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13 hours ago, datzenmike said:

You got that right. Print more money.

Sound like something AOC tweeted just recently.



Mike, you forgot the sarcasm font.

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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Ask any Ukrainian if they liked being under Russian rule 30 years ago. Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia, Croatia and Albania all former Warsaw Pact nations joined NATO so Ukraine isn't alone in wanting to be shed of Russian influence. These are all former nations trampled by Russia.

I don't know. The dozen or so Ukrainians I have met, the ones in America are very anti-Russia, but they were very religious and Russia is not supportive of religious. The ones overseas claimed to be proud of being Russian, but if they spoke poorly of Russia, the KGB (or whatever they're calling it now) might pay them a visit. I was unable to ascertain if the threat of being silenced was "real" for the average Ukrainian. It is (and was) apparent that if a Ukrainian was disparaging the Motherland and it went TikTok viral, or something of the sort, problems were very likely to follow. All of them were fluent in Russian and spoke it, even amongst themselves. Both groups of Ukrainians are hard core conservatives and "republicans" by default-when we discussed American politics, they complained most republicans are to liberal, but all the ones I met were white, so no help there. 
A paragraph later to say, I don't know. 
I would like some real investigative journalist (Is that an oxymoron?) to provide a fact based rationale for why Putin invaded Ukraine (besides speculation regarding his mental state)
Like my last post, both I and America have become "half-assed" in this case to avoid a nuclear incident, but half-assed nonetheless. I have yet to hear of a plan to aide Ukraine that I thought would do more than increase debt and risk to America. What I do know is America being a "charitable" nation has gotten out of hand and if/when we risk our economy and soldiers there has to be something in it for us. (e.g. large sections of the middle east should be republics under our control and oil should be greatly reduced or free) In sum, I want tangible, as opposed to philosophical/speculative evidence for how it aides America. (Claims that it would help "the world" are not enough)

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9 hours ago, IZRL said:


Who gives a damn about everyone else when you're own house is falling apart. 

Well shit, you said in a sentence what took me a page, wait a minute, maybe I should get a government job.

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4 hours ago, KELMO said:

Sound like something AOC tweeted just recently.



Mike, you forgot the sarcasm font.


2 hours ago, john510 said:

No sarcasm font needed. I think he was serious. 


I wuz, seriously, high.

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18 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Ask any Ukrainian if they liked being under Russian rule 30 years ago. Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia, Croatia and Albania all former Warsaw Pact nations joined NATO so Ukraine isn't alone in wanting to be shed of Russian influence. These are all former nations trampled by Russia.


No Ukranian that I have ever known in Montana or elsewhere ever had a good word to say about Russia! "Hated their guts" is a mild approximation of their opinion. When Krushiev visited America the U.S. State Dept mistakenly scheduled him for a trip to Conrad MT as payback for their supplying Russia with Red Wheat seed to restart Russian starvation due to a crop failure.  When the State Department sent an advance team to smooth the visit, they got a full-blown hate reaction so changed the farm visit to the Midwest.

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38 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Look at all the drug income...

Ironic Mike. The drug income is what fuels much of the violence people south of the border are trying to escape. We are our own worst enemies financing the cartels that wreak havic in the general population and corruption in the gov. All this misery because of a population that wants to get high on illicit drugs. Do what I do, just guzzle large quantities of IPAs.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Stalin's been dead for 70 years and Melania Trump isn't Ukrainian. 



Hitler and the Nazis dead even longer but the Jews haven't forgotten.


What made you think I said she was?



2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So where's Melania? 



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32 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



Hitler and the Nazis dead even longer but the Jews haven't forgotten.


What made you think I said she was?





You mentioned starving Ukrainians and Melania. Are you high again ? 

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 Ukraine asked begged to join NATO way back in 1994 because of Kremlin puppet master Putin's constant incursions into their territory. Ukraine was given a path in 2008 and Putin used political means to sabotage it. With help from the Ukrainian pro-Russian separatists he created, in 2014 Putin annexed Crimea and invaded Eastern Ukraine. Obama rejected the US taking a lead role in defending Ukraine and ending Russia's war, delegating responsibility to EU nations. Putin saw this as a sign of softening in America's relationship with Europe. Safe to say, with Obama's VP in office, Putin's invasion in 2022 was running under the assumption that Biden would do the same. If you don't think Ukraine and NATO are of strategic interest to our security, you don't understand their military and geopolitical significance. If you're interested in historical fact, take off the Russian made tin foil hat and read this.




Fuck the political media propaganda, and X10 in an election year. Some perspective beyond the vitriolic programing.


The US has spent $75 billion supporting Ukraine. UK, Northern Europe, and EU/NATO countries combined spent $148 billion.


In terms of % of national GDP spent fighting the war, for Ukraine it's 32.7%, Russia it's 17% (and all their weapons manufacturing is state owned), For us, it's 0.32% of our GDP. California's alone is bigger than Russia's GDP.


It cost the US nearly $8 trillion to put our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Haliburton made $50 billion Iraq from no bid contracts, and Chaney's shares in the company  jumped to $600 million, until he got caught. War and corruption are one in the same.


Edited by paradime
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

So, pending questions...


Where's Melania? Theories?


How well was Tucker's interview received? 


She's hiding from the old orange is the new tan.


As for Tucker playing in Putin's propaganda gameshow, it depends on what flavor of BS you choose. General analysis is he came off looking as attention hungry as Jeraldo Rivera. After a week of justifiable criticism, even Alex Jones dropped it. 

Edited by paradime
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1 hour ago, paradime said:

The US has spent $75 billion supporting Ukraine. UK, Northern Europe, and EU/NATO countries combined spent $148 billion.


In terms of % of national GDP spent fighting the war, for Ukraine it's 32.7%, Russia it's 17% (and all their weapons manufacturing is state owned), For us, it's 0.32% of our GDP. California's alone is bigger than Russia's GDP.


It cost the US nearly $8 trillion to put our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Haliburton made $50 billion Iraq from no bid contracts, and Chaney's shares in the company  jumped to $600 million, until he got caught. War and corruption are one in the same.




You're throwing a whole lot of numbers around. But you forget You're talking about a deadbeat country. We are broke. We don't have two nickels to rub together.


Let me give you another mathematical equation. What is -$34trillion + -$1 ? It's -$34trillion and $1. 


The US gov is turning you're hard earned dollars into monopoly money. And you're over here talking like "oh its only a billion here and a billion there". The way things are going, the US dollar will replace toilet paper. Oh we're gonna have plenty to go around but it ain't going to be worth shit.



Edited by IZRL
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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So, pending questions...


Where's Melania? Theories?


How well was Tucker's interview received? 

Where's Melania ? Where she should be. Probably raising her son, staying out of the limelight and politics because at this point why should she stick her nose into it ? Unlike others (HilLIARy Clinton and Michael Obama) she's staying out of it for now apparently. I can respect that. Those other two should STFU and go do the laundry.

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So, pending questions...


Where's Melania? Theories?


How well was Tucker's interview received? 


I don't remember Melania being in the spotlight very much, during this country's BEST Presidential term in many years (see what I did there?).  Michelle (Michael?) & Dr Jill, seem to have been around more...........??  Michelle likely cuz Obama wanted to take advantage of his "woman of color" wife/First Lady, & Dr Jill cuz she has to hold/pick up Brandon all the time!!!!!!!! 🤣😆🤣 


I gathered that Tucker's interview went over quite well with conservatives, but of course the liberals ran with ANY smear they could conjure up!! 

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She helped with the '16 campaign and all runners have their wives involved but not this time. People are wondering WTF? Melania not supporting Trump? Riding in separate vehicles at the funeral refusing to hold hands. She's had enough and want's out of her contract.



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