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I was coming back from school last night and was on 11th street and Corral Hollow intersection in Tracy, ca when a blue two door 510 drove by.  It was dark around 9pm.  Couldn't get a picture just wanted to know if it was anyone on here.

I know a couple blue two door 510's.. could be me but wasn't in Tracy. 

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A buddy spotted a 510 at a local auto repair shop, so I HAD to go check it out!  Turned out to be an original unmolested dark green 4 door, with no hubcaps, a little rust that I could see, and what looked like faded original paint.  I parked, walked straight into the shop (don't like poking around other peoples cars), pet the dog while the guy was on the phone, introduced myself as a HUGE 510 enthusiast and tried to hand him my card.  He looked at me, said it was a customers car, that they didn't need any parts and basically said "Good bye (and get out)!".  I was stunned that a shop owner could be so freakin' rude to a walk in.


So instead, I "stalked" the shop that evening from a parking lot across the street, right around 5:30, hoping to catch the owner picking it up (nope, didn't pick it up that day).  Sat there for 45min until the techs started leaving, and one of them came across the street (to go to the store??), so I approached him.  Nice guy, told him what happened earlier, he said the owner can be a dick, and I explained that I was simply interested in talking to the owner.  He said it was an older woman, the car was her Dad's (now passed away), and that it was likely NOT for sale.  He graciously took my card, and said that he would pass it along to her.  First contact!


Well, no call, so I had an idea!  If the car was at this small local shop, there's a pretty good chance that she lived nearby, so I went on a neighborhood "car stalking".  I zig-zagged the neighborhoods within a mile radius, with no luck.  Found lots of other classic car gems, but no Datsuns!  So I started heading home, and realized that it was lunch time, so I stopped at a micro brewery for a sandwich.  I chose to sit outside on the deck, right on the main drag of the street to watch cars, facing back in the direction from where I was originally searching.  My sliders & fries arrive, I've got one stuffed in my mouth, and I swear to God the 510 darted across the street 2 blocks down!  I froze, contemplating quickly if I should run to my car for the chase, but realized that I hadn't paid my bill yet!  Damn it!!  So I finished my lunch, not taking my eyes off of that intersection, cuz there was a 50/50 chance that she would double back after her possible errand, right!!??  No luck, so I paid my bill, and quickly drove down to the intersection, found a spot to park, and waited for almost an hour.  No luck.  Lost her.  Maybe hanging out there again some weekday evening, right around 5:00-6:00pm, hoping she drives by................I'm freakin' obsessed!!   

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Spotted a primer 70s 510 a couple blocks from my house on Pine. Ive never seen it before today. There was a 2002 parked there before (may still be there as there were a few parked out front). 



Ill have to go check it out... hopefully its a permanent resident. 

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