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You know you own a Datsun when.............

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reminds me of when i found a b210 near me, i went on and on to the guy about how long id been looking for one close by, and had even driven down his street and somehow missed it. his response was "good"

When 90% of the datsun related craigslist ads in 100 mi radius of you have heard from you via txt msg.

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when you have longer more meanigful conversations with your datsun than you do with any other member of your household.


you instictivly know something is wrong with your datsun.


you try to decide which to be more proud of your kids graduation or your datsun not breaking down that week.

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When your co-workers give you a confused look because you're excited that the clock in the z you just bought still works...but your friends are suprised and awed.


When you pull up to park and the guy standing there says "nice Porche"


When you're at work and you have to stop helping customers to go out and look at the rusted out b210 that just pulled up.

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You know you own a Datsun when:

This thread has enough people commenting to have 15 pages...

You carry a small shop complete with car jacks, fluid and welder, IN your car.

Your mattress sits on 4 L series motors all in various stages of upgrade/repair

When you can't decide if motor work is repair or upgrade :rofl:

When you buy parts for Datsun's from the JY because you know someone on Ratsun has been looking for it for years.(need an OEM 280z radio?)

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...when everyone you work with is so used to you BSing about your car, that they ask "hows the car?"


...when your high school english teacher reads an essay you wrote and sarcastically says, "ahh yes, the Datsun 510, the GREATEST vehicle ever made..."


... You memorized the parts interchange system...


...there are NO mysteries in your car, no system untouched...


...you bought your first datsun at 17, ten years later your still not done...

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haha me too!! except i was 16..and i'm 19 now, but the z is still a long ways off...in other news


...when you find tools INSIDE your engine (found the tip of a flathead in my oil pan)


...when your radio is made by webber or mikuni


...when people ask "does this thing have an exhaust?" (true story :P and most of yours are louder than mine)


...when you roll down the window when you see a tunnel coming...and you drop a gear or two :P


...when your cars have more seats than cupholders


...when you get out of your car and close your door and smile every time, even though there is almost always something wrong with it


...when you actually like the smell of exhaust not just in the morning but any time of day


and my biggest one:

...when every time you park your car it is impossible for you not to turn around and admire it no matter how beat to shit it may be

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and my biggest one:

...when every time you park your car it is impossible for you not to turn around and admire it no matter how beat to shit it may be

I definitely agree with this one.

But it's not only to admire my Z's fine ass, but also to see what's leaking this time... :lol:

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