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The less people on the gubment gravy train, the better.  Hopefully their positions dry up with their desertion.


Thats why Jerry Brown is freaking out. Its gonna be one hell of a stand off. I hope Cali looses. We think we are so ahead of everyone and better, watch what happens once tech takes a shit guess who is gonna be crying for a bail out.

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Not really. Chlorine is deadly poisonous as is fluoride, and is in your drinking water but in levels a scientist could prove were safe. Other than tobacco, all those are 'safe' to handle. Just about anything is toxic if ingested at the right levels. Lead, mercury, water, air. Lead and mercury are safe to handle just don't lick them. Margarine is no more dangerous than a sedate lifestyle or poor diet. Granite may (I say may) give off some radiation but in insignificant levels. Sunlight is far worse, then your microwave and flat screen. Granite? hardly.

The scientific evidence provided to manufacturers in the 30's allows for lead pipe to be used as a primary source of drinking water transport because copper piping was more expensive. Real research into this over 1,000 years before by Romans installing aqueducts proved that lead piping was poisonous to transport drinking water. That's not a change in exposure limits, that's literally apples to apples.


Mercury, same thing. It is know to be absorbed through the skin as a poison since, again, Roman times where it was originally used in curing leathers. They determined the cause to be the Mercury and banned it from being used to craft leather. Again, scientific evidence did not manifest to stop the use of Mercury in tanning leather goods in the United States until 1984. It again was know to be toxic to humans through absorbtion as a pathway to the skin. Again, apples to apples.


Margarine which is illegal to be sold to humans by 2018 in the US because...


"The United States Food and Drug Administration ordered in June 2015 that almost no trans fat could be added to food in America after a three-year grace period. Steven Nissen, the chair of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic said "in many ways, trans fat is a real tragic story for the American diet, In the 1950s and '60s, we mistakenly told Americans that butter and eggs were bad for them and pushed people to margarine, which is basically trans fat"


Trans-fats like Margarine contain high density LDL cholesterol. Since every cell in the human body has a cell wall made of low density LDL as a semi-permeable membrane that permits the macro and micro nutrients the cell requires to enter, water to pass through osmotic pressure, and waste to be expelled, cell walls made of transfats harden due to the higher density of the fat itself. This does not permit free transport across this membrane causing cell death. These dead cells now are cannibalized in the body making more cells from the same high density LDL cholesterol... causing a cycle of premature cell death. This was observed by the United States Olympic Team in 1960, and it was removed from athletes diets. However, the results of the Olympic Commissions reports were not made public until 2015... 55 years later.... 55 years of nutritional information that was disseminated by the American Heart Association and the American Medical Association that THEY KNEW was bullshit per the 2015 Senate hearings.


Again, that's apples to apples. Not comparing unintentionally ingesting poison to being sedentary. Those are completely different. Even sedentary people can achieve a reasonable body mass if given a proper diet.


Finally, Iranian Granite, considered the finest, is currently being researched at the Pacific Northwest National Labratory (PNNL) as producing higher levels of lung cancer, second only to smoking. This is due to it off gassing radon gas that contains alpha radiation which, once it enters your body... it doesn't leave. We have witnessed pieces of Italian and American granite that have doubled background levels in homes. That means that the counter tops are emitting twice as much radiation than you would receive if you sat outside, all day, in the sun. The suns radiation is mostly gamma. Gamma radiation puts a hole through you one time. Alpha radiation is like pin ball. It just keeps bouncing around damaging DNA and RNA unless it slips out a hole in your body. It lacks the base energy to penetrate full thickness of your skin, but can make it inside the first levels of cellular tissue.


Gamma rad vs. alpha rad is comparing a rail gun to a rubber band in terms of force. In terms of long term lethality the metaphor is reversed.



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Roman lead intake was from cooking (heating foods and liquids) in lead containers or lead glazed pottery, not the pipes.


Good luck banning margarine. And although the banning of added trans fat may be in effect since 2015.... how's that working a year later.? Margarine can be made with lower levels and has.


Radon gas. Maybe they tested Iranian granite because it emits the most for the test. Well I doubt many import Iranian granite when there are others all around us. The cement blocks or concrete under your home emit them as well. Even the ground under your home does this too. Not to worry in a well ventilated home.


Everything is toxic. All comes down to amount. 

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federal swamp switch flipped to self-draining mode!


‘I Can’t Get Out Fast Enough’: Meet the Feds Who Say They’re Leaving Under Trump


“Most people are pretty somber,” says Antoinette Henry, a long-time employee at the Housing and Urban Development Department. “They’re either quiet or manic.”


Henry has worked as a career civil servant for 33 years. She had planned to stay at the department and apply for a promotion, as her boss recently left federal service. When President Trump took office, however, those plans changed.


“I think I’m going to go,” she said. “There’s too much uncertainty.”


Henry is not alone. In interviews with Government Executive, federal employees across government -- speaking in their private capacities -- said they had become too disheartened to continue in public service. In a post-election Government Business Council/GovExec.com survey of the federal workforce, about one in four employees said they were considering leaving their jobs. Many have now decided to follow through.


One employee who has worked at the Bureau of Land Management for three decades said she is counting down the days until she becomes eligible for retirement.


“I can’t get out the door fast enough,” she said, adding that she is not alone. Some of her colleagues are “going to get out as soon as they can,” while others are going.......





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Roman lead intake was from cooking (heating foods and liquids) in lead containers or lead glazed pottery, not the pipes.


Good luck banning margarine. And although the banning of added trans fat may be in effect since 2015.... how's that working a year later.? Margarine can be made with lower levels and has.


Radon gas. Maybe they tested Iranian granite because it emits the most for the test. Well I doubt many import Iranian granite when there are others all around us. The cement blocks or concrete under your home emit them as well. Even the ground under your home does this too. Not to worry in a well ventilated home.


Everything is toxic. All comes down to amount.


Mike, you are wrong on the lead pipes.


"Lead (Pb) does not occur in an elemental state but is a by-product of silver mining. Extracted from galena ore (PbS, lead sulfide), which is crushed and smelted, the lead was further refined by the Romans in a furnace made hotter still by blasts of air forced from a bellows (Pliny, Natural History, XXXIII.159). The oxidized lead (litharge, PbO), which was contained in a porous crucible of crushed bone ash, was absorbed, leaving behind a trace amount of silver in a process called "cupellation" (from the cupel used to collect the metal). The lead itself then was recovered by smelting the litharge again with galena, the lead oxide combining with lead sulfide to form metallic lead and sulfur dioxide (2PbO + PbS = 3Pb + SO2).


The ore was readily abundant and so near the surface in Britannia that restrictions limited the quantity that could be produced (XXXIV.164). Smelted, the lead (plumbum) was easily malleable and had a low melting point—ideal for the production of lead water pipes, which were fabricated by plumbarii (plumbers) from fitted rolled sheets in a variety of diameters (Pliny, XXXI.58; Vitruvius, On Architecture, VIII.6.1ff; Frontinus, On the Aqueducts of Rome, I.37ff). Sheets of lead also lined the channels of Roman aqueducts, although cement was used as well (cf. Vitruvius, II.6.1).


But lead also was known to be unwholesome and, for that reason, pipes made of clay were preferred—as Vitruvius, who wrote during the time of Augustus, explains.


"Water conducted through earthen pipes is more wholesome than that through lead; indeed that conveyed in lead must be injurious, because from it white lead [lead carbonate, PbCO3] is obtained, and this is said to be injurious to the human system. Hence, if what is generated from it is pernicious, there can be no doubt that itself cannot be a wholesome body. This may be verified by observing the workers in lead, who are of a pallid colour; for in casting lead, the fumes from it fixing on the different members, and daily burning them, destroy the vigour of the blood; water should therefore on no account be conducted in leaden pipes if we are desirous that it should be wholesome. That the flavour of that conveyed in earthen pipes is better, is shewn at our daily meals, for all those whose tables are furnished with silver vessels, nevertheless use those made of earth, from the purity of the flavour being preserved in them" (VIII.6.10-11)."




Point 2, margarine will be completely illegal in the US June 2018. That was covered in my previous citation. All they have to do is go back to using butter since they've no accepted that the "heart healthy low fat diet" actually causes heart disease. And they knew it for literally decades but, since no one wanted to admit they were wrong, despite research that proved the opposite. There was money exchanged.


The radon gas is only half the problem. The alpha radiation is the other. Certain Iranian granite are the worst but it depends upon the content of Thorium, Uranium, and other toxic radioactive elements present. Granite creates a higher than background source emission for radiation. So much that you can't used normal nuclear device detection equipment in structures that contain large quantities of granite. I'm not saying it's the only cause of radon gas or radiation, it's simply a completely unnecessary one and it should not be used in human dwellings. I'm linking the 2008 NYT article and nothing has changed. The EPA still has not conducted any testing due to "lack of resources" which is why PNNL is lobbying for support. Again, I'll cover this in detail:


"The E.P.A. recommends taking action if radon gas levels in the home exceeds 4 picocuries per liter of air (a measure of radioactive emission); about the same risk for cancer as smoking a half a pack of cigarettes per day. In Dr. Sugarman’s kitchen, the readings were 100 picocuries per liter. In her basement, where radon readings are expected to be higher because the gas usually seeps into homes from decaying uranium underground, the readings were 6 picocuries per liter."


"Nevertheless, Mr. Witt said, “There is no known safe level of radon or radiation.” Moreover, he said, scientists agree that “any exposure increases your health risk.” A granite countertop that emits an extremely high level of radiation, as a small number of commercially available samples have in recent tests, could conceivably expose body parts that were in close proximity to it for two hours a day to a localized dose of 100 millirem over just a few months."


"Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking and is considered especially dangerous to smokers, whose lungs are already compromised. Children and developing fetuses are vulnerable to radiation, which can cause other forms of cancer. Mr. Witt said the E.P.A. is not studying health risks associated with granite countertops because of a “lack of resources.”"




The purpose of my list was to illustrate examples where good, solid, true science was suppressed. The causes are wide, but the results are the same. There are those in industry that will lie to the public, putting us at unnecessary risk, to profit financially.


Is there still risk? Yes. Are there a myriad of additional poisons out there in sufficient quantities to cause death? Of course. Are there comprehensible exposure levels that make things as safe as possible for humans? Yes, but having "cool" countertops that equate to smoking ten cigarettes a day to everyone in your home is not among them.


The fact remains that the scientific community has lied to us in the past for financial gain. Are they lying about global warming? I don't know. It hasn't been proven to me either way.


Therefore, my list, now clearly elaborated, is not a SMH.


Edited a link that was only partially there.

Edited by Soundline
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Bias in research is a massive issue in the credibility of science, and as a researcher I am very sensitive to this. Even in the field of psychology there are sharp divisions along conservative cognitive (thinking) theory vs. liberal psychodynamic (unconscious) theory lines. With the lack of a unified theory (one that explains everything), this stupid division has stunted my area of study (personality stable trait) and has damaged what little credibility the field of psychology enjoys. Because I don't subscribe to one of these warring camps my prospects for research funding are next to nil. It seems perfectly clear to me that human behavior emerges from both conscious, and unconscious constructs, so why the fuck should I choose one or the other to test my theories? I belong to a small community of outliers who work outside the grant funding box. Sitting outside though, I can see clear evidence of bias promoting the validity of one side or the other. These battle ground studies are heavily effected by the tools used to measure personality. The 16pf (16 Personality Factor) or the big 5 (5 personality factors). Every time I hear A New Psychology Study Shows" Bla Bla Bla. The first thin I look for it who under wrote it, and who funded it. 99% of the time if it's on every news stand the study quality is crap.


I will admit after reading this article, I am re-thinking my view of climate research, but still have faith in the quality of the data being collected. It shows more than circumstantial evidence there is a causal link. The political influence left and right is undeniable. 


Is federal funding biasing climate research?



Fair or not to often you come across like a acetylene torch heating up a bottle of propane, we can all see that metal is red hot.

Generally I would not bite. Unless quoting my post and then tow the party line white knuckled screaming like a banshee.


This working at changing that, then it is a good thing.

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Fair or not to often you come across like a acetylene torch heating up a bottle of propane, we can all see that metal is red hot.

Generally I would not bite. Unless quoting my post and then tow the party line white knuckled screaming like a banshee.


This working at changing that, then it is a good thing.


I don't understand what you're saying here. You see my questioning other people's inflammatory statements as being unfairly inflammatory? I'm not trying to cause anyone distress, but if someone says something I disagree with, I'm going to say something in response. Isn't that what we do here? You don't like what I say or how I say it, block me, otherwise toughen up and deal with it. I'm not here in this thread to be a nice guy, but I will be honest with what I say, and if someone makes a good point, conservative or liberal, I'll be the first to acknowledge it. Case in point is the article *I* posted examining bias in climate research. It contradicted my position, but it made a damn good point. If you expect me to be a brainless sitting target "tow"ing a party line for you, I'm going to frustrate you every time, but if you want to actually debate topics without getting your party line rump in a bunch, for fuck sake man, let's have some fun and argue some shit. 


Seriously CSL, it's best not to take anything I say too seriously. Ironic contradiction intended. 

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He's looking for the number to book a tee time.

Actually... he fired the dude that had been booking tee-times since the Clinton's and brought in a tall dark and handsome from Jakarta. My friends in the secret service said the two of them were "super" good friends and would hide and smoke together.


Same friends also said they'd take me to a "re-bacheloring party" after my divorce was final. They suggested Bogata... but I took a pass.

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Received what is possibly a temp ban on a Star Wars forum for posting in a section they call "The Senate" (for political discussion/s) cause I said in a "Israel/Palestine" that it'd be awesome to just nuke the middle east.


It's "hate speech" apparently.



Soft cocks. 

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Mike you are wrong....

OK so scientific evidence is now refuted by the very same scientists saying that scientists were wrong. Mom says it's ok to go outside, then dad says it's not. Tomorrow dad will change his mind. Lots of things are bad for you but the amount you are exposed to is so slight it poses no risk. Lead is toxic, but water flowing through a lead pipe is much different to actually eating the stuff.

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First week in office:




I'd like to see the photo of BHO from the same angle as DJT's 


The golf clubs are probably piled up just out of camera range to right of BHO.


A personhood has to have their priorities, Ya know !!!!


'First Things First'


'Junk In - Junk Out'

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