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The thing i dont get about a substantial minimum wage increase,guess who's going to be hit the hardest with rising costs of goods and services ? the guy that just got the wage increase ! people that make a lot of money wont care so much compared to the minimum wage worker.

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The thing i dont get about a substantial minimum wage increase,guess who's going to be hit the hardest with rising costs of goods and services ? the guy that just got the wage increase ! people that make a lot of money wont care so much compared to the minimum wage worker.

I'll care if col goes up, and I ain't making minimum wage. Higher wages mean you end up having higher bills, cost of living goes up more money on groceries, less money for playing with. I'm already stressing (shouldn't have bought the house) and yeah I put myself in this position but I don't want my bills to go up anymore. If they want to complain about the minimum wages maybe they should get a job that a high schooler can't just walk into with zero experience. More experience and more learning required to do a job the more you get paid.
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I'll care if col goes up, and I ain't making minimum wage. Higher wages mean you end up having higher bills, cost of living goes up more money on groceries, less money for playing with. I'm already stressing (shouldn't have bought the house) and yeah I put myself in this position but I don't want my bills to go up anymore. If they want to complain about the minimum wages maybe they should get a job that a high schooler can't just walk into with zero experience. More experience and more learning required to do a job the more you get paid.


This was our scocietle message for a long time. Work harder and smarter for a better life...


I have forgone all the employee ups and downs. I want my pay to be based based upon my efforts. This is why I went into working at home. The more effort I put in, the more I have coming in financially. 


This is still not an easier option, but it gives me the ability to earn based on my efforts. 


I was tired of the bottom scrub being awarded pay increases for no skill improvement. While all the journeymen at the top wage kept seeing our wages stagnate, then the FED's and State bumped unskilled up.  


Whats the point of effort if the effort is given to someone else? 

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Annnnnd small businesses will have a shit harder of a time getting bigger..

Exactly, Kev....numbers don't lie, if burger flippers get $10/hr entry pay...your Big Mac meal will go from $5 to $8....corporation NEVER lose, that increase in minimum wage will be paid right back tenfold.

People here in Washington are already asking for less hours cuz they make to much to be supported by the gov... not all people I do understand that. But still.. make it harder for some people so that it's not as hard for others doesn't really make sense to me.

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Matt you and I are in the same business. I will give some info on why machineists make less that most other skilled labors.


During WW2 all the machinists unions declined pay increases to help the war effort. That 4 year span of no increase in pay they never got back. Then second thing was deunioning of a lot of the trades, again the guys that do the work get fucked.


Guys I work with talked about making $25 an hour in the 80's and the wage being nearly stagnant until the late 90's early 2000's. When I became and apprentice in 2007/the shop I worked at hat a base journeyman pay of $19.68 less than $20 an hour for a SKILLED trade. The same year a friend of mine became a plumbing apprentice, the journeyman training him was making over $40 and hour non union.




You raise the minimum wage you get replaced by a machine, all they have to do to get rid of the cashier at mcd's is turn the register around. The things are picture guided any way, like a fucking dennys menu just point any the picture of the food you want and that's what you get.

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Full on incorporated. LLC still has avenues to hold my personal property liable should I get sued. I incorporation gives me the ability to offer my company as stocks and blocks my personal assets from being sued. 


Only the company can be....

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Shit, I didn't know Ratsun had so many economy  experts.


I've been self employed sense 1992, I've owned two small businesses, and starting a third as I am building a private practice. I will be the first to say, that does not qualify me as an economist in any way shape or form. What I do have is a very pragmatic way of informing myself about shit I do not understand. I know better than to listen to some tool on the news or a politician who says he, or she know more than the experts. Something as complex and dynamic as the US economy is not a direct input output system as the media and politicians want to frame it. Case in point; Traditional belief held there was a direct relation as oil prices fall, business profits rise and the market goes up, but this has flip flopped. Today the market is falling with the price of oil. Economists have no idea why this is happening, but politicians are foolishly using it to push their party's short sighted political agenda. This is a recipe for disaster IMO, but meanwhile the ever reliable American idiot is buying V8 gas hogs like it was the 50s because of a temporary down turn in oil prices. WTF? Could the economy be saved by stupidity?

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..............but meanwhile the ever reliable American idiot is buying V8 gas hogs like it was the 50s because of a temporary down turn in oil prices. WTF? Could the economy be saved by stupidity?

.............It's true ! I was looking at Tundra's , Ram cummins diesels , and missed out on a chrysler 300 srt8 today. Exception to the rule is I could/can afford to drive them with the price of oil on the rise. Just not a really......... really smart way to go.......yo.


Ever want to start drooling while your eyes cross slowly ? ......look at Toyota Tundra de-appreciation. Lulz.



*thumbs through moarrrrrr v8's sales ads....*

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But then there is nothing conservative about Thomas and Scalia’s vision of the Constitution. Their theory of gun rights is downright radical—and would have shocked the framers of the Second Amendment.


Thomas and Scalia write that the government is essentially powerless to prohibit or restrict weapons in “common use.” “The right to keep and bear arms,” they wrote, “is defined not by what the militia needs, but by what private citizens commonly possess.”


This common-use formulation has no foundation in the text, structure, or history of the Second Amendment. In fact, this view gives gun makers—not legislatures, or even courts—the power to determine public policy on guns.


Which is exactly why the Founders would have spurned it.

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I absolutely love this





"Work hard to become upper middle class. 



Watch inflation drive you back down to lower middle class.










Yay! Raise the minimum wage! 



Wait, what do you mean prices of goods and services are going to rise??? "

I lived better in the late 1990s on a 1/3 of what I make now and certainly never dreamed that the stag-flation of the 1970s I'd studied about in history class would ever come back into existence.

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