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40 minutes ago, john510 said:

He did go from Democrat to Republican and I'm sure that had something to do with it.


"A spy who is caught and turned into a double agent is forever, never to be trusted."



1 hour ago, yenpit said:


.........but it says "video"!!  Ha, is the drawing/logo the same from WW2? As usual, a "new" meme created from old ideology!! 😆


Put WW2 in the search.

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

He did go from Democrat to Republican and I'm sure that had something to do with it.We've all seen how crazy and irrational the liberals can be.Maybe he should run again as a Democrat ? He'd get all of his old friends back.LOL.

YES YES YES! 100% I'm a paleocon from the Gingrich revolution of 1994 and spent years telling people that Trump was far too liberal to get the GOP POTUS nod! I was correct for a lot of years and probably still am because Trump never went right wing so much as he embraced centrist positions on so many issues! Trump was a beloved fixture of American media for many years which tells us all where his political compass pointed. He's about as right wing as Elon Musk or James Trafficant. Hell, maybe he as left wing as he was in 1990 but the country has shifted so hard left that his position from 30 years ago is now seen as right wing. Hell, JFK cut taxes and imposed tariffs on foreign products to help American workers and today he'd be denounced as fascist.

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1 hour ago, Duncan said:
Biden admin quietly admits canceling Keystone XL Pipeline cost thousands of jobs, billions of dollars.
Another epic move.




This is why ANYBODY that voted for or continues to support this JOKE of an "administration" we have, should be grossly disappointed in themselves.  For God's sake, open your eyes 😑😖

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Meh the old fart doesn't know what day of the week it is. As far as affecting oil prices xl would ship Canadian oil sands crude to Louisiana refineries and then shipped overseas. That's what the current keystone pipeline does. They could have run xl alongside the current pipeline easement without issues but wanted to take a shortcut. This is all small potatoes. If you wonder why gas is high and will be going higher this will explain the real culprit.


 And watch these over the next couple of months. The rich gonna get richer.


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9 minutes ago, angliagt said:


    But WHY would anyone want two (or  more) of him?


To be the lefts puppet...............which he is!!  Look at this situation!!  They had to know who/what they were putting in that position............he has been a MORON his whole career.  A compulsive liar & at this point, a compulsive crook too!  I do consider that they were completely aware & planned on keeping him drugged up throughout his term.  But the other reality is that he developed this babbling dementia after it was too late.  I understand that dementia can take over somebody's life VERY quickly.  If that is the case, I feel for him as a person.  But the left has KEPT him in that position & he is on a strong path of destroying so much in this country, it is terrifying 😑  Then again, what is the lefts alternative?  Kamaltoe Harris & THAT might have been much worse............

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4 hours ago, yenpit said:


To be the lefts puppet...............which he is!!  Look at this situation!!  They had to know who/what they were putting in that position............he has been a MORON his whole career.  A compulsive liar & at this point, a compulsive crook too!  I do consider that they were completely aware & planned on keeping him drugged up throughout his term.  But the other reality is that he developed this babbling dementia after it was too late.  I understand that dementia can take over somebody's life VERY quickly.  If that is the case, I feel for him as a person.  But the left has KEPT him in that position & he is on a strong path of destroying so much in this country, it is terrifying 😑  Then again, what is the lefts alternative?  Kamaltoe Harris & THAT might have been much worse............


             If you get the chance,watch the movie "Being There",with Peter Sellers.


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      I've been reading a lot about the recent earthquakes,flooding landslides,

power outages & downed trees in Humboldt County,CA.It got me wondering

if the ban on small engines had taken effect there yet,as it includes gasoline-

powered generators too.I found out that it goes into effect on January 1,2024.

So if,after that date you won't be able to go out & buy one if you want to,but

I guess you'll be able to buy a solar,or wind powered one.

       Gotta love California!

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2 hours ago, angliagt said:

      I've been reading a lot about the recent earthquakes,flooding landslides,

power outages & downed trees in Humboldt County,CA.It got me wondering

if the ban on small engines had taken effect there yet,as it includes gasoline-

powered generators too.I found out that it goes into effect on January 1,2024.

So if,after that date you won't be able to go out & buy one if you want to,but

I guess you'll be able to buy a solar,or wind powered one.

       Gotta love California!

Not sure why this shit is such a BFD to anyone not living here. California must be pretty important to them.


I read how this ban is primarily aimed at 2 stroke engines, and won't apply to small equipment 4 strokes that are converted to run on propane. As for generators, the ban won't go into effect until 2028, it doesn't apply to diesel engines, propane, or Volkon dilithium crystal generators. But I feel America's pain, godma forbid the market should have to create cleaner solutions for the hippie F'n gardeners in this state. Oh the injustice of it all, the wanton cruelty, the inhumanity to man!!!!


You know, I've been thinking the earthquakes, flooding, landslides, power outages & downed trees in Humboldt County is California starting to slide away into the Pacific, but it can't, because the rest of the country sucks.    Gotta love Cali haters. ✌️😍

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5 hours ago, paradime said:

Not sure why this shit is such a BFD to anyone not living here. California must be pretty important to them.


I read how this ban is primarily aimed at 2 stroke engines, and won't apply to small equipment 4 strokes that are converted to run on propane. As for generators, the ban won't go into effect until 2028, it doesn't apply to diesel engines, propane, or Volkon dilithium crystal generators. But I feel America's pain, godma forbid the market should have to create cleaner solutions for the hippie F'n gardeners in this state. Oh the injustice of it all, the wanton cruelty, the inhumanity to man!!!!


You know, I've been thinking the earthquakes, flooding, landslides, power outages & downed trees in Humboldt County is California starting to slide away into the Pacific, but it can't, because the rest of the country sucks.    Gotta love Cali haters. ✌️😍

It's a big deal because California's stupid ideas seem to spread like a cancer to other states.There was a great quality generator made by Honda that you can't get in this state anymore.I think you need to catch up on what's been banned here or is going to be.And who the fuck converts a gas powered small engine to run on propane ? Good luck with that.They want to ban the gas stove,water heater and dryer.It makes so much sense.LOL.But don't charge your Tesla in the afternoon or early evening because we don't have enough electricity.

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Six top California exports


  • Machinery parts or accessories for making semi-conductors: $3.9 billion (2.2%)
  • Other composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents: $3.7 billion (2.1%)
  • Electric vehicles: US$3.46 billion (2%)
  • Computer parts and accessories: $3.44 billion (2%)
  • Shelled almonds $3.3 billion (1.9%)
  • Liberalism $2.2 billion damages to surrounding states.
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I actually like the small propane generator idea. The worst part about a gas one is you use it in an emergency, put it away and then then next time you go to use it the fucker doesn't run for shit because of a gummed up carb. My neighbor just had an emergency house generator installed that runs on propane. We are in a hurricane zone prone to flooding so the generator is mounted on stilts and the buried tank is encased in cement so it doesn't float up out of the ground. I guess there is a solution to everything. We didn't get power back for 3 weeks. Those with the cash can buy a solution.

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Ever get a flat and the spare is flat? Try starting the generator and run it for half an hour every few months to keep it from 'gumming up'. Perhaps fill it with straight gas without 10% ethanol and/or add fuel stabilizer.

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