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Covid-19 Prepared?

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

Why didn't China just " let her rip" and clean out their elderly? They also paid a high price and continue to do so with their shutdowns. The peasants do seem to have gotten a bit  emboldened recently. I do place the blame on China and know nothing will become of it because their leaders are part of the untouchables just like ours. Clinton's, Trumps, Bidens will never see any jail time. Putin will never receive punishment for war crimes although I predict a dictator retirement plan like Sadam of Kadafi in his future. The black plague was the worlds largest wealth redistribution and I can see some wanting a replay so maybe Covid was the plan. It's just the cat got out of the bag a little early.  Regional saying "the cat is out of the wok"? Just guessing. India? Watch a documentary on the Ganges river. Holy shit those people are nasty!

wrong thread..also. Educate yourself your jingoism is unsettling and misdirected.  https://youtu.be/d-mS-dCUz74    








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26 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Except it doesn't do a very good job at killing off the sick and elderly. Pathetic actually.     

 Oh really?? Tell that to my Dad.. Oh yeah, nevermind. Covid killed him.. Ive lost the shit out of sick (HIV) and older people in my circles . start backing your shit with links and facts backed by data and the sources myself and others are sick of your lame ass hypocritical opinions. Hell youve even admitted youve been jabbed the fuck up..why if it didnt do a good job?

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I'm sorry for your loss.


The US death rate from co vid was just above 1% and that's if you can believe the stories of how a death from co-vid was determined. Example: You have co-vid but are in a car accident and die or die later and it's recorded as a co-vid death. There was a story going around that there was a financial incentive for doctors who declare a co-vid death as opposed to a normal death from other causes. Don't know how true either or other stories were but say 1%. Where SARS is 11%. H1N1 (Spanish Flu) was 2.5% to 22%. There are dozens in the double digit but many are not transmissible as co-vid. You could easily dig up a body and grow H1N1 DNA. Now there's a weapon. In comparison 0.5% of Americans die from smoking every year. So 1% isn't really an effective weapon.


Data? Links? Who to trust is the question. If you have some theory it's natural to find evidence that supports it. It's an opinion. Who really gives a shit about anyone's opinion? I don't believe anything out there today, can't believe anyone could, but some some people have to grab onto something and hang on. The comments here are entertainment. A look into how some people think and react to anti opinions. So much shit gets posted you would have to quit your job or come out of retirement and devote 30 hours a day to wade through it. If you are swayed by someone else's 'facts' (and change your mind, which I say is near impossible) then you probably already believe everything the government feeds you. If you are the everyday normal you have an unassailable pro or con position and everything bounces off.  


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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

Which comment are you offended by?

Oh bro, I take no offense by anything you said. My offense comes from a government that would lead you and me to believe we are on the right side of history with our war first approach to every other nation that we need to use or walk over to get to adversaries you and I wouldnt even have without our self interested politicians and war industries..again however, this isnt the thread for this conversation. I just wanted to offer you some non MSM content to put things into REAL perspective not the perspective they GAVE us. The proverbial train left the station without us.

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I'm sorry for your loss.

The US death rate from co vid was just above 1%


Homie that's 3 MILLION souls predominantly seniors and its not over. Not a good weapon huh? If you recall, vietnam took 58,000 American during the official conflict timeline. Its quite clear you and I have a different opinion of effective. The jabbed arent out of the woods yet either. Anyway, Im through talking to you about this. all you do is muddy the water anyway.

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I think as Americans we kind of want some semblance of justice. China fucked the world with their virus and nobody is going to hold them accountable. Sorry about your Dad jbirds. For my wife and I it was the near death of her buisness she put her heart and soul into. She closed her yoga studio and moved to online teaching but her real money maker was her retreats. Costa Rica, Portugal, Tuscany and Ireland were all shut down of course. She did finally do one this summer to Ireland this summer. 18 people all vaccines and boosted and 16 of the 18 still caught covid on the trip, luckily all totally recovered. The father in law has had long covid for at least 6 months. This bullshit has caused a lot of people misery in many different ways.

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That's 1% of the people that actually got co-vid. You can't be considered to have survived something you never had. Close to 100million infections and about one million deaths.


In '72 during the Vietnam War, 54,589 were killed in car accidents that year. From '64 through '74 (all war years) it never dropped below 45,000.  It was an acceptable risk to drive. Going to Vietnam was safer.


We disagree that it was a weapon. If it was, it was a poor one for reducing the population if that was the intent. I might say that you may be a little biased and looking for answers and to attach blame to someone for your co-vid experiences. No offense intended here.

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On 2/27/2020 at 1:16 PM, datzenmike said:

Strictly speaking no paper/gauze or surgical mask will stop a virus that is 0.004 to 0.4 microns in size. A 3M P100 particulate mask only filters down to 0.3 microns. This is probably why it spread so fast because people thought they had protection. Dream on, but it might catch larger droplets sprayed on you by someone sneezing. If you have the virus you should wear one to limit YOUR spreading it. To completely stop transmission you would need a respirator. As to surgical masks, what about your exposed eyes??? The best thing is abstinence from  all people who may have it and as you can't know this just stay away from people in general. For the foreseeable future DON'T ride in a plane, bus, taxi or train. DON'T go near a cruise ship! Avoid crowds in a closed room and specially a waiting room. Maybe you should drink at home for the next 6 months.


This is the fifth post after Matt started this near the end of Feb. 2020. 

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


This is the fifth post after Matt started this near the end of Feb. 2020. 


What makes this interesting is this is the one of the first real Post-Coof peer reviewed article to actually be published saying that. Remember they literally went back and pulled old articles saying the same thing as not being "relevant in the current times." The fact that this actually got published at all (editors do a lot of gatekeeping at journals) indicates the narrative is shifting or breaking down.


Edit: went back and looked at the first 30 so so pages, people were calling bullshit on all of this in early 2020 it seems. Interesting to see what aged well and what didn't. Also, evidently some posting of stuff I thought I did here I did someplace else instead as I didn't see some of the posts I still had notes for. I'm done for tonight though, fucking massive sinus headache pretty much all day today.

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On 12/1/2022 at 2:19 PM, datzenmike said:

Released? escaped maybe by accident. Co-vid isn't bullshit but a lot of the goings on surrounding co-vid is pure bullshit, oh yes. If released it must have been deliberate so? just some whaco nut job in the lab or the CCP????? The nut job just wants to end everything but the CCP?? How does it further their agenda to go to all that trouble just to make some old guy in Portland sick? Is it just a failed attempt to 'cull the human herd'? because for that, 1/4 or more of the wasted skin walking around would need to go. If the CCP released this, wouldn't they previously have had a vaccine to safeguard their own population? Lets move on to accidental release. Co-vid appears to have been designed and enhanced so I would say it's been weaponized but intended as a deterrent like nukes. Have them as insurance but not be used. Possibly to develop counter measures against someone else developing it as a weapon? So in this scenario it would not be released except by accident.


As far as I'm concerned the CCP should be held accountable for fucking around with something they shouldn't have been fucking around with. The rest of the world is just as responsible for standing idly by.... doing fuck all about it. 


Why else would they make the flu more contagious, to release it.


Did you notice how once they got their man in as President he closed the investigation on that lab, as it likely would only lead back to Americans involved with that lab, those that prefer to remain in the shadows.


Has anyone noticed the new Vaccine for shingles called Shinglx I think that has side effects like a syndrome, what's wrong with the original shingles vaccine that does not have them side effects?



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I was talking about Co-vid 19 not the flu.


Of fuck yeah. US can't do that shit on US soil but you can in countries that are corrupt like China. $$$ and you're in. It's the same with enhanced interrogations. There's Guantanamo Bay. It's perfect for doing stuff the public doesn't need to know.


We only have Shingrix.

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11 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Yeah most vaccines reach full effectiveness after several boosters. Look at diphtheria and tetanus... needs 5 shots. I got a jab and two boosters before my patience and bullshit meter red lined.


An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is PTJ4107426-f1.jpg

Those are actually vaccine though. So you dont spread to other. cv-19 jus corn syrup, engine coolant.

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You also don't GET the disease.  Unlike C-19 where you get it anyway.


I've said this since the beginning when stupid people mentioned the polio vaccine (or others) as comparison:  "yes, it's a good thing lots of people developed only mild polio after the vaccine.  Could have been much worse." 

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Vaccines don't stop you from getting a disease if exposed. No one is immune from that. It prevents the disease from progressing. Can't be any milder than that. 


NO. Vaccines stop you from getting the disease, THAT is why it doesn't progress. AN effective vaccine causes the production of "neutralizing antibodies" that will PREVENT entry of the virus into the cell. No viral entry, no viral replication, no disease. Having a good titer of antibody effectively STOPS the virus from ever replicating in the first place. 


Usually antibodies against a variety of different viral proteins if inactivated virus is used as an immunogen will be produced, some will block the protein needed for entry others will not, but will still help to inactivate or help the immune system recognize the virus (I'm simplifying some bits here a tad but that is the gist of it).

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2 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:


NO. Vaccines stop you from getting the disease, THAT is why it doesn't progress. AN effective vaccine causes the production of "neutralizing antibodies" that will PREVENT entry of the virus into the cell. No viral entry, no viral replication, no disease. Having a good titer of antibody effectively STOPS the virus from ever replicating in the first place. 


Usually antibodies against a variety of different viral proteins if inactivated virus is used as an immunogen will be produced, some will block the protein needed for entry others will not, but will still help to inactivate or help the immune system recognize the virus (I'm simplifying some bits here a tad but that is the gist of it).


How about just having a high BAC? 



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21 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Vaccines don't stop you from getting a disease if exposed. No one is immune from that. It prevents the disease from progressing. Can't be any milder than that. 


As dguy explained with the mechanism, you had a vaccine for whooping cough, measles, rubella, polio, etd.  Did you "get" any of these? Even if it entered your body you did not "get" it.


Even with covid they have been trying to say you "had" it if there are any antibodies in your system, even if you never had any manifestation of symptoms.  I don't think you had a "disease" without any effect noticeable.   

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