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Consider the following: as she was divorcing him, Denise Richards alleged he was spanking it to little boy porn.


Every hooker in Hollywood knows to keep her mouth shut about famous clients because if she doesn't then she's out of a job. Charlie's hookers were all blabbermouths. What's as good as a wife and kids to cover up one's homosexuality? How about a massive PR campaign where it comes out that the dude is so stoked for poon that he's got an endless stable of whores?


Finally, the dude has HIV. How many other straight Hollywood leading men have tapped endless amount of bearded clam and not contracted the bug?

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If we're going by historical record of "fucked up offspring" God himself created Satan and hid him away here on earth because he couldn't deal with him...


The Bible is chock-full of nudity, sex, murder, rape, genocide, patricide, fratricide, homicide, bestiality, seduction, drinking, homosexuality, socialism, magic, witchcraft, wizardry, child and animal sacrifice, prostitution, swearing, lying, cheating, stealing, sexism, misogyny, adultery, polygamy, concubinage, superstition, idolatry, gambling, beatings, maimings, stabbings, testicle-crushing, and really bad morals. As if it didn’t already contain enough bad stuff, the wretched thing promotes slavery, telling you exactly who you can keep as slaves, and just how severely you can beat them.



...yep and incest, Lott and his daughters, they got him drunk and laid him.
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Corey Haim's rapist named as Charlie Sheen


The National Enquirer, quoting actor Dominick Brascia and other sources, claims Charlie Sheen is the rapist that Corey Haim spoke of but never publicly named. Sheen was 19 at the time, Haim 13.


“Haim told me he had sex with Sheen when they filmed ‘Lucas,’” Dominick Brascia, a former actor and a close friend of the “Lost Boys” legend, exclusively told The ENQUIRER. “He told me they smoked pot and had sex. He said they had anal sex. Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested.”





Holy shit Haim gots teh AIDS


Holy shit it's quoted from the Enquirer????




Bitch please....

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Multiple women accuse Minnesota state Senator Dan Schoen of sexual harassment


Minnesota state Sen. Dan Schoen sexually harassed women involved in state politics while serving as a DFL lawmaker, according to multiple women who have spoken to MinnPost. Schoen, currently a first-term senator from St. Paul Park, previously served two terms in the House. He also works as a paramedic and police officer in Cottage Grove.


Among the women to step forward to report their experience with Schoen is Lindsey Port. In August of 2015, Port was a first-time DFL legislative candidate when she went to an event in downtown Minneapolis to mingle with fellow candidates.


Port, a small-business owner, had recently announced her plans to run for a state House seat in the Burnsville area. At the DNC event, she was chatting with other candidates and state legislators about her busy summer knocking on doors — a common campaign activity — when Schoen, then a representative in the House, stepped back to look at her from behind. “‘I can tell when a candidate is doing a good job knocking on doors by checking out their ass,’” Port says Schoen told her. “He said, ‘Yep, looks like you’re doing a good job.’”



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Please cite these controlling texts...


King James edition. It's a translation (what 500 years ago?) to Olde English so inaccuracies are bound to creep in. Not to mention impossible to understand the phrasing and word meanings.


There is no ORIGINAL New Testament to compare to. It's been compiled and edited for sure.

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The earliest versions of the Bible contained reincarnation, that was taken out and replaced with the more "you better do this" rhetoric of heaven and hell, thus making the general population easier to keep under the churches thumb.

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Here's a list of sociopaths who uses the bible and Christianity to manipulate and control people and in turn they got very rich doing it, some are dead, I'm sure there many more...sun myungg moon, Tammy and jim baker, koresh and jim jones

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The earliest versions of the Bible contained reincarnation, that was taken out and replaced with the more "you better do this" rhetoric of heaven and hell, thus making the general population easier to keep under the churches thumb.

..yes, if I recall I think is was the Gnostic and maybe even the Essenes, believed in life after death or reincarnation. Also, during the council of nicaea, they took out certain texts..so who really knows what is pure Christianity and what is not. This got convoluted with the leadership of Constantine.
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Please cite these controlling texts...



Many believe the King James Bible is the ultimate English translation and will accept no other for use in church or personal devotions. However, the story behind the creation of this Bible translation is little known and reveals an amazing interplay of faith and politics, church and state.




The Holy Trinity came from an earlier construct known as the Nicene Creed and is not based in actual scripture. It was a compromise between differing beliefs of Christian factions. In AD 325 the Roman Emperor Constantine I convened the Council of Nicaea along the lines of the Roman Senate and he presided over it. This council was the first effort to gain consensus and consolidation of the Roman Church through an assembly representing all of Christendom. The Nicene Creed is the settlement of the Christological issue such as the divine nature of God the Son and his relationship to God the Father, and they were the first body of men to decide what historical accounts of Christ's life made it into the New Testament. They also established uniform observance of the date of Christ's death and resurrection as Easter on Summer Equinox, and Christmas his birth on Winter Equinox. These celestial seasonal markers were sacred to the agrarian masses of the time. In fact Christianity has intentionally appropriated many Pagan holiday rituals into Christian observances and traditions.


Paganism In Christianity



How the Council of Nicea Changed the World


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Many believe the King James Bible is the ultimate English translation and will accept no other for use in church or personal devotions. However, the story behind the creation of this Bible translation is little known and reveals an amazing interplay of faith and politics, church and state.



I've been to many churches (aside from Catholic) and have never in my 35 years been in one that uses the KJV. But, that's entirely beside the point and I'm still waiting for examples of controlling. I'm guessing our versions of "control" are different, perhaps. Any religion aside from the religion of hedonism is going to ask for your submission to some degree. If that's your definition of control then the discussion would be over. Following a cult run by man, well, that isn't Christianity.
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..yes, if I recall I think is was the Gnostic and maybe even the Essenes, believed in life after death or reincarnation. Also, during the council of nicaea, they took out certain texts..so who really knows what is pure Christianity and what is not. This got convoluted with the leadership of Constantine.

Also adopted by Vatican..


This theory was first proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus was a Polish astronomer. He first published the heliocentric system in his book: De revolutionibus orbium coelestium , "On the revolutions of the heavenly bodies," which appeared in 1543.


Still a theory

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I've been to many churches (aside from Catholic) and have never in my 35 years been in one that uses the KJV. But, that's entirely beside the point and I'm still waiting for examples of controlling. I'm guessing our versions of "control" are different, perhaps. Any religion aside from the religion of hedonism is going to ask for your submission to some degree. If that's your definition of control then the discussion would be over. Following a cult run by man, well, that isn't Christianity.


The only thing I'm trying to lay out here are the ways the Bible has been, and still is being used for means of political control. The King James translation was an example of that in breaking form Roman Catholic to bring religious control to the crown via the Church of England. The very formation of the Bible and it's assertion of Christ's divinity came from a political body assembled by a Roman Emperor for consolidation of power as the Roman Church. The books of the Bible were chosen by this counsel of men. If you've read the Bible than you know it's filled with stories of political control by kings using the word of God. 


When was the Bible assembled


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Looks like King Trump will be visiting Vietnam during his Asian trip.


I betcha not on the agenda is Hoa Lò Prison (also known as the Hanoi Hilton).


This is where during the Viet Nam conflict,  P.O.W. John McCain was getting his bones broken while in captivity.  


Meanwhile, back in the world, future royalty Trump was getting his bone spurs massaged, with a medical deferment from military service for stated malady.



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McCain got payed back..?


Way to get back on track , keeping it balanced.


Anything on Rand Paul assault during yard work? From the injuries sound like he lowered his shoulder and linebackered him in the ribs , right off the mower.


Not your traditional way of changing things.

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