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So now the whole office needs to go through sensitivity training.

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Oh my f....  So I walk into the office after driving the crew cab dodge ram 3500 diesel.  this truck has like a 20" exhaust pipe right.  And I say, "wow Marco, I feel my testosterone levels rise when I drive this beast".  One office worker storms out of the office for the rest of the day.  Next thing I know, the entire office needs to go through sensitivity training.  Nobody has the BALLS to just say, no.  This does not warrant this expense, or time.  There is one person total that gets offended (quite certain of this).  What would you do Ratsun?  

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Oh my f....  So I walk into the office after driving the crew cab dodge ram 3500 diesel.  this truck has like a 20" exhaust pipe right.  And I say, "wow Marco, I feel my testosterone levels rise when I drive this beast".  One office worker storms out of the office for the rest of the day.  Next thing I know, the entire office needs to go through sensitivity training.  Nobody has the BALLS to just say, no.  This does not warrant this expense, or time.  There is one person total that gets offended (quite certain of this).  What would you do Ratsun?  



I would say it in Hawaian.

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Where does it fucking end? Really. I'm all for understanding others, being somewhat understanding of those that are over-sensitive, but seems to me we are being held hostage by these candy-ass pussy, limp wrist, hanky twisting, girly-man, cry when Forrest Gump's mom died, crystal gazing, Om chanting, sandal wearing, whiny voiced, oh I broke a nail, fucks.


The company should single them out for re education. Have 'em watch this ... Then tell them to grow a mustache and harden the fuck up



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We once had a receptionist that complained that she couldn't work with a parts counter guy. When asked why, she said "because he has tattoos."


She had never once met him or talked to him, just worked across the floor from him.


They "asked" him to wear long sleeve shirts, and he did.


She could not stand knowing that he had those evil tattoos and finally quit, and I believe got unemployment due to "job place stress" or some shit.

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fuck that bitch and I assume its a bitch 

next time I would say my DICK gets hard when I drive that truck 

or I get a woody when I drive that truck 

Nothing wrong with a woody is there 

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Where does it fucking end? Really. I'm all for understanding others, being somewhat understanding of those that are over-sensitive, but seems to me we are being held hostage by these candy-ass pussy, limp wrist, hanky twisting, girly-man, cry when Forrest Gump's mom died, crystal gazing, Om chanting, sandal wearing, whiny voiced, oh I broke a nail, fucks.


The company should single them out for re education. Have 'em watch this ... Then tell them to grow a mustache and harden the fuck up



Mark Chopper Reid is awesome.


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I've seen both extremes in office culture.  Generally things get sorted out when senior leaders make the right call and aim for the reasonable middle ground.  Sounds easy but we're such a litigious society everybody is afraid of winding up in court.  Harden the fuck up.

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Tr8r, I guess you shouldn't call that guy Marco. That's insensitive to people with less interesting names.


Str8 69, that bitch should've been fired on the spot. You cant discriminate against your coworkers based on skin color.

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I saw nothing wrong with your original statement.


Sounds like that cunt just needs to get laid or have the stick removed from her ass.





I'll see you in class.

This sounds like a solution is close, shall I send her your way?  cause, "not it!"

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I work in a machine shop. No women. We tell each other to stfu and pull up your big girl panties, and get back to work every day. When someone leaves early, it's because their vagina hurts. As they leave, at least one of us Yells "my labia, my labia". Usually the boss.


Then I go to Candi's office to drop something off and everyone is golly gosh, gee willickers it sure is nice to see you. What fucking planet are these people from. Candi gets home and talks like a drunken sailer. I don't know how she does it.


No one has the right to never be offended.

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Oh my f....  So I walk into the office after driving the crew cab dodge ram 3500 diesel.  this truck has like a 20" exhaust pipe right.  And I say, "wow Marco, I feel my testosterone levels rise when I drive this beast".  One office worker storms out of the office for the rest of the day.  Next thing I know, the entire office needs to go through sensitivity training.  Nobody has the BALLS to just say, no.  This does not warrant this expense, or time.  There is one person total that gets offended (quite certain of this).  What would you do Ratsun

Was it a local person or a Haole?? LOL  My guess would be the latter.

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I would get the fuck out of Hawaii because that place sucks balls.

I think anyone can say that about anyplace.  I was born and raised there.  I'll bet this happened on Oahu....that place is a fucking nightmare.   I was raised on Molokai and Maui.  COMPLETELY different mindsets there. Oahu is a fucking rat race, dog eat dog, watch your fucking back place.  I am part hawaiian/filipino and would NEVER EVER live on Oahu!  Just sayin.... B)

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^^lucky, we have women in my machine shop and we are all nearly in fear of HR coming down on us for nothing, it only takes once and were all fucked....


25+ yrs in the industry, I've only worked with 1 female machinist that was worth a shit. If I ever start my own shop, I would hire her in a minute. The rest of them are just attention whores. No skill, just drama and disruption.

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