could remove these good ole boys from the system.

We need term limits, and then we need to take the money completely out of politics, make it a capital crime to except money from special interests, and also the CEOs and their lobbyists that offer it or any other compensation, I am talking death penalty, but it likely will not happen in my life time though. :(

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Hillary may have gotten more votes than Trump but she and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz screwed Bernie and a huge chunk of democrats over just to get the nomination. I got no sympathy for someone who got the nod by cheating a decent man now bitching about how the honest (albeit briefly unpopular) electoral college ended her crime spree.


remember, this is the same woman who immediately hired Wasserman-Schultz for her campaign after the DNC fired her for corruption and whose operatives were hiring mentally ill homeless people to start violence at Bernie and Trump rallies. I think the electoral college did exactly what the hell it was supposed to do this go-round. add some bio-metric ID into the mix and we'll have a hell of system.

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And you would lose it.Take away California's illegal immigrant vote alone and its probably even.The law says if you aren't a citizen you can't vote,unless you're Jerry Brown and a Democrat.

My wife is a legal immigrant and now US citizen.


Before she became a US citizen and was just here on a visa, she would get election ballots made out in her name sent in the mail all the time.

Never asked for them but she had a drivers license. She would also get called for jury duty.

California purposefully does not track if someone is a citizen and eligible to vote. 

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My wife is a legal immigrant and now US citizen.


Before she became a US citizen and was just here on a visa, she would get election ballots made out in her name sent in the mail all the time.

Never asked for them but she had a drivers license. She would also get called for jury duty.

California purposefully does not track if someone is a citizen and eligible to vote. 


And this alone would account for Hillary's win in the popular vote!

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What's this referring to? I said that maybe in future politicians will be more honest or careful of exposure of criminal ways because not much is hidden that the public can't find out about. I bet every time you are outside your house and get steamed at some douchebag for something, you pause before pulling your gun and shooting that cocksucker. Why? Because someone has a cell phone or there's a CCTV... somewhere. You might be more careful what you say on line because it's... forever.



So about pardoning.... lets say you do something despicable and are pardoned for it. You are still despicable in the court of public opinion. 

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