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  • Location
    Sunny California (Upland/Santa Ana)
  • Cars
    72 240z, 74 620, 74 710, 73 240z (roller), 76 710, 75 710 Hardtop
  • Occupation

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  1. There goes the alignment 🤷‍♂️
  2. Nice bodyguard escorts!
  3. Sunny and Warm...Sunny and Warm! Is this still going on with this incoming rain or wut
  4. Nice find man! Glad its a stick shift already :thumbup:
  5. $750 for a 710 goon that needs a new engine! http://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/cto/5419438266.html
  6. Owns nice car, can't park.
  7. Anyone have 710 parts available? Last time i believe i saw someone in the middle aisle selling a blue 710 front valance. If ye haveth moar 710 parts, please PM me!
  8. Awesome work on the mirrors! I have a set of long stalk mirrors but the hinge on the bottom is broken... any tips on how to repair the pot metal?
  9. need... that grille... and... front end... PM me, operators are standing by :w00t:
  10. some Datosans I saw over the long weekend (in no particular order): Saw this 620 on going east on Arrow Highway in Glendora, Ca? I was driving the 620 loaded with some crap I was helping a friend move but I barely caught up to him on the corner where he turned. 280zx 2+2 going east on the 10 freeway going to the 57 interchange. Roadster in West Covina off of Barranca near Puente. Looks like it got a hard top cover beccause it used to be covered with the camper that is next to it! Claremont, Ca: went to pick up some free moving boxes that were listed on craigslist only to find that they were gone. Turning around I saw that yellow snout peeking fro the garage. Owner, get the crap off the Z and get it on the road!
  11. I wanted to thank 76 fastback for the opportunity and everyone else here for their support! Yesterday I was fortunate enough to afford an opportunity to visit my friends. We had a sort of impromptu meet and it good to see them :D Got the plate frame on the truck and it looks awesome! :thumbup: My buddy has a different version of the frame... he should put it on his truck! Here are some of the shenanigans that go down at his garage/house: Mold made for a Violet emblem for the 710! My buddies Cars: We cruised to my other buddies house: Big trucks don't scare us... we actually feel bad for them :sneaky: It doesn't matter if you're black or white...... or blue! A wild 240z appeared! Later followed by a Toyota Mango: Twas a good night!
  12. Spotted in Hemet, California on Saturday
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