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heartless people...

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it was my day off so i decided to go hangout with the lady friend and thought the river dock would be a cool place to hangout. i parked my car, put everything out of sight (so i thought) and walked maybe half a block leaving my car at the parking lot with other trucks and trailers. after 10 minutes i was notified my window was busted by a family who also had called the cops cause my door was opened with the window busted. i ran to see it, and there is was glass every where, glove box went through and everything shuffled through. i looked and noticed the only thing missing was a hat. are you kidding me i thought??? a hat! things are getting ridiculous now days. made a police report and an hour later had it vaccumed, washed, and of course the new window in. it really sucks but what can you do. next pay check i know what im getting...





there you go.

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That totally sucks. Only going to get more common until the economy picks up, or until WA makes it illegal to hitchhike/beg/etc. like Idaho does. A lot of the riff raff spend the day in jail instead of just being shuttled off to the next place to break into something to score some money for meth.


I still have two front door glasses for a 2 door 510 that I'm not going to use, being mine's a 4 door. PM if you need a spare.

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I don't know about you but I would love to catch someone breaking into a car... it doesn't have to be mine... when the owner returns he finds a broken window and a punk knocked out with his teeth in a pile next to his sorry butt. I've had my cars broken into more than once and I feel your pain.






this just happened to me on wed in downtown, on my wheeler that was stolen 6mo ago.



guess who's paranoid as shit now :mad:



but ya that sucks it happened to you to.

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some people should get their ass beat for doing things to other peoples rides, that sucks but it could have been worse. sorry that it happened but just glad it was just a window

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id be getting one of these




thats why i always try and park with my car in sight also why this one is getting an alarm im really sorry this happend man at least its a 510 glass is a little easier to find

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In broad daylight man that sucks. You park your car in a lot with a ton of people and they pick your dime WTF. I hate thiefs. All that mess for a f/n hat. I just don't get it. :mad:

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An alarm would not have prevented the damage. Probably wouldn't have saved the hat either. In and out quick.


Car alarms.... who hasn't heard them and thought: "fuckin' nuisance" rather than "Shit! Someones getting robbed!"

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Thing are pretty shitty right now. My house was broken into a month or so ago, and just last night my neighbor caught someone in her back yard, said someone else was in my back yard. When her dog started barking they both split.

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Thing are pretty shitty right now. My house was broken into a month or so ago, and just last night my neighbor caught someone in her back yard, said someone else was in my back yard. When her dog started barking they both split.


exactly why I own a 12g




if you break into my house Im going to put some buckshot in your shins then ask you what the fuck your doing

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An alarm would not have prevented the damage. Probably wouldn't have saved the hat either. In and out quick.


Car alarms.... who hasn't heard them and thought: "fuckin' nuisance" rather than "Shit! Someones getting robbed!"


X2! when I enter with my Super Sprint to a mall basement parking lot, all the alarms start to sound...no one says anything else besides "Sho esa alarma cerota" hahaha translated sounds like, "Shut that fucking alarm off"


Those things are useless. Im so sorry to hear that KA, at least theres no more damage to that jewel. i sometimes leave the glovebox open here in Guatemala so they can really see that theres nothing inside. The violence is starting to be the same everywhere.

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a tommy gun?:D

but in all seriousness, that really sucks. if it had been me(im sure you as well) and i had seen them, id me going down for assault, or assault with deadly weapon


Nice thing about Az.They changed the law to read like the law in Texas-we can use deadly force to defend property.Did i mention i LIKE Az.?

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