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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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I ate McDonalds as a kid as well.  I think that was a bad decision, but I didn't eat it often, and I believe they served food back then.


Yeah, it was pretty much just a chain burger joint back then I figure. I was in my teens the first time I ate at one. Where I grew up, the closest one was over 30 miles away and my mom was a bit of a hippie (a real one) so it was not gonna happen on her dime. So, when I started driving is when I first went. It did not set well.

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Kids that didn't eat mc donalds were considered weird whilst growing up.

carrot cake birthday parties, check mix, hippie crafts not cool for some kids. Of course those parents brought soft porno mags and reefer too bridge club.

I love carrot cake. And check mix. May Poles are kinda lame, but if topless hippies with flowers in their hair want to dance around tethered to a phalis, I'll spectate that action while smokin a cone with a carrot cake blunt wrap eating chex mix all day long.


Enjoy your special sauce Ronald.

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Oh you weenies, McDonalds is fine.  They even have a quite a few healthy alternatives to a bacon burger.  I'm not saying eat it 24-7, but it's not going to kill you.  Taco Bell on the other hand, might, but damn I do love me a rat taco! ;)

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I just can't do McD's anymore. I've eaten plenty, and I can honestly say that I prefer food.


It falls within my smug law. If I frequent an establishment where I generally consider myself better than the others around me, I take it as a sign that I might want to think about not going there anymore. This happens at Mcdonalds, Wallmart, NYSE, the DMV (mainly the clerks), and IHOP. It's not really international. But really, I give too many shits about how I live and I'm aware of that. Still I won't go back to how I was. Fricken $0.99 whopper every day. W/no onions so I was sure they made it fresh. Fucking habits.


But as stated, quitting Benzos is the real deal. Fast food is nothing compared to that.

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I have not ate at burger joints except maybe twice a year in a couple decades, that food is not enough to keep you alive, let alone keep you healthy, I am saying that just about anything is better than that crap, so now they have healthier crap, it's still crap.

I used to eat at them places twice a day, then I started having issues, I won't get into all of them, but the one that broke the camels back was gout.



Gout (also known as podagra when it involves the big toe)[3] is a medical condition usually characterized by recurrent attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis—a red, tender, hot, swollen joint. The metatarsal-phalangeal joint at the base of thebig toe is the most commonly affected (approximately 50% of cases). However, it may also present as tophikidney stones, or urate nephropathy. It is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. The uric acid crystallizes, and the crystals deposit in joints, tendons, and surrounding tissues.

Clinical diagnosis may be confirmed by seeing the characteristic crystals in joint fluid. Treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroids, or colchicine improves symptoms. Once the acute attack subsides, levels of uric acid are usually lowered via lifestyle changes, and in those with frequent attacks, allopurinol or probenecid provides long-term prevention.

Gout has become more common in recent decades, affecting about 1–2% of the Western population at some point in their lives. The increase is believed to be due to increasing risk factors in the population, such as metabolic syndrome, longer life expectancy, and changes in diet. Gout was historically known as "the disease of kings" or "rich man's disease."



I changed my diet, started making my own food, and when I did eat out, it was not at a burger joint, on hanggliding road trips, it became a sore spot, but once you have had gout waking you up in the middle of the night, you just learn to not eat at crap places.

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McRibs are back btw and if you can't appreciate chemically washed hog anuses press molded into a quasi-rib shape, slathered in a bbq sauce that tastes like brand x ketchup aged in a car console for two years and sprinkled with plastic onion bits then ya'll just don't know good eatin'.

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There could be a Surgeon Generals warning on the top of the McRib box stating that it causes cancer, yet sales would be unaffected. I've never eaten one of those things and I don't ever want to. The only thing I've consumed from McDonalds in the last, probably 8 years, is Coke and soft serve. Oh, and a shamrock shake, which was disgusting. My bowels agreed.

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A few years back, I was in town and was really hungry. My friend points out a Wendy's and I figured, what the hell, it won't kill me. So, I got a burger and fries. About 30 minutes later, we were in an auto parts store and I laid down a fart that was so nasty that it filled up the 5000 square foot building in the matter of a few minutes. Seriously, I am not exaggerating, it was so bad that one of the girls at the counter opened up the doors. I was so guilty, because I was the only one in hysterical laughter and each time it hit someone new and they made a gagging sound, I laughed even harder. Sooo, Wendy's, yaaah.

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A few years back, I was in town and was really hungry. My friend points out a Wendy's and I figured, what the hell, it won't kill me. So, I got a burger and fries. About 30 minutes later, we were in an auto parts store and I laid down a fart that was so nasty that it filled up the 5000 square foot building in the matter of a few minutes. Seriously, I am not exaggerating, it was so bad that one of the girls at the counter opened up the doors. I was so guilty, because I was the only one in hysterical laughter and each time it hit someone new and they made a gagging sound, I laughed even harder. Sooo, Wendy's, yaaah.


its commonly referred to as " crop dusting ".

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