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Plan is to get peoples money working again, mostly in america or through america or with us having some negotiating power.  Repatriation, deregulation to get things other than facebook and apple going. 3-4% GDP growth? A spark for small business and innovation?


could be debated, but believe Kohearts. might even be to late , but the vote was to clean shit up. hopefully can be proven cause some people cant see it

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Maybe someone else can offer a more educated stance on why trump is good for us...something different than Hillary is a crook, or politics is broken...or trump is a business success.



Trump has no agenda. He has no plan. He suckered his way in on the fact that difference is inevitable.


His plan is to run Paul Ryan's agenda. Which scared the shit out of my demographic just 4 years ago. And now? Still freaked the fuck out.

I think this will be regretted by the majority of trump voters soon enough. But there are positives. Trump is against mandated vaccines. Against TPP. And wants the USA to produce more goods. To be frank, the big loss yesterday was having house and senate majorities of the same party. Historically speaking, that's not good.

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The best part of this whole thing is the republicans stalling on the supreme court appointment and fucking obama out of his "legacy". Three activist, constitution hating justices could have tucked this country for generations. I'm not sure if the masses realize his two appointments were blatant pandering to minorities and women with two purposes, destroy the second amendment and get sympathy votes for his party. Now the Donald gets that appointment and probably one to two more, hopefully he can find someone younger that will be a thorn in The side of sottomayor/Kagan for decades to come. All of obamas skirting of and contempt for laws and separation of powers came home to roost, he and his bullshit have some blame for trumps victory.

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So...I'd either have health care long enough to do something about it or I have healthcare stripped with no notice.

Hm. Great argument, Diego...I never question why I have your posts blocked.


Say or think what you want to fit your needs, i had mine stripped two years ago, have a good day, pot.

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Against TPP.

....and that would be why Wall Street is pouting this morning. Hillary was planning on making lots of money for her corporate owners by suddenly renewing her support for TPP, a plan to ship American jobs offshore and to make global workers "compete on an even playing field" and I'll tell ya right now the globalists sure as hell ain't planning on elevating their foreign workers' pay to USA levels. no, their goal was (is) to bring American wages down so that they gather more profits. Wall Street is pissy today because they just lost a CEO/chief LEO who was gonna help them pick our pockets and slap cuffs on us if we complained about it.

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His plan is to run Paul Ryan's agenda. Which scared the shit out of my demographic just 4 years ago. And now? Still freaked the fuck out.

What? The only thing Paul Ryan has done is drop his pants, shorts and hold his cheeks open so 0bama can take it easy.

So your saying you don't like the 0bama agenda.

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Lets keep it civil. Erbody is entitled to their own opinions. Some peoples main concerns resonated better with Clinton... or the Berndog.. or Aleppo man.. etc.


Oddly enough, in all those wikileaks we didn't see anything she was passionate about doing for THE PEOPLE. It was all about playing defense and how to spin and deflect.

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Oddly enough, in all those wikileaks we didn't see anything she was passionate about doing for THE PEOPLE. It was all about playing defense and how to spin and deflect.

It was like the voters could tell she wasn't really for them.


Murica +1, Hillary 0

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I think this will be regretted by the majority of trump voters soon enough. But there are positives. Trump is against mandated vaccines. Against TPP. And wants the USA to produce more goods. To be frank, the big loss yesterday was having house and senate majorities of the same party. Historically speaking, that's not good.

I don't agree with this narrative of have the 3 branches of power one party rule will make it easy for the Republicans, fact of the matter is both parties are sold out to the corporate elites and globalists, there are very few republicans that are true constitutionists, the rest are Hillary/Bush elitest pieces of shit that don't give two fucks about our country, the first thing that needs to happen is demotion of Paul Ryan, then start the process of draining the swamp, Trump will be powerless if Ryan is in command, we need the likes of Gowdy in charge and not a cronie Ryan.

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This may come as a surprise to you Gato, NO politician who gains the highest office in their land has an agenda.


They run with "thought bubbles" fed to them by their trusted advisers and big business supporters, and these thought bubbles often only become Public policy if supported by the party majority. At least thats how it works down here.


RW,your references there are SO accurate a defintion of Malcolm Turnbull (Aussie Prime Minister for those of you going "WHO???") 

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Quit acting like Obama is leaving a gem, he added $10 trillion in debt and GDP near 0.


Itll take dacades to fix the last 20 years of debt growth.



Cash for Clunkers: Taxpayers paid $24,000 per car


The Cash for Clunkers program gave car buyers rebates of up to $4,500 if they traded in less fuel-efficient vehicles for new vehicles that met certain fuel economy requirements. A total of $3 billion was allotted for those rebates.


The average rebate was $4,000. But the overwhelming majority of sales would have taken place anyway at some time in the last half of 2009, according to Edmunds.com. That means the government ended up spending about $24,000 each for those 125,000 additional vehicle sales.



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Yep. The cost of insurance for my family skyrocketed after pieceofshitcare, to the point we had to go with a low premium super high deductible plan just to get by. I'm looking forward to the plan that was scoffed at by obammer and his cronies.

my free VA health-care saves my butt. If you guys are or know any veterans get them to your local VFW, DAV or American Legion and have them apply for the free VA health care. it ain't the best but it's ACA compliant.

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in the meantime, Idiocrasy's first order of business with a republican controlled house and senate and presidency, will be to start deporting all those fureners and start a war with someone for the fun of it.  Fuck our lives.  This will get messy.


Not to mention we're now the laughing stock of the world for getting a racist bigot in the white house.  Where's my rascal scooter with the 50 cal on it for my fat ass?

Relax,everything will be just fine.

California secede? Or US forfeits so cal to Mexico


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Can't be a gun lover and vote Blue. Just don't work.


NO, I did NOT vote blue! 


I am just ashamed at our fellow Kalifornia gun owners who did not vote this shit down! To them I say fuck you and I hope they take your shit first if it ever comes!! Yes, I am pissing hate! 


And by you I meant them, not you. 

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