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Site Update

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Jeffry convinced me to update the site, hoping to improve the speed. Also, our host suggested updating our software because of suspicious activity, so it seemed like a good time. I guess it's been a while. The newest version is different and might take some getting used to. There seems to be an autosave feature, so that's nice. Some of you will inevitably hate it, while others will like it -- not sure what to say other than such is life.


The new theming system is apparently different than the old one, so it'll be a little while before we get our custom one back up. I hope this actually works, because it turns out updating isn't very much fun. :)

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Thanks Thomas, I went thru the same situation with my PC forum, had to update some months ago because of an exploit that went into a hole with vB, so I know what you are talking about.


Thank you for talikngo your time and please all these lazy rust lover bastards :D

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Does this sweet new forum update mean we can finally get rid of some of the stickied topics? Or move them into their own "STICKY" folder?!


In other news, content of Ratsun is the same, the forum it's posted on doesn't matter to me. Hope it's a smooth transition.

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I hate change/newness ollz, I drive cars from the 70's. I'm gonna have a look around and ley it grow on me. The coolest thing is: I can have a look around. So I don't give a whoot if you changed it to pink zebra stripes,, as long as the site works. Thank you Thomas

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Wow, this is WAAAAY faster! Thanks for doing all the hard work so that the rest of us can have an easy way of doing what we do here.


I noticed that the site was having some issues as of late; thank you for getting right on it. That was quick.

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