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my sons in a coma

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we received a call(my wife and i) this morning at 8am arizona time, some time last night the police in san antonio tx(that is where he lives) found my son derick along the side of the road barely alive with severe head trauma,they have no idea who or what happened, as he is out and there was no one around, the police received an annonamos 911 call, they rushed him to the hospital and that is where my daughter and ex-wife have been, my daughter called us from there, all i ask is that every one keep him lifted up in prayer, the doctors put him on a breathing machine and are hoping that he stabilizes later today or tomorrow, then they will move him out of trauma to the icu, we are trying to figure out how to come up with the funds for me to get to texas, please every one keep us lifted up in prayer, i will keep every one posted, GOD Blees, tom

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Tom My prayers go out to you and you family and to your son... do you have a paypal address??? I say the Ratsun community needs to get together to help this man out and get him to Texas, I will gladly start with a $50 dollar donation for him just need a paypal address



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Tom, Money sent... Come on Ratsun I am by no means rich or well off in the money area but when it comes to stuff like this when another person is in need I find away to help out even though I dont know this man he needs our help and I found away to help him dig deep my friends even a $5 spot can get him closer to seeing his son






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I'm In. I've had the pleasure of meeting Tom and he is a great guy. Has helped me out in the Datto world a couple times!


Tom, Sorry to hear about your son. Your in my thoughts and Prayers. Hope you will soon get through these tough times. Miss seeing you on "Desert Datsuns" site lately.


God bless you both my friend,


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Terrible thing to hear :(


Tom, Money sent... Come on Ratsun I am by no means rich or well off in the money area but when it comes to stuff like this when another person is in need I find away to help out even though I dont know this man he needs our help and I found away to help him dig deep my friends even a $5 spot can get him closer to seeing his son










Ratsun has always rallied up to help members in need.


sending somthin your way Tom.



even a few bucks will add up quick guys, Ratsun has an amazing community and the numbers to make shit happen.

lets get Tom to Texas.

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I truly sorry to hear about your son. In all my sincerity I pray for the best for your son.

I don't know who you are and I have no idea who your son is, however I can empathize with you right now and have some sense of your feelings.

My daughter died a little over than a year ago so I am familiar with serious medical trauma.

I'll definitely keep you and your son in my thoughts. If money will help let me know I can donate a little,, there are also fundraising websites that could help in a even etc.

I hope you are able to be with your son. Thinking of you. T—

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thx to all, i did not come on hear to ask for money, thank you to all my brothers and sisters out there i ratsun land, i am very very indebted to you all and i know the Lord GOD will repay all of you 100 times over for your compassion and generousity, i will be lifting you all up in prayers, once again thank you from the bottom of my heart, tom

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thx to all, i did not come on hear to ask for money, thank you to all my brothers and sisters out there i ratsun land, i am very very indebted to you all and i know the Lord GOD will repay all of you 100 times over for your compassion and generousity, i will be lifting you all up in prayers, once again thank you from the bottom of my heart, tom



Ratsun is a community

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Im choosing to go without smokes today to send the 6$ I have and my best wishes your way.

Thus is a truly sad event, I cant imagune how it,feals and I pray it works out, and the driver comes foward.


My paypal is emty , i called my mother to send a donation for me, hope it helps.

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