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The vast majority of those private colleges like heald college is a rip off. They had to close shop because they were ripping people off and plain out lying. If a student, while attending Heald college, got a job at starbucks, they counted that as a job placement. One of their associate schools, bryman college, closed shut their gates w/ out letting their teachers or students know ahead of time. Universities are also ripping prople off, they give out of state and foreigners priority because they have to pay more. At end of the day, its all about the money. It dont matter of your a liberal, democrat, republican...its all about power and influence. They will say what u want to hear so that they can get elected then forget about their platform because special interest and lobbyist willhave their way because of paybacks and promises made by said republican.

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True that.


I have no idea what the Lib vs Con position is on shutting down predatory for profit chain schools, but I don't think either are shedding any tears for their demise. Schools like Phenix and Heald were aggressively going after GI Bill recipients like sharks in an aquarium. The reason they are now failing is a law was passed requiring them to verbally disclose, from a script, the actual graduation rates, and the number of job placements in the area of study. Pretty damning that truth stuff.


Privately owned schools like my undergrad alma mater, The Academy of Art University has a shitty 6-year graduation rate of 31% but are exempt from that law, because it's privately owned. Still a huge predatory educational profit centers for Elisa Stephens, president and owner of the Academy of Art University. More than 50% of the 18,000 student body are foreign students. They pay the same as everyone else, but pay directly from mom and dad's wallet. Elisa is one of the largest property owners in San Francisco, and in the SF real estate market, that's REALLY saying something. Shit, the school has a massive classic car collection as a reference library museum for the automotive design dept.



I finished in four years and got a job in photography right out of school, but that was in the early 90s when there was so much .com money flying around SF you could fat and make $500. Although my portfolio was strong, I know it was nothing but dumb luck timing for me. Back then the catalog photography day rate was between $800 to $1,500. Today, it's $300 to $500 standard. 

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So on the news coverage of the shooting that I saw this morning, there was a bomb squad robot carrying out something in a bag....a plastic bag and it broke open, the robot dropped the potentially explosive device then ran it over. Best thing ever

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So on the news coverage of the shooting that I saw this morning, there was a bomb squad robot carrying out something in a bag....a plastic bag and it broke open, the robot dropped the potentially explosive device then ran it over. Best thing ever

Best thing ever ? nothing best about this situation.

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