some Datosans I saw over the long weekend (in no particular order):
Saw this 620 on going east on Arrow Highway in Glendora, Ca? I was driving the 620 loaded with some crap I was helping a friend move but I barely caught up to him on the corner where he turned.
280zx 2+2 going east on the 10 freeway going to the 57 interchange.
Roadster in West Covina off of Barranca near Puente. Looks like it got a hard top cover beccause it used to be covered with the camper that is next to it!
Claremont, Ca: went to pick up some free moving boxes that were listed on craigslist only to find that they were gone. Turning around I saw that yellow snout peeking fro the garage. Owner, get the crap off the Z and get it on the road!