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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:



Russia Russia Russia!!!


Boomers will get this.


27 minutes ago, Ooph! said:

Okay I admit to being 2 sheets to the wind.

Middle sister from the Brady Bunch? Grey hair photoshopped?





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7 hours ago, john510 said:

I know we've all been taught/conditioned to hate Putin and Russia but have an open mind and watch some of the Tucker Carlson interview. I'm watching bits and pieces of it and it makes me wonder if he's really all that bad compared to what we have running our country right now. I learned that the Biden administration tried to keep Carlson from doing that interview. They tried to keep Fox news from doing it while Carlson was still employed there. WTF is that shit ? 

People falling out windows doesn't alert you to Putin doing shady shit?

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12 hours ago, john510 said:

I know we've all been taught/conditioned to hate Putin and Russia but have an open mind and watch some of the Tucker Carlson interview. I'm watching bits and pieces of it and it makes me wonder if he's really all that bad compared to what we have running our country right now. I learned that the Biden administration tried to keep Carlson from doing that interview. They tried to keep Fox news from doing it while Carlson was still employed there. WTF is that shit ? 

Sorry I don't get this kind of attitude where Putin may not be "That Bad". The Man is a dictator responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides. All of this misery and destruction because of an old man's ego? I don't see how what has happened over the last two years can be overlooked or somehow forgiven? Please enlighten me!

Edited by bottomwatcher
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The most noticeable thing about the last 8 years of Russia collusion propaganda bombardment from the left is the fact that they are the party historically sympathetic and in league with the USSR/Russians since the 1920's.  Again deflection for those too stupid to know the history.


Oh, and Mr, Obama (go ahead take Crimea...) famously caught on open mic telling the President of Russia that he would have a lot more flexibility to deal with them once he is reelected.  Don't fall for this Save Ukraine! stuff from the left.  It's all smoke and mirrors, since they historically have been supportive of Communist government (which modern Russia still retains aspects of).  This is not a statement of support for Putin, as I think he is a despicable person in many ways, and ultimately cares not what harm is inflicted on his own people as he satisfies his ego.


Find and read the book The Candy Bombers about the Berlin Airlift.  Democrats at the time were all about appeasement and giving in to the USSR and surrendering Berlln.


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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

Sorry I don't get this kind of attitude where Putin may not be "That Bad". The Man is a dictator responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides. All of this misery and destruction because of an old man's ego? I don't see how what has happened over the last two years can be overlooked or somehow forgiven? Please enlighten me!

I didn't say he's not that bad. I'm questioning what the media and our own Government tells us about him. I actually watched some of the interview, did you ? "all this misery and destruction because of an old man's ego" Sounds like something we could say about Biden huh ? How many wars has that jackass got us involved in now ? How did I know what I typed would be taken out of context and misunderstood as some kind of defense for Putin ? 

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You wondered if he wasn't that bad.  



13 hours ago, john510 said:

I know we've all been taught/conditioned to hate Putin and Russia but have an open mind and watch some of the Tucker Carlson interview. I'm watching bits and pieces of it and it makes me wonder if he's really all that bad compared to what we have running our country right now. I learned that the Biden administration tried to keep Carlson from doing that interview. They tried to keep Fox news from doing it while Carlson was still employed there. WTF is that shit ? 


He's a despot and a tyrant and the antithesis of American values. Congrats Vladimir and the left, you've worn down some American's resolve. Maybe a Nobel for peace is in order for your invasion to save Ukraine is on the horizon.

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8 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Sorry I don't get this kind of attitude where Putin may not be "That Bad". The Man is a dictator responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides. All of this misery and destruction because of an old man's ego? I don't see how what has happened over the last two years can be overlooked or somehow forgiven? Please enlighten me!

So giving a country's leader the title of President vs Dictator makes sacrificing your youth and the youth of other countries for the sole purpose of advancing your personal agenda justifiable? Does anyone have any idea how many deaths of both innocent and the military the United states is directly or indirectly responsible for? I wouldn't be surprised if America has been the cause of more death than all other countries combined. Who decides what countries personal agenda is more important than the others? So Americans are the only people who are allowed to fight and kill for the sole purpose of maintaining their countries ideals and personal agenda? Putin's country and country's heritage are his top priority. Most Americans live in a bubble thinking America's well being and survival should be the rest of the worlds top priority. I hate to break it to you, but its not and it shouldn't be.


George W. Bush making the false claims that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction. Our government invaded and destroyed a country and executed their leader for what Oil? Or to further America's ultimate agenda? Yeah Hussain was a piece of shit but that's beside the point.


"No one knows with certainty how many people have been killed and wounded in Iraq since the 2003 United States invasion. However, we know that between 280,771 and 315,190 have died from direct war related violence caused by the U.S., its allies, the Iraqi military and police, and opposition forces from the time of the invasion through March 2023."


Attacks on 9/11. No one really knows for sure if the U.S. Gov had anything to do with the attacks on 9/11. But we can all agree that the information the Gov was giving us and what civilians/Emergency response that were in ground zero that day didn't match up. Was this just an excuse for America to keep a stranglehold on the Middle East? Yes, I know this is one of the most controversial "conspiracies" in modern times. Before anyone starts sounding off about it. I'm 80/20 on this one.


The tweaking and leak of Covid-19. The US Gov was funding this Lab and its' gain of function research. Then turns around and has the audacity to place all blame on China 🤣. Americas hands are stained with the blood of millions of people who died and continue to die till this day from covid-19.


And this is only part of what death and destruction America has been responsible from 2003 to present day. Should I keep going?


6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

He's a despot and a tyrant and the antithesis of American values. Congrats Vladimir and the left, you've worn down some American's resolve. Maybe a Nobel for peace is in order for your invasion to save Ukraine is on the horizon.

Why should our interests be his main priority? This goes for the rest of the world as well. How is believing that Putin has some good traits a sign of weakness?



Edited by IZRL
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Keep the eye on the prize. If you start seeing your enemy in a favorable light you are already well on your way to giving up the fight, and this is how wars are won and lost. Weaken and erode your enemy's resolve, make him second guess his own motives. 

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19 hours ago, datzenmike said:


There is NO FUCKING WAY Putin would agree to an interview without knowing the questions or disallowing others and per recording it so he can edit it for local consumption. Putin ain't Prince Andrew! His intent will be to make himself look like the victim. So you've been warned.


So.... did Tucker once put Putin on the spot? Did he ask the hard questions? Was Putin ever on the spot? Did he give evasive answers? Did he get mad and storm out?


I didn't watch. So you tell me. Was I right and he only told you what best served his purposes? Tucker, you are Putin's pawn sucking up to both sides.

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51 minutes ago, IZRL said:

So giving a country's leader the title of President vs Dictator makes sacrificing your youth and the youth of other countries for the sole purpose of advancing your personal agenda justifiable? Does anyone have any idea how many deaths of both innocent and the military the United states is directly or indirectly responsible for? I wouldn't be surprised if America has been the cause of more death than all other countries combined. Who decides what countries personal agenda is more important than the others? So Americans are the only people who are allowed to fight and kill for the sole purpose of maintaining their countries ideals and personal agenda? Putin's country and country's heritage are his top priority. Most Americans live in a bubble thinking America's well being and survival should be the rest of the worlds top priority. I hate to break it to you, but its not and it shouldn't be.


George W. Bush making the false claims that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction. Our government invaded and destroyed a country and executed their leader for what Oil? Or to further America's ultimate agenda? Yeah Hussain was a piece of shit but that's beside the point.


"No one knows with certainty how many people have been killed and wounded in Iraq since the 2003 United States invasion. However, we know that between 280,771 and 315,190 have died from direct war related violence caused by the U.S., its allies, the Iraqi military and police, and opposition forces from the time of the invasion through March 2023."


Attacks on 9/11. No one really knows for sure if the U.S. Gov had anything to do with the attacks on 9/11. But we can all agree that the information the Gov was giving us and what civilians/Emergency response that were in ground zero that day didn't match up. Was this just an excuse for America to keep a stranglehold on the Middle East? Yes, I know this is one of the most controversial "conspiracies" in modern times. Before anyone starts sounding off about it. I'm 80/20 on this one.


The tweaking and leak of Covid-19. The US Gov was funding this Lab and its' gain of function research. Then turns around and has the audacity to place all blame on China 🤣. Americas hands are stained with the blood of millions of people who died and continue to die till this day from covid-19.


And this is only part of what death and destruction America has been responsible from 2003 to present day. Should I keep going?


Why should our interests be his main priority? This goes for the rest of the world as well. How is believing that Putin has some good traits a sign of weakness?



You have some good points. The US isn't blameless for unnecessary deaths around the world. Putin invaded a sovereign nation that posed no real threat to him. Turns out he bit off bigger than he could chew. The 3 days rations he gave to his soldiers during the initial invasion seems a little optimistic now? Funny how hard people will fight to save thier homes and country. So what was the real reason for the invasion? Oh yeah, Nazies. Funny thing is Putin is the one resembling a Nazi. Bombing cities and residential areas daily with missiles and drones. Executing civilians and even his own soldiers when the show "Poor performance" on the battlefield. Even his "Meat assaults" with his own troops shows a total disregard for human life. There is nothing to admire about piece of shit of a Man. Tucker is the so loose with the truth Journalist even Faux news kicked him to the curb. Might be interesting but since you can't believe a word either man says probably not.

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8 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

You have some good points. The US isn't blameless for unnecessary deaths around the world. Putin invaded a sovereign nation that posed no real threat to him. Turns out he bit off bigger than he could chew. The 3 days rations he gave to his soldiers during the initial invasion seems a little optimistic now? Funny how hard people will fight to save thier homes and country. So what was the real reason for the invasion? Oh yeah, Nazies. Funny thing is Putin is the one resembling a Nazi. Bombing cities and residential areas daily with missiles and drones. Executing civilians and even his own soldiers when the show "Poor performance" on the battlefield. Even his "Meat assaults" with his own troops shows a total disregard for human life. There is nothing to admire about piece of shit of a Man. Tucker is the so loose with the truth Journalist even Faux news kicked him to the curb. Might be interesting but since you can't believe a word either man says probably not.

All I'm saying is the U.S. is guilty of every atrocity you've listed here and then some. And on a bigger scale. 


And by the way. Who died and made the US the savior of the world anyway? The U.S Gov is always putting the blanket of "we're saving the poor people of this or that country from there evil leader" over our eyes to justify all the death and destruction they've caused. Bullshit, they could give a damn about anyone. Every conflict and incidents we've been involved in after WWII. Have been in one way or another to benefit the U.S. agenda.


They did the same with covid, " We are taking all your rights and freedoms away but only for the safety and well being of your family and your fellow man". I have die hard gun wielding friends who used to say. "If the Gov ever tries to take our guns and freedoms away, we will never comply". A lot of people used to say the same thing. Oh really.... and how many truly resisted during covid (I include myself in this group. The only thing i didn't comply with is taking the jab). If covid wasn't the most genius of ways to do a test on gov control and how far they could push the line. I don't know what is. 


Edit: And who is paying dearly for all the money spent over the years on senseless conflicts? The American tax payer. Inflation is so high. You go to the store, leave with 6 grocery items, and $100 poorer. And what do they have to do to lower inflation. People need to lose there jobs and they have to raise interest rates. So they shaft us and to fix the problem they have to shaft us again. 

Edited by IZRL
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The US is the largest economy in the world and everything revolves around trade and access to resources, energy and markets. It's the largest everything and if you want to keep what you have you make the rules and you enforce the rules. Fairness has nothing to do with it. If you want cheap gas and products then fuck some sand hill country  trying to sink your container ships in the Gulf of Adan, the Red Sea or the Straights of Hormuz. Fucking them up is good for world business.

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18 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

The US is the largest economy in the world and everything revolves around trade and access to resources, energy and markets. It's the largest everything and if you want to keep what you have you make the rules and you enforce the rules. Fairness has nothing to do with it. If you want cheap gas and products then fuck some sand hill country  trying to sink your container ships in the Gulf of Adan, the Red Sea or the Straights of Hormuz. Fucking them up is good for world business.

I agree with you a 100%. My responses are more of a "Why do you see the splinter in someone else's eye and never notice the log in your own?", kind of response to the topic.

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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:

You wondered if he wasn't that bad.  




He's a despot and a tyrant and the antithesis of American values. Congrats Vladimir and the left, you've worn down some American's resolve. Maybe a Nobel for peace is in order for your invasion to save Ukraine is on the horizon.

Yes I wonder if he's that bad. Why is that misunderstood as a defense of Putin ? Remember who tells us how bad he is, they're bad themselves IMO. Look at our media and how they completely ignore Biden's incompetency and failures. I'm supposed to trust them ? Our country acts as if we're completely innocent when it comes to world affairs and we do only good things for the rest of the planet. IZRL nails it pretty good. 

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21 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Yes indeed. Trump could have twisted his arm with sanctions and threats and surely with 5 years of grief, Putin wouldn't have dared invade the rest of Ukraine.


If questions are asked it's only ones that Putin approves. He's way too smart to be ambushed unlike narcissistic Trump. He can't help himself and will fuck up when asked the hard questions he could have avoided..





Trump could have done something instead of appeasing (handling) Putin. Like all tyrants Putin was emboldened by having the leader of the free world not straighten him out. Here we are 5 years later and bolder, knowing that the US was weak on resolve, and he tried to invade the rest of Ukraine.


I don't hate Russia just it's tyrant for life leader.

That sounds ridiculous. Blame Trump for Crimea and Ukraine ? Give us a break. How are Biden's current sanctions against Russia working out ? LOL.

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Yes I wonder if he's that bad. Why is that misunderstood as a defense of Putin ? Remember who tells us how bad he is, they're bad themselves IMO. Look at our media and how they completely ignore Biden's incompetency and failures. I'm supposed to trust them ? Our country acts as if we're completely innocent when it comes to world affairs and we do only good things for the rest of the planet. IZRL nails it pretty good. 


I already answered this.


5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Keep the eye on the prize. If you start seeing your enemy in a favorable light you are already well on your way to giving up the fight, and this is how wars are won and lost. Weaken and erode your enemy's resolve, make him second guess his own motives. 


War cannot be won without the will of the people, their emperor and their army as one. Thus, seek to make your enemy doubt all things and weaken his resolve......... Sun Tsu


He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks....... Sun Tsu


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Did I watch it? did you?? I'm pretty sure that the questions were pre arranged so plenty of time for Putin to work out a spin reply. Equipped with this I'll bet it was basically a waste of time.


So just how was the Tucker interview? you know, if you watched it. Ground breaking? earth shattering? Was Putin put on the spot? Did he even once at least look guilty? flustered? Did he get up and walk out? Now that would be instructive. Just how did he justify invading Ukraine?

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11 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

So just how was the Tucker interview? you know, if you watched it. Ground breaking? earth shattering? Was Putin put on the spot? Did he even once at least look guilty? flustered? Did he get up and walk out? Now that would be instructive. Just how did he justify invading Ukraine?

Why not watch it and draw your own conclusions about it? I can respond to your questions. But what's the point? My take on it will surely be different from yours. 

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44 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Did I watch it? did you?? I'm pretty sure that the questions were pre arranged so plenty of time for Putin to work out a spin reply. Equipped with this I'll bet it was basically a waste of time.


So just how was the Tucker interview? you know, if you watched it. Ground breaking? earth shattering? Was Putin put on the spot? Did he even once at least look guilty? flustered? Did he get up and walk out? Now that would be instructive. Just how did he justify invading Ukraine?

I'm watching it a little at a time. Why would you think Carlson would ask "softball" questions and tip off Putin to the questioning ? He's not some CNN clown covering for his favorite Democrat. I will say Carlson hasn't been rude, argumentative or condescending so far. Yes Mike it would be a waste of your time to learn anything other than what you've been taught. Don't watch it and maybe not give us your liberal nut opinion about it either. Your mind is made up.

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