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Is it cool to trade graduating high school for a datsun?

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Right on... !

Just make sure he does maintenance all around as a stipulation.

(especially checking and changing oil/coolant/brakes/etc etc).

He'll cherish it quite a bit more if he has to work for it or be able to brag to his buddy's :thumbup:


You're guy's deal/business , and a great incentive... to a lucky nephew some would say ;) :cool:


Good on you.

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hold up.....
since when do kids need to be bribed to finish high school. 

maybe it was just me but I thought that high school was an expectation and anything less than a 3.0 GPA was unacceptable.  my parents never once gave me anything for getting good grades and graduating. 

maybe its just me, but high school should be an expectation, graduate trade school or college and then I feel he has earned a truck. 


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hold up.....

since when do kids need to be bribed to finish high school. 

maybe it was just me but I thought that high school was an expectation and anything less than a 3.0 GPA was unacceptable.  my parents never once gave me anything for getting good grades and graduating. 


maybe its just me, but high school should be an expectation, graduate trade school or college and then I feel he has earned a truck. 






Anyone who has witnessed my rather in your face school of graduating high school with good grades with my older boys, can confirm that i tend to agree with your thinking .. But giving a gift as incentive to try just a little harder to better yourself is also a good thing.

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Since about twenty years ago. Times change man.

And they change in the direction of higher expectations of our youth! High School is, what was once higher ed, or college. American society is set up expecting teenagers to be in school. There is gov. Assistance for housing and food to get you through your teens. And school is free! Free. Unless your mother is on her death bed needing $10,000 for a South American kidney, there is no good reason to not graduate. Give him a truck when he grads if you want. That's bad ass, but don't wave the carrot. Just wait till he grads, then decide.


I thought we were at the point of expecting too many kids to grad college already. That, I agree can wait a few years till one finds ones self, and refines ambition.


Rant aside, cool as shit that you are rewarding a kid with a Datsun. I'd like to give a Datsun away one day. That, i'd say, is an excellent goal.

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I think the national dropout rate is over 40%. Ithink an offer like this sees fair, he has a job and if he is truly vested in the deal then why not? How many of his peers will be walking across the stage with him. hopefully more then 6 out of ten. These kids(punks) are our countries future, and with almost half choosing to go work at some dead end job because 9 bucks an hour sounds good at 16 years old instead of sticking it out in H.S. then I say bribe or duct tape his ass into graduating. Good uncle.

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Yup times are different, i was paying about 200 bucks per unit in college, thats why i stoped going, and my brother gets paid to go to college now, him and all his friends have nice cars that are paid for by college money, and none of those dude feel the need to get a job, they play Nintendo all day,



Im gonna shut up now cause im getting worked up and gonna go sock my brother

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From what I have witnessed, if you gift a vehicle, he will not cherish it. As others have said, bribing teens to graduate high school can only hurt them in the long run imo. Some will always need bribing in order for them to accomplish anything, for them. Although, there is always that one in a dozen good kid that will appreciate the hell out of that truck cherish it like a discovered pirate treasure.


My advice, sell it to him. That way, if he treats it like trash you won't feel so bad. Just my spare chump change...

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My wife and I gave her nephew a car when he graduated HS.  I was completely against the idea. In less than 2 years the car was a total loss and had to be towed out of his driveway.  Needless to say I was disappointed (no, it was not a Datsun).  I had to buy my first car and did so before I had my license.  Having to earn enough and save enough to be able to do that made me appreciate the car more and take care of it and also started my love affair with cars.


There is my 2 cents worth. Not saying I am right or wrong, just sharing some experience to help weigh the decision because every situation is different.

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