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Covid-19 Prepared?

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1 hour ago, Str8jacket said:



Have a listen to this guy, being a real scientist and shit, it's almost like he thinks having spent a career in vaccine immunology gives him the right to go against mainstream narrative, well fuck that! if it aint a pfizer sponsored media outlet telling me what to think I'm not having any of it, my neural network is just not that advanced. 😏


Now, which way is the rest of the flock running? That cliff isn't going to run off itself. 


🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 weeee!!!!


Lemmings, lemmings jump off cliffs or swim out into the ocean and drown.

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6 hours ago, Dav said:

I think he was referencing his prostrate exam by the big doctor with big fingers. Relax.


Never had a bad experience with prostate exam. Last one was a woman (oh the irony) with smaller fingers, but she was clinical and through. Helga the she wolf I called her. My regular physician was on holiday and was younger and more pleasant. She seemed flustered and embarrassed and said there was nothing to be embarrassed about. I said 'I'm not' and this made her even more uncomfortable. (maybe it was the groan of pleasure I made)

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33 minutes ago, Dav said:

It’s odd that Washington made his order for mass inoculation against small pox on January 6, 1777. Wow, what a Patriot! Numerology strikes again.



For the military to win a war dip shit. Not for the citizens of the colonies. It was also carried out through scrapings from an already mended host via knife, and then transferred into a new host via open cuts. The proclamation was also written with an expiration (sun set) as was many of the proclamations so as to not continue the tradition England had burdened upon the colonies with their proclaimed decrees, Or as they would have referred to as oppression. 


This was not GENE THERAPY like the mRNA tech being used now. This was sharing of antibodies from a host who had recovered from pox. 





Edited by Mattndew76
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Not sure what that meant. Small pox has a 30% mortality rate and is serious if your army gets infected. It's not so much that 1/3 is lost it's the looking after them and the rest that are infected. Quite a burden. As for the general population it would also be a good idea. Loosing 1/3 of your population base would be a catastrophe for a new country.   

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1 hour ago, Mattndew76 said:


For the military to win a war dip shit. Not for the citizens of the colonies. It was also carried out through scrapings from an already mended host via knife, and then transferred into a new host via open cuts. The proclamation was also written with an expiration (sun set) as was many of the proclamations so as to not continue the tradition England had burdened upon the colonies with their proclaimed decrees, Or as they would have referred to as oppression. 


This was not GENE THERAPY like the mRNA tech being used now. This was sharing of antibodies from a host who had recovered from pox. 





You are making arguments to what - the wall behind you or the floor? Because it ain’t me.


It is described by me as inoculation, not vaccination. Try not to put words into others’ writing.


You might consider editing the post to agree that Washington was a Patriot and made a significant mandate on what became a numerically significant date in 2021.

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When you vaccinate you are also inoculating but if you are inoculating you are not always vaccinating. Inoculating has a broader definition while vaccination is much more specific. If you are making cookies you are baking. If you are baking you are not automatically making cookies, you might be making tarts or pies or cake, or brownies....

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19 hours ago, bananahamuck said:

Why is it,,  no matter what I get admitted into the hospital for…. I always seem to need a shot /injection into my stomach area???  What is the fucking odds of that!?!!? 



Over the last five years, I've been in the hospital quite a bit.  When they bring a shot and start mentioning it has to go in my stomach, I tell them no.  They don't like to be told no, but i stand firm.  I let them do it once and it hurt like the *fucker of all mothers...





*Datsunfreak quote


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12 hours ago, Dav said:

You are making arguments to what - the wall behind you or the floor? Because it ain’t me.


It is described by me as inoculation, not vaccination. Try not to put words into others’ writing.


You might consider editing the post to agree that Washington was a Patriot and made a significant mandate on what became a numerically significant date in 2021.

blah blah blah.. C.ant U.nderstand N.ormal T.hinking


Edited by jbirds510
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On 11/20/2021 at 7:26 PM, Dav said:

If you read the information at the FDA link you would know that they did not recommend against ivermectin. They recommended that if you wanted to take it, you should be careful and take the the one approved for human use and not the one for large animals. They also recommended that you get it with a prescription, which is probably a requirement.


It seems that you agree with the FDA on how you should take it - safely and effectively.


Therefore, it also seems as if you are a liberal nut. I didn’t take you for one either, but heh.





Here is the funny thing.  I JUST had a visit to my doctor & asked if she could GET Ivermectin (Yup, I like horses)?  Her answer was no, she could not prescribe it, cuz it is banned.  I asked if I acquired Ivermectin, could she help me with dosage?  She said no, she could not even suggest dosage.................cuz "they" have threatened that "they" would take away her license.  THAT is the problem.  Who the F**k cares what you read on these federal webpages.......they are there to give the feds & those that believe them, something to point to.......like you just did.  The CDC webpage info is just as bad.  My doctor DOES support natural supplements AND early administration of drugs THAT DO WORK.......ie Ivermectin & HQC.  But again, her hands are tied by these f**king idiotic mandates.  It is a (man made) virus, it WILL run its course, it WILL continue to kill.........just like the flu.  People need to open their eyes............the truth will come 😐  

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On 11/23/2021 at 12:19 PM, Mattndew76 said:

Ivermectin much?



APOBEC3A= healthy diet (Fish= vitamin D, Broccoli=Anti-oxidizing C, B, K, iron and phyto chemicals called sulforaphanes) none of which can be found in the Average American diet of cheeseburgers and red bull and dump truck loads of highly acidic processed sugar.  


  As far as "the science" goes..Here is what is actually going on in the labs behind the scenes in respect to the taxpayer funded medical experiments . Spoiler alert * You are literally #1 &2'ing your efficacy down the drain and "shedding" through perspiration * this is why boosters are required. Read the data. Quite intriguing really. It explains pretty much everything including the inflammatory response and semi-conductor like properties and frequently reported magnetic properties (Iron oxide) (BIO-logical TECHnology).



For you @DAV I recommend ZOTEN

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5 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

blah blah blah.. C.ant U.nderstand N.ormal T.hinking


I’m beginning to think you don’t really care about me 😢























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