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How to keep the Datsun passion alive?

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So lately I've been putting off my project and have sorta lost interest so to say. The question I want to ask is am I the only one. ?

My poor car has been sitting on a lift since August and I have not done a thing to her. I almost contemplated selling her but I've done a ton of work and there's still a lot left that i want to accomplish but I find it more of a job or task than a hobby. And I find myself tinkering with other sh*t in the garage then putting in the grease work.


Anyone with advice to get my head back into it.

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That happens to everyone at some point. I find motivation best through Ratsun. Especially in the builds. 


Or hanging out with local Datto nuts is always fun. 




Easiest way to build a DD is to set goals, and achieve them one by one. Do what you can, and take it a step at a time and you won't get in over your head. 

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This is always an issue for me, I go though periods of not getting anything done, and then getting a whole bunch done real fast.

Right now I am in the keep the fleet in running and movable mode, but if a daily breaks, stuff gets fixed fast, then I'm back to coasting.

If I liked doing bodywork, it would likely help, but I hate it, as I am not very good at it, so nothing gets done.

It helps if you have friends doing the same things.

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That's just it. I have one member on here near me but he lives 2.5 hrs away and the H3 has been sold for a long time now need to update that. Plus there's 4' of snow outside. Not likely I would drive her in the winter

I bought a 2011 Subaru forester for that

I was thinking of throwing up a whiteboard in the garage to kinda organize what I want done.


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That's just it. I have one member on here near me but he lives 2.5 hrs away and the H3 has been sold for a long time now need to update that. Plus there's 4' of snow outside. Not likely I would drive her in the winter I bought a 2011 Subaru forester for that I was thinking of throwing up a whiteboard in the garage to kinda organize what I want done.

I find it best to do just one thing at a time, pick something little that takes less than a couple hours that is going to need to be done, do it, then do something else that's non datsun related, then do something else small the next day, after  a week of working on it an hour or two a day, you will be amazed, and get motivated easier, but a couple long days and I am tired of it again, so just do small stuff till you get to the couple longs days and it will daily drive, then enjoy.

I need to take my own advise.  :lol:

Another thing that helps is taking photos of your progress to post to your thread, the trouble with this is that once you start posting photos, then you start talking about your project on here more and more, and then your not getting anything done again, it's a vicious circle.  :hmm:

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:I feel the same way with my 510.  I have so much to do, it's hard to see the end product in my mind without a windfall lottery.  I find switching to another project for a while is healthy until your love returns to the forgotten project.  I'm finally getting excited about finishing my 510 now, and it's been down for a year, and probably will still be another year before completion.

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Dont look at the big picture.


Make sure the shop is clean, and all your tools are organized.


Find something to do on it, that will only take but 5 minutes. You may just find another 5 minute job to do on it.


Focus on 1 part of the car at a time.


I have a lot of parts to go on my car. But they have been waiting for awhile. Some of it is because I need to acquire a few more parts, some of it because I simply dont feel the need to change it out. I know the day will come. But its just getting there. 

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Heck, at least you have an alternative. Mine is drivable, but needs some suspension work, a new carburetor,  and the tires showing steel belts! I am fully capable and willing to fix it, but have no money right now as I am out of work. :crying:

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Anyone with advice?????????


Dont have kids could you might not be able to take care of them either.


be honest if your not in to it  or able to fix it just sell it.


Buy a american car and help get the economy going





Why is it sitting? What's wrong with it?

The simple reason you are not interested is because you can't get in it and drive it. 

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Hahahahaha, I love it!!! Mr. Bean!  Project stagnation goes one of two ways.  A.  You eventually get the love going again.  B.  You hang on to it as it becomes an albatross around your neck and you can't stand to work on it.  If that's the case, sell.


For getting the love going again, I vote getting the garage warmer and more well-lighted.  Crank up Aerosmith "Sweet Emotion" and picture yourself driving the finished project.  That ought to do it.

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My solution is to usually go work on someone else's car. Always gets me interested in mine again. 


Been working on my 1200 coupe for almost 5 years. Now that it's about 6-8 months away from completion, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, it not only makes me happy, it kinda scares me a bit...  :rofl:


Good thing there's already a replacement project waiting in line.  :thumbup:

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My main motivation was getting a car that I was able to start daily driving after only a little bit of work. I've had a 240z sitting in my dads garage for ages now. Got to doing body work, and that's where I stagnated. Bought a 620 since then, and I work on it all the time now, since I have to, to keep it on the road.

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never went through disinterest with my datsun. I tore my '64 Fairlane down for a front end rebuild in June of '10 and it sat there until about March of '12. once I got it roadworthy again though I remembered why I love it. if driving it right now isn't an option buy it a goofy sticker or a vintage license plate frame or just crawl inside and clean the windows. reconnect with it.

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Well you've been separated now for about 5 months and really should decide if you want this relationship to work or not. If not or you can't decide it's time to move on. It's not fair to you and it's not fair to your Datsun. She has lots of love to give to a new owner. If you do want to continue I would suggest marriage counseling. 


Just remember what you have. She's worth fighting for.


Your Datsun will never get mad if you enjoy driving another car even if younger than she is.
Your Datsun never has a headache.
Your Datsun doesn't mind if you want to drive her at 3 AM.
Your Datsun won't get upset if you let a friend drive her.
Your Datsun can be driven and enjoyed all month long.
Your Datsun won't take you to court for alimony if you get rid of her.
Your Datsun doesn't mind if you want to drive her in public.
Your Datsun doesn't need flowers before letting you put the key in the ignition.

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