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              These protesters remind me of the Earth First protesters - they had their chants,

drum circles,& screamed about how important saving the Earth was to them.It seems that

most of them didn't have a clue & it was just a party.You don't hear anything from them anymore.

            Where are they now?Why aren't they protesting the illegal pot growers who diverted streams,

poisoned wildlife,& polluted the countryside with their leaking diesel generators?

             It's all about getting attention. 

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51 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I already said that if you are pro Hamas, you side with the enemies of the US. Further Hamas is not the same as Palestinians. They are just a group of displaced people. Hamas is a military group that slithered into a political vacuum in the Gaza Strip. Good luck trying to separate them. There is unlikely to be peace while Hamas is in charge.

I'm sure Palestians aren't condemning the group that is fighting their sworn enemy. By what Google says, Palestinian support for Hamas is growing.


Also you guys give those college students way too much credit. 99% of them know less about what they're out there protesting about than I do. Most of them are there just to get online brownie points. Which is the reason they do a majority of what they do in life. 



Edited by IZRL
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29 minutes ago, IZRL said:

I'm sure Palestians aren't condemning the group that is fighting their sworn enemy. By what Google says, Palestinian support for Hamas is growing.




Well they are getting the shit kicked out of them by the Israeli Defense Forces. I already said that Arab nations hate each other and won't help them. Iran doesn't give a fuck they use Hamas as a proxy. I also said the US could do something but they will wait till it is just short of over and then step in and a peace negotiator. So those on the fence are seeing their homes and families being destroyed in what amounts to a genocide. What the hell else can they do? there is no choice. 

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39 minutes ago, angliagt said:

              These protesters remind me of the Earth First protesters - they had their chants,

drum circles,& screamed about how important saving the Earth was to them.It seems that

most of them didn't have a clue & it was just a party.You don't hear anything from them anymore.

            Where are they now?Why aren't they protesting the illegal pot growers who diverted streams,

poisoned wildlife,& polluted the countryside with their leaking diesel generators?

             It's all about getting attention. 


Where are they now?? They grew up, got jobs and families. He drives a Beemer, she an SUV.

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Yeah no. They've been at war for ever and a half. The hatred for Israel flows through their veins. If what you're saying is true. Than Palestine has the choice to temporarily join Israel in fighting against Hamas to stop the "genocide" as you call it.

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That's unlikely as Israel is just carpet bombing everything. Basically to get rid of Hamas you have to totally wipe out the Gaza Strip. Joining Israel might not even speed up the end just kill more Palestinians. It's very fucked.    

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4 hours ago, yenpit said:

I think the biggest issue we have, is being able to distinguish between good Palestinian people vs the bad Palestinian people & Hamas.

I am with you in concept, but not that is it the biggest issue "we" (Israel/United States)have. It is the biggest issue "they"(Arabs) have. They either distance themselves from those acting against the United States or hope the bomb don't hit you, where the good Lord split you. "Distancing" could mean physical distance, disavow, spy, inform, and/or aide the United States. 

Korea/Vietnam/Ukraine/Iraq - limited warfare has proven useless since antiquity and re confirmed in the last FOUR most recent conflicts. It is not worth putting the lives of citizens of the United States at risk, going neighborhood to neighborhood attempting to "ferret" out "Bad" actors. 


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28 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

That's unlikely as Israel is just carpet bombing everything. Basically to get rid of Hamas you have to totally wipe out the Gaza Strip. Joining Israel might not even speed up the end just kill more Palestinians. It's very fucked.

All I'm saying is that there are other options if they truly were against Hamas. It's not that the have no other choice as you said. Also the current administration is not currently with Israel on this. As they are funding the protest. So no they're not just waiting for things to be almost over to intervene. There is something about this conflict that is benefiting America's agenda. If people havent caught on to the fact that America only "helps" other countries or attacks other countries when it benefits them.


Here's something else for you to chew on. In a time when groups like "Moms for liberty", and other right leaning groups. Are being labeled as terrorists or extremist groups by the DOJ and the left. Why haven't ANTIFA and these protestors been classified the same way? I mean seriously! The protestors are literally chanting death to America, they are supporting a terrorist organization, and they're wearing the terrorists uniform. Why because they're doing the left's dirty work. I'm telling you. It's hard not getting sucked back in to the left vs right argument. When the left is clearly fucking up way more than the right at this time. 

Edited by IZRL
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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:


I don't agree. When in the US for any reason you abide by US laws and at the same time you are protected by the constitution. Terrorists are not thrown in jail without due process nor are the kept in jail without trial. Surprisingly they have rights.

Why? People foreign and domestic abide by US laws, because there are (or should be) sufficient negative consequences to deter non compliance.The Constitution was written for the citizens of the United States. Without regard to the ramblings of some liberal communist judges and people, freedom isn't free (and birthright citizenship should be abolished) you pay for freedom when you pledge loyalty to the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands. (Which should return to a daily occurrence) you pay for your freedom by being a productive citizen, by fighting against those who oppose the Constitution, both foreign and domestic, by being servant to your community and your country. I will concede there are certain "human" rights . However, I believe in the ultimate autonomy of the individual, which includes the ability to forfeit one's humanity. Aside from basic human rights, all other community considerations of the individual should be, must be, earned.

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16 hours ago, IZRL said:

All I'm saying is that there are other options if they truly were against Hamas. It's not that the have no other choice as you said. Also the current administration is not currently with Israel on this. As they are funding the protest. So no they're not just waiting for things to be almost over to intervene. There is something about this conflict that is benefiting America's agenda. If people havent caught on to the fact that America only "helps" other countries or attacks other countries when it benefits them.




Officially not with Israel because it does not want to be seen supporting what amounts to a slaughter. Everyone in the Middle East knows who Israel's patron and benefactor is.


Why would you help or attack other countries if it didn't benefit you? Something benefiting America's agenda? Well look at it this way, with clandestine support Israel gets rid of Hamas or sets them back a decade or more. I should imagine Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon are watching closely. Nice little lesson there. A little saber rattling.   



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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Well they are getting the shit kicked out of them by the Israeli Defense Forces. I already said that Arab nations hate each other and won't help them. Iran doesn't give a fuck they use Hamas as a proxy. I also said the US could do something but they will wait till it is just short of over and then step in and a peace negotiator. So those on the fence are seeing their homes and families being destroyed in what amounts to a genocide. What the hell else can they do? there is no choice. 


4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

That's unlikely as Israel is just carpet bombing everything. Basically to get rid of Hamas you have to totally wipe out the Gaza Strip. Joining Israel might not even speed up the end just kill more Palestinians. It's very fucked.    


Where do you get the idea that Israel is carpet bombing the Palestinians or there is an actual genocide occurring?

Were you aware that before Israel moves into each area they give notice to the civilians and give them time to move out, then the military moves in?



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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:

The law of the land is the law of the land. Same with the constitution it applies to everybody.

In some cases yes. Now imagine actually upholding the law of the land. Because it's not being done which means it's not the law of the land. Our constitution requires a President to secure our borders and keep us safe. He's not. He's done the opposite. It also says states have a sovereign right for a protected border. Texas applies it and they get sued ? 

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6 hours ago, Ooph! said:



Where do you get the idea that Israel is carpet bombing the Palestinians or there is an actual genocide occurring?

Were you aware that before Israel moves into each area they give notice to the civilians and give them time to move out, then the military moves in?



33,000 killed. So... is that working? Maybe they are all Hamas then?

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


33,000 killed. So... is that working? Maybe they are all Hamas then?


Where did the number come from?

The Gaza strip is 360 sq km of land, a B52 dropping 500lb bombs can cover an area 1 mi by 1/4 mi that would be about 900 sorties to completely cover the strip. In comparison Operation Iraqi freedom had 41000 sorties in a one month period.

Logically with a population of 2,141,643 (CIA Fact book) there'd be a hell of a lot more dead with that type of indiscriminate bombing.



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13 hours ago, datzenmike said:

The law of the land is the law of the land. Same with the constitution it applies to everybody.

Agreed. The Supreme Court has ruled that the Constitution applies to everybody and birthright citizenship is the practice of the United States. I do not argue what is, I advance the position it should not be. 

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1 hour ago, Ooph! said:


Where did the number come from?

The Gaza strip is 360 sq km of land, a B52 dropping 500lb bombs can cover an area 1 mi by 1/4 mi that would be about 900 sorties to completely cover the strip. In comparison Operation Iraqi freedom had 41000 sorties in a one month period.

Logically with a population of 2,141,643 (CIA Fact book) there'd be a hell of a lot more dead with that type of indiscriminate bombing.



I support our alliance with Israel and the following would be in opposition, but isn't it tempting that 1800 bombs (twice to be sure) could be dropped and in less than two days (a little over 32 hours)and the matter would be resolved. Or even better, a couple small nukes, so not only is the entire region leveled the "Holy Land" is uninhabitable for the next 1000 years. At least that would give the world new shit to fight about or new premise to fight about the same shit.


I am bored with this conflict that started long before I was born and most likely will continue long after I am dead

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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:


Where did the number come from?

The Gaza strip is 360 sq km of land, a B52 dropping 500lb bombs can cover an area 1 mi by 1/4 mi that would be about 900 sorties to completely cover the strip. In comparison Operation Iraqi freedom had 41000 sorties in a one month period.

Logically with a population of 2,141,643 (CIA Fact book) there'd be a hell of a lot more dead with that type of indiscriminate bombing.




On line first I came to. If it's really 50,000 or 20,000 fine. It's a large number. I believe prior warning was given. Not everyone in the world can just up stakes and move. And move where? Egypt wasn't letting them in, ocean the other way and Israel the other two. No food no water no transportation, walk to where? 

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56 minutes ago, frankendat said:

I am bored with this conflict that started long before I was born and most likely will continue long after I am dead




It was about three years old when I was born so I grew up with a lot of it. Usually after an attack Israel would strike back and almost always humiliate the aggressor by destroying their army, men and taking land away or all three. You look and say to yourself WTF? Why would you attack someone without knowing you had a good chance of winning? I think it's hate, it blinds the Arabs to the reality of things. They hate each other, can't get along with each other, can't co-operate with each other and want to be the big cheese in the Middle East that kicked the Jews out. To add salt to the wound look what the Jews have made of their country in the last 75 years while the ones around them are shit holes. (figuratively speaking) They could have got along and shared in some of the prosperity, but nooooo! 

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Hamas/Palestinians stomped on the Tigers tail and now are suffering the consequences. Funny thing is in thier mind they think they are winning. Egypt doesn't want any of them entering thier country for a reason. Maybe we should learn from Egypt and Isreal how to run a border.

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Is it possible not be an anti-semite simply because they think Netanyah's military response has gone too far? Is it posable the vast majority of Palestinians being killed are peaceful and not Jew hating terrorists, but are victims of Manas? It's beyond ignorant to think all Jews, Israelis, Palestinians, or those protesting this war are of same mindset. This war has many groups protesting it for many reasons. 


With any conflict, you can rely on our news for reports that are tailored to a particular perspective. In this age of information, it's next to impossible to find reliable data. According to the United Nations Relief Works Agency, as of 24 April 2024, over 35,000 people, 34,262 Palestinian and 1,410 Israeli civilians have been reported as killed in this war. Also reported are 97 journalists, (92 Palestinian, 2 Israeli, and 3 Lebanese), and over 224 humanitarian aid workers, 179 of whom were employees of UNRWA. 

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