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Heads up, Pay pal CC scam


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Heads up guys, I had somebody sign up for a paypal credit card in my name, they used/had my phone number and name but no other info. The "collection" company was from India and I think they practice bad English on purpose.


They were asking for all of my pertinent info; Date of birth, SS#, address, and my current paypal info (username, email address used...) They asked all this to "verify" that I was being truthful in claiming that it was not my card... I didnt give any info and told them to do what they could to chase down the card holder and to prosecute to the full extent of the law.


The kicker is that the only thing I use paypal for is a few Datsun related ebay items and stuff on here, so keep an eye out and dont admit to or tell them anything if they call. Im going to do another credit report to see if anything actually is in my name or not...


In the mean time, Fuck scammers!!!

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Haha... I use "Domino's Pizza, can you hold please? One moment.."



They always hang up and don't call back.


When we moved into our current house, we got a new phone number. (back in 97-98). It just so happened to be the old Domino's Pizza number that was still in everyone's phonebook.


"Hello?" "Hi I would like a large hawaiian with extra cheese"...

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Heads up guys, I had somebody sign up for a paypal credit card in my name, they used/had my phone number and name but no other info. The "collection" company was from India and I think they practice bad English on purpose.


They were asking for all of my pertinent info; Date of birth, SS#, address, and my current paypal info (username, email address used...) They asked all this to "verify" that I was being truthful in claiming that it was not my card... I didnt give any info and told them to do what they could to chase down the card holder and to prosecute to the full extent of the law.


The kicker is that the only thing I use paypal for is a few Datsun related ebay items and stuff on here, so keep an eye out and dont admit to or tell them anything if they call. Im going to do another credit report to see if anything actually is in my name or not...


In the mean time, Fuck scammers!!!


How do you know someone signed up using your name... because some asshole from India said so???? You think maybe this 'collection' company could have lied to you about this????? Duh!

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:lol: I dont know if they had one in my name, thats why I put collection in quotation marks :lol:


I got about 7 calls from them total and all I could understand was "paypal" and "XXX dollars" and "collection agency" I would have thought it was total bunk but there were at least 3 different callers, two guys and a female and none of them spoke very good english. The first through sixth time they called I said that since this call is being recorded that I wouldnt discuss anything with them until they got someone who spoke clear and understandable english. It wasnt until the seventh call that the guy spoke decent enough for me to hear that it was for a Pay pal credit card and not just an over due bill on paypal. His name was Jimmy Jones... No shit :lol:


He gave me the spiel of owing such and such amount of money and he asked me my name again to which I said that was me but I do not and have never had a Pay pal credit card nor do I want one. Thats when he asked me to verify my info with what he had, I was very firm with him and told him that I would not "verify" anything and that I was concerned about this affecting my credit and equally concerned with his credibility as he could just be one of those people looking to start a bogus credit card in my name. I told him to give me the information that he had instead and I would verify if it was me or not and that if it was in fact my information he could send me something in the mail and we could see about taking care of this problem the right way and tracking down who did it. He replied with an email that was "myname1423421@diablo.net" and I told him thats not me and that he could either cancel the card, quit calling me, and try and track down the person who did this or I could give him my mailing address (Moms house if it came to it...) and we could start with the paperwork. He apologised very profusely and said that he would take care of it.


At this point, I do not know if there was actually a card in my name or not but Im going to find out via a credit report. If it was a scam it was just convincing enough that I could see people easily falling for it... Hence the heads up :rolleyes:


I wasnt so much worried that they were scammers as I was that someone actually had a credit card in my name... It was worth it to me to try and figure out which it was.


On a side note, next time you get a call from a foreign customer service rep, tell them that you cant understand them and could they please spell the word that they are trying to say... Its fucking hillarious, get them to do it about 4 times and tell them to say it slowly and clearly. Without fail they all started yelling louder and faster and were most likely swearing in Indian or whatever language they spoke :lol:

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Cell Block 'A'




I answer "Road Kill Cafe you kill it we grill it" I always get a chuckle



I used the 'County Jail' one once upon a time ( I think around '96)~ and the woman on the other end started sobbing and pleading uncontrollably, saying "I don't know what to do! My boyfriend was arrested last night for DUI and assaulting the police officer, and please, I have no money! How do I get him out of jail?? I'm pregnant and he supports me~ I just don't know what to do!" This sobbing and pleading rant went on for what seemed like forever, but I finally got her calmed down~ and had to literally convince her that I wasn't really the county jail! Upon hanging up I grabbed the phone book and - sure as shit- the jail was one number off from mine.....

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  • 9 months later...

Same thing again but this time they speak english and the bill is over $3700... They also have the last 4 of my SSN but the name spelling is way off although nearly phonetically correct.


I may have figured it out... all the info they are relaying is the info I give verbally at certain parts stores for my military discount... name phone number and last four for identification.


Credit report is still clear but I am still getting the damn phone calls and this time they speak english and are an actual collection agency out of PA.


...Fucking awesome.

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burger king, home of the whopper, whats your beef?


^^^ one of my personal favorites.


that and everytime i call my dad he always answers "taco bell 462" cause he thinks its funny..... i usually laugh casue i tihnk its funny he still does it

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Visit the FCC website, report them. That will make you feel better if anything. Even though it's legal for crap calls to a business, I still file a report every time google plus calls and interrupts me at work. Nothing pisses me off more than a pre-recorded message.

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Lets see, I have had problem with paypal scammers, had a thread on it here with the guys full name and phone number...what a dumbass. Also called Paypal and gave them his name and number.


I have answered the phone numerous ways over the years, Phantom Mortuary, Honest kramers QUALITY used cars, Kramers China Buffet(NO, I no see youre cat, stop carring!), sometimes a loud "WHAT!!!???!!!", Hey fuckface is a favorite, Gloria Ironbox attorny at law, specializing in sexual harassment is a good one, I have used Niles Standish before, yes yes, occaisionally I break out the Lumberg treatment, Kramer's Portajohn service, No1 in the No2 business, Kramer's Animal processing, no questions asked, most were replied with a dial tone....


Probably the best was one night with a "honky tonk special" back at the house, and a close friend called, so I put a hand over her mouth and answered...after about ten minutes I told him waht was going on and sent him a picture message...


I really hope I wasnt too vulgar with this one...I tried to be vague in case there was any children 12 or under reading


I am lmao writing and thinkibng about this...

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