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About Will

  • Birthday 06/12/1977

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    San Francisco
  • Cars
    a bicycle, and a '68 510 Wagon that I'm trying to make less crusty.

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  1. Maybe not as much soft as returning to earth?
  2. Would you possibly be up for a hood trade? I'm trying to find a decent hood for my car in that color (...though this one is the wrong blue for you!)
  3. That sunroof is pretty huge! I don't think much crosses over - the 200SX chassis is based on the B210. It does have a full set of gauges with a 4cyl tach, which could be useful. A lot of the switches could be useful too (I put some of those light-up green switches in my 510.) The L20B could be useful to someone. I'm curious if the 5-speed in the HL510 is the same length as the 200SX. They should both be doglegs. I think it should be if it is an earlier L-series model, but I'm not sure.
  4. Oh! I thought it stood for Bring A Trust-fund.
  5. Love those wheels - they remind me of dice from Dungeons and Dragons!
  6. Works for me! https://humboldt.craigslist.org/pts/d/cutten-datsun-pickups/7268562151.html
  7. I was going to bid on that one, but the price was just a bit too zany. It looks like a pretty easy car to get back on the road, but it seems like the current owner thought so too, and gave up (the thermostat housing is connected in one picture and gone in another. ...I wonder why they threw in the towel, and didn't reassemble it a bit for the pictures.)
  8. Glad you got to go on a long trip in your 610! The rattlecan paint looks like it was bleached by the CA sun, so it looks ready for being out here. I drove my 710 hardtop cross country - it was a memorable experience!
  9. "maintains it's rectilinear form with a dazzling degree of rectangularity."
  10. I see that you're testing out all of the wheel options! I found a place in LA that had the window weatherstripping ...after driving cross country with no radio and the wind going WAHHHHHHHHHH! Here's some info from an email from 9 years ago (this was the weatherstripping between the side windows.): 18" pieces of E401 are in stock. You can come in to p/u or Ican send in the mail. All I need is a Credit Card. Let me know. You can call909-874-3040 & ask for Joe Jr. Thank you. Joe jjfab@linkline.com
  11. Time Left: 10 days and 18 hours

    • WANTED
    • USED

    I'm looking for a Datsun L20B to get an old Datsun back on the road.I either need a complete engine, a long block, or a short block to get the car moving again - let me know what you have. These engines went into quite a few 70's - early 80's Datsuns: 610, 710, 200SX, 620 Lil Hustlers - or were swapped into other Datsuns, like the 510.I'm hoping to find something that would run well without needing a rebuild, and is close to stock - not something that has had a ton of expensive/custom/racing work done to it.My Datsun will probably wind up being kinda slow, and that's okay.


    San Francisco, California - US

  12. Keep on righting those wrongs! It looks like the floor repair is going really well - did you find a 710 donor, or are you remaking the rails and panels?
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