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Canby 2012: Are we there yet?


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So, question, I just went looking to register online. Pretty sure I missed it. Not that big a deal, technically they never really run out of camping spots in the field, right? Should be okay to register for a spot when I get there?

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No...the picture is you...get it??




Didn`t even notice that that was even at the bottom of my posts ..it was a Ratsun members quote on another site about the people on here, he used as to show how " su-fisticated" and mature he was as compared to us...but dont remember putting it on there at all..Which is even creepier than an old guy posting childish things in order to prove his own maturity ... :huh:

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No camping Elmer? :crying:


Nope, truck and trailer will be loaded for my move back to KY and the dogs will be at the motel.




*shakes head* I really think that real life goof in the oic needs to get a real life! lol.


You leave me alone, GOSH!


As long as Elmer leaves his hood for us to play with again, we'll be okay I guess.


sidenote: why is your signature so redundant?


working on it, just got to find a worthy new owner, sig will be updated soon.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Nope, truck and trailer will be loaded for my move back to KY and the dogs will be at the motel.




*shakes head* I really think that goof in the oic needs to get a real life! lol.




because im a dick that way


I saw what you did there elmer :rofl:

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Hey Farmer, are we picking you up for the Datsun rolling train on our way down? I'm trying to get my buddy Regy to go with, but he has to work on Friday, which means we would have to leave after work on Friday and get there very early on Saturday (missing the Boner's fairy train). OR, we could leave super early on Saturday and get there mid day Saturday. I'm not a fan of either plan. Which means Regy, if he comes with wifey and kid, may have to drive in their Honda car down to the event because I want to caravan with Datsuns on Friday.


I'm not sure Bill has posted his news or wants to, but I'm hoping he still has the time to caravan and is planning on it. Hard to talk to him anymore, he's always busy! ;) You know I love you Bill.


We should probably start a Datsuns rolling thread to coordinate the inland Northwest WA and lower Idaho people. It can wait a little bit though.

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Hey Farmer, are we picking you up for the Datsun rolling train on our way down? I'm trying to get my buddy Regy to go with, but he has to work on Friday, which means we would have to leave after work on Friday and get there very early on Saturday (missing the Boner's fairy train). OR, we could leave super early on Saturday and get there mid day Saturday. I'm not a fan of either plan. Which means Regy, if he comes with wifey and kid, may have to drive in their Honda car down to the event because I want to caravan with Datsuns on Friday.


I'm not sure Bill has posted his news or wants to, but I'm hoping he still has the time to caravan and is planning on it. Hard to talk to him anymore, he's always busy! ;) You know I love you Bill.


We should probably start a Datsuns rolling thread to coordinate the inland Northwest WA and lower Idaho people. It can wait a little bit though.


Thats what I was thinking too Matt! We gonna meet up like we did last year. There should be 3 vehicles in our caravan from Boise. Meet up at A & W in Hermiston again??


I have been talking to Billl a little bit aboot this, he says meetin up there sounds good again. I guess we just need some specifics meow like time and all yes??

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im so excited the time off has been confirmed (first thing i said in the interview was i couldnt work the days of the show) and got the cash for the gas and i get paid right before hand so maybe some parts cash :D gonna make one more little mod to the datto before heading out on friday

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Hey Farmer, are we picking you up for the Datsun rolling train on our way down?


I was like :blink: but realize you meant Farmer Joe. LOL


9 days and Im wondering how am I going to make. Im with Siqx20, funds are super low. Trying to sell some parts to get traveling and spending money for Canby. Was going to be there Friday night, but may have to replan.



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Don't hate Tristin! As long as all goes as planned with the 510, we'll have an open seat if you really want to come..... just saying. The offer is on the table, and we've got space in our tent. I know it's not the same going without your own car, but you're more than welcome to come with us if it comes down to it.

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@Matt, yeah im heading up there with jayden... im gonna have wide with me..


another local guy here with the white 710 is saying he totally down and was going to be going. he was gonna meet me in caldwell friday around 6 630am hopefully, so we can be in baker to meet up with jayden an chester...


ive still gotta lock all this down, but thats the idea..

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I can't wait. It would be nice to bring my truck this year but to be safe and know I wont have to worry about a clutch going out, I will be riding with jayden.

When were you going to tell me :confused:


you heard it first on the Canby thread :rofl:

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