Been looking at this sweet pedal car at an antiques store for the last three years. Finally negotiated a deal that the seller and myself were happy with.
Its a 1960 Mori Datsun Fairlady pedal car. Apparently brought over to the states by a military member after his service. Its 99% there and I just need to get a fender mirror for the passenger side, hopefully locate a windscreen for it and get a couple new emblems made.
Here it is as it sat in the antiques store. Paint was pretty rough and had mold set in.
Disassembled it today and cleaned and buffed the body, polished everything up and fixed a couple minor things
Rear view
Definitely a unique addition. Think I'm gonna toss on a JNC jaf style decal too
For reference heres the 1960 Fairlady its based off of, pretty close for what it is :)