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"Honda-Tech has even spilled into real life "


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thats some fucked up shit.


i used to be a honda guy, but couldnt handle this kind of shit. bunch of punk ass-know it all kids


I was on h-t just long enough to get some 1 piece headlights for my 91 Integra. Soon as I got those I never went back.

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I wrote

Thats…… Idk what any one there was thinking, du front of that one and called the cops Of course, the chick was a total honder-der-er no sorounding the car are just as bad but……. If som that and went to drive away …. I think id try and h what was going on



Copy paste fail, phone wont scroll and copy at tge same time lol, doesnt realy make sense there^^^

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Oh the lulz i was almost on the floor lolilillolol. Best part the asshat in the second video with the earings used to be the manager of the pizza place I worked at. I hope the guy in his own car kept saying come at me bro lol. Those fruit punches were so lame. Who hits someone in the face as they are sitting down and not knowing what was up lol

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