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uieluck last won the day on April 2 2011

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About uieluck

  • Birthday 06/12/1973

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Denver Metro
  • Cars
    2011 Nissan Frontier, 1971 Datsun 510 4 Door
  • Interests
    Hockey, Datsun's, 510's, Snowboarding, Motocross

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  1. Whoa!!!! That's a HUGE angle and difference! Thanks, datzenmike!
  2. Stoffregen,,,, Can I see a picture for an example? Thank you!
  3. Does anybody know where I can buy new linkage for my throttle control? The ball joints pop off when getting jiggy with the gas pedal. Or better yet, is there a better option? This is from a 1971 Datsun 510, with a L20 with a Weber. Thanks!
  4. Do any of these other images "help" with identifying with WHAT I have?
  5. Here are some better shots of the rear.
  6. Sweeeeet!!! Thank you! Now, here comes the really DUMB question? Is there a way to tell from "markings" or a stamp? And maybe the dumbest question..... Is it a SR20DET? 🤦‍♂️
  7. Can somebody please help my identify this SR?
  8. Thanks guys!! Looking into all ^ these options. Do you think my air compressor is powerful enough? I have this one: https://www.harborfreight.com/air-tools-compressors/air-compressors-tanks/21-gallon-175-psi-oil-free-vertical-air-compressor-64858.html
  9. Hey guys… A tool question? I’ve been struggling with getting a few bolts LOOSE (on smaller semi’s), not my Datsun. I’m running a Harbor Freight 175psi, 1.5HP, 20 gallon oilless air compressor. Along with THESE Husky air tools (v). I’m having a problem with power! Where this setup would be “ok” for some applications, it DEFINITELY doesn’t loosing the bolts on my semi frame. Does someone have a suggestion in what I should run? Specifically, how can I get enough power to loosen larger bolts? Thanks!!
  10. Hey there. I was hoping to get an eye on a commercial truck I am planning on buying (unfortunately not a Datsun). I’d like to get it looked at: asap. I’ll throw $20 your way. I’m located in the Denver metro area, and a truck I’m close to buying is in Livermore, CA. Would somebody be willing to go out to: 542 McGraw Ave, Livermore, CA 94551 Please DM me. Or you can email me at: bluebird510@yahoo.com Thanks, Todd
  11. Eddy67, where are you located?

    1. Eddy67


      I am in California the car is on ontario canada

  12. This is disgusting. Absolutely stunning! Sooooooooo jelly! Awesome build man.
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