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On 8/9/2023 at 5:17 PM, Logical1 said:

I am not a historical gun expect by any means! I just think the larger mag is a bit absurd!


There is much questionable about "black" guns. The popular higher capacity mags jam more often and are a hassle to shoot prone. Older SKS, were available with a milled receiver, which is superior to the stamped receiver of the AK47, yet AK's outsell SKS more than 2 to 1. (I have heard some after market place offered milled AK's but it would be custom)

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Well I have a Norinco (Chinese pos) SKS that takes regular 30 round AK mags. They fit (sloppily) but the fucker fires every shot. It's like a car crash going off in your face with top ejectection and it's sprays the lead wherever but for close up work or short range home defense just squeeze and pull. Unfortunately just like the inertia fire accuracy is only good for spraying crowds.

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16 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:


GOP is feckless. Finger wagging cunts who hide when work has to be done. 

Anyone questioning that statement need only look at the current state of government, which the GOP ALLOWS. While they have been on the ropes a few times in the last decade, when given the opportunity to put an end to the Democrat shit show and the suffocation of individual liberties, the GOP fails and tows the same big government control, rich elite destruction of America. The only "positives" of the Republicans are: 1. The NRA 2. They are not Democrats. (And there are signs some in the GOP are trying to weaken number 1.) Sadly, it is unlikely to change because given the state of the Democratic party, I do and will continue to vote a Red party ticket. I do not research the candidates. The Democrats truly hate America and that is not hyperbole. The Democrats are openly acting against the best interests of America and Americans and I am an American. The Democrats will to take my freedom, my property and if they continue to proceed unabated, my life.

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8 minutes ago, angliagt said:

      When will voters realize that FREE STUFF isn't free?


“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
 Alexander Fraser Tytler

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"America was never supposed to be the country that gave you everything you always wanted.

It was simply a place that gave you the freedom and opportunity to chase those things for yourself.

To peruse happiness, to build great things. The freedom to choose your own destiny."

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10 hours ago, paradime said:

You might be dependance on the man if you don't know how to open a bear without a bottle opener.



In Navy "BUDS" seal training you learn how to open a bear with a bottle opener. Did I mention how much I hate my Fucking POS voice to text software.

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14 hours ago, frankendat said:

First time I read that was in the early 90's and it gets scarier every time it resurfaces.


Here I thought Heinlein wrote that in To Sail beyond The Sunset.


57 minutes ago, paradime said:


In Navy "BUDS" seal training you learn how to open a bear with a bottle opener. Did I mention how much I hate my Fucking POS voice to text software.


Your voice to text has dyslexia?


12 hours ago, paradime said:

You might be dependance on the man if you don't know how to open a bear without a bottle opener.



Dependence is speeled wrong and should be dependent. Time to invest in some AI to do your posting.

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50 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Your voice to text has dyslexia?



Dependence is speeled wrong and should be dependent. Time to invest in some AI to do your posting.


Yeah, but then you guys wouldn't have the fun of correcting me all the time. My voice to text spells what it thinks it hears. Maybe I should invest in a better microphone.

Edited by paradime
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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Here I thought Heinlein wrote that in To Sail beyond The Sunset.



Your voice to text has dyslexia?



Dependence is speeled wrong and should be dependent. Time to invest in some AI to do your posting.

And you spelled "spelled" wrong.Try the voice to text thing maybe ? Or was that on purpose ? 

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