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On the other hand, (copied from the L.A. Times);


Arpaio is coming off a very bad year. Before he was voted out of office, he was charged criminally with contempt of federal court. A series of his strategies to find and arrest violators of immigration laws were reversed, and his department was placed under federal monitoring.

His legal fights have long been financially supported by wide public appeals. The dollars that used to pour in from across the country have dwindled, along with Arpaio’s personal coffers.


Could he just be doing this for the money? Many people are saying.

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rules are for thee, not for me - oh, wait. guess his crooked ass is going to jail.


Gun control stalwart lawmaker Chaka Fattah gets 10 years for racketeering


While in Congress, Fattah was a proponent of gun control at almost every turn. One of his first votes was in opposition to repealing the Federal Assault Weapon ban in 1996. He followed this up with votes for a 72 hour background check amendment in 1999, against arming pilots in 2002, voting against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in 2005, for more gun show restrictions in 2009, against exempting guns from bankruptcy proceedings in 2010 and repeatedly against mandates to expand concealed carry reciprocity.


When Republicans sought to cut funding in 2012 to the Department of Justice over stonewalling by Attorney General Eric Holder to subpoenas for information in the Fast and Furious gun walking case, the Pennsylvania lawmaker blasted the effort.


Fattah was made vice chair on a gun violence prevention task force created by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in 2013 and backed plans for bans on magazines, armor-piercing bullets and firearms labeled “assault weapons” as well as expanding background checks to all gun sales.


He was consistently graded an “F” for his legislative efforts by the National Rifle Association, a group he openly challenged.


Fattah and four associates were indicted in 2015 by authorities on allegations he was involved in a complex money laundering scheme going back as far as his failed 2007 bid for mayor of Philadelphia. In the end he misappropriated funds from his mayoral and congressional campaigns to repay his son’s student loan debt, accepted a $18,000 bribe from a man seeking an ambassadorship, directed associates to apply for federal grants for non-existent non-profits and created fake contracts and made false entries in accounting records, tax returns and campaign finance disclosure statements — once even passing off a bribe in the form of a sham car sale.



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Not only is the woman morally bankrupt, sociopathic, and paranoid, shes now claiming that Murica is being targeted by Foreign State Actors conducting a Psyop on Murica so they cede to a stronger power.




And in the meantime, the Sheeple still get sucked in to throwing money at her.


Just, Wow!

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rules are for thee, not for me - oh, wait. guess his crooked ass is going to jail.


Gun control stalwart lawmaker Chaka Fattah gets 10 years for racketeering


While in Congress, Fattah was a proponent of gun control at almost every turn. One of his first votes was in opposition to repealing the Federal Assault Weapon ban in 1996. He followed this up with votes for a 72 hour background check amendment in 1999, against arming pilots in 2002, voting against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in 2005, for more gun show restrictions in 2009, against exempting guns from bankruptcy proceedings in 2010 and repeatedly against mandates to expand concealed carry reciprocity.


When Republicans sought to cut funding in 2012 to the Department of Justice over stonewalling by Attorney General Eric Holder to subpoenas for information in the Fast and Furious gun walking case, the Pennsylvania lawmaker blasted the effort.


Fattah was made vice chair on a gun violence prevention task force created by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in 2013 and backed plans for bans on magazines, armor-piercing bullets and firearms labeled “assault weapons” as well as expanding background checks to all gun sales.


He was consistently graded an “F” for his legislative efforts by the National Rifle Association, a group he openly challenged.


Fattah and four associates were indicted in 2015 by authorities on allegations he was involved in a complex money laundering scheme going back as far as his failed 2007 bid for mayor of Philadelphia. In the end he misappropriated funds from his mayoral and congressional campaigns to repay his son’s student loan debt, accepted a $18,000 bribe from a man seeking an ambassadorship, directed associates to apply for federal grants for non-existent non-profits and created fake contracts and made false entries in accounting records, tax returns and campaign finance disclosure statements — once even passing off a bribe in the form of a sham car sale.





Reminds me of this guy....







Ex-Calif. State Sen. Leland Yee, gun control champion, heading to prison for weapons trafficking - 


While holding public office, Yee had accepted thousands of dollars in campaign contributions in exchange for political favors. And on the side, he and two associates had been involved in a weapons trafficking plot. These acts were discovered by undercover federal agents investigating organized crime in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Jackson, a former school board president who helped Yee facilitate the bribes, received a nine-year sentence. “It must be that the public has trust in the integrity of the institution, and Mr. Yee, you abused that trust,” Breyer said, according to the Times. He called Yee’s actions “vile” and the arms dealings particularly “hypocritical” given the politician’s history of gun control advocacy.

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Do you really expect politicians to be model citizens?  Most were lawyers and businessman.  I'm not saying that all are crooks and liars but it requires a certain type of narcissism to be a politician.  Remember their priority is to get elected and they will say anything and do anything to get elected.  Once elected, they are already preparing for the next position, from mayor to board of supervisor to congressman.  In the meantime,  they leave a trail of broken promises and corruption.  I'm fairly sure there are some that are honest but I really think being dishonest pervades Washington and the states capital.

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Do you really expect politicians to be model citizens?  Most were lawyers and businessman.  I'm not saying that all are crooks and liars but it requires a certain type of narcissism to be a politician.  Remember their priority is to get elected and they will say anything and do anything to get elected.  Once elected, they are already preparing for the next position, from mayor to board of supervisor to congressman.  In the meantime,  they leave a trail of broken promises and corruption.  I'm fairly sure there are some that are honest but I really think being dishonest pervades Washington and the states capital.


It's really amusing sometimes how most people have two standards of conduct;


A lenient one for themselves and a somewhat tougher one for everyone else in the world.


These are often the first people to get out their pointin' fingers when there's a finger pointin' to be done!

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Occupy Inauguration




This is an urgent, unprecedented moment in history, with people everywhere rising up for an America and a world that works for all of us.


We do not consent to a presidency that bullies and demeans people. We will not stand for the mistreatment of people of color, women, immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQIA+ folks, the poor and working people.


The Green Party and the post-election Stein/Baraka campaign, ARE TAKING ACTION.




Right now, at this very moment, we are preparing to take part in the “Occupy Inauguration” protests planned for January 20 and 21st in Washington D.C.


Our campaign is committed to standing together with oppressed communities and demanding that Trump respect the human rights and dignity of all people in our society and throughout the world. Solidarity must be our guiding principle.


And we will express our solidarity by “Occupying” the Inauguration in January.


Will you help us?


Because unfortunately, it’s going to cost us about $20,000 to send our delegation to these protests. If you contribute today, your support will be instrumental in helping us “occupy” and will go a long way to pay for the practical costs involved as we organize.





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Lost me at "How ironic."


I never got into the whole birther thing. I always thought it was more interesting when people traced his mom's side of the family to various American leaders.

Right , interesting.


If any thing shows they do whatever they want, and when it's called out it dosn't stick. Cuz fake news

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Occupy Inauguration




This is an urgent, unprecedented moment in history, with people everywhere rising up for an America and a world that works for all of us.


We do not consent to a presidency that bullies and demeans people. We will not stand for the mistreatment of people of color, women, immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQIA+ folks, the poor and working people.


The Green Party and the post-election Stein/Baraka campaign, ARE TAKING ACTION.




Right now, at this very moment, we are preparing to take part in the “Occupy Inauguration” protests planned for January 20 and 21st in Washington D.C.


Our campaign is committed to standing together with oppressed communities and demanding that Trump respect the human rights and dignity of all people in our society and throughout the world. Solidarity must be our guiding principle.


And we will express our solidarity by “Occupying” the Inauguration in January.


Will you help us?


Because unfortunately, it’s going to cost us about $20,000 to send our delegation to these protests. If you contribute today, your support will be instrumental in helping us “occupy” and will go a long way to pay for the practical costs involved as we organize.







                         OH NO! - They're (almost) back!

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Not only is the woman morally bankrupt, sociopathic, and paranoid, shes now claiming that Murica is being targeted by Foreign State Actors conducting a Psyop on Murica so they cede to a stronger power.




And in the meantime, the Sheeple still get sucked in to throwing money at her.


Just, Wow!

It was reported after she first lost the election that donations came to a screeching halt. The family greed is legendary. Having no skill, product, or patent the only thing the three can sells is access(to the presidency) or government information. With out access to both and being made irrelevant by the election. It looks to be a final desperate grasp for the cash, the only thing is the sheeple can send the million dollar donations.

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