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Rustina 510 emergency surgery

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Beaten Cancer twice now myself... fuck cancer and the fuck shit stick is pogo'd in on.    listen to the doctors, remember no matter how fucking bad you think your deal is, there's likely a guy or gal 4 beds down who has it worse, so you have to suck it up, go through the shit treatments and surgeries and do whatever is needed to win.   Bitch and moan when you're cured, kick ass until then.


I'm not religious at all , but I pray to anything you have some sort of medical coverage... i kiss the ground at least once a year for being born in Canada on that one thing alone.


The first time I had it, i was the only survivor of the 5 people i knew personally who were also fighting it... that was nearly 20 years ago(i'm 43 this year) and treatments are much better now.  


Motherfucking bullshit.... 

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In the USA if you don't have coverage and you get cancer, you almost wish you were dead cause it can cause you to lose everything you've got.


Rustina seems to have a good job.. And I'm sure it comes with insurance... But even that is not enough. He already said that he's got no money for his build until tax time. Even if you are covered you can go broke. Doesn't seem right..


But your right Merlin, gotta stay strong. No matter what there is someone that's got it worse. Be a fighter and kick some ass!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok. About to go in for my last X-ray and appointment to make sure all the cancer is gone and removed, getting my surgical staples removed, and hopefully getting the green light to return to work.


Thx again to all my great Ratsun friends, and some who helped with the auction that I have not had the pleasure to meet, come say hello to me this year at canby, I'll have a beer and a safety meeting for yah


On a funny note, I went to work to visit and say hello for the first time today and all my co workers could talk about is how much weight I have lost.


A total of 35 lbs in 3 weeks is pretty dramatic, but this isn't a diet I would ever recommend

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