The time has come for me to temporarily leave the 510 scene. I know I've talked about it before, but I'm actually selling it this weekend, to a member on here(turnrightracing). I got accepted to University of Utah for fall 2010, and I won't be able to bring the car out there with me. I could, but it's very illogical to have a project car when you're 2000 miles from home with no garage. The flipside is leaving it here, where it wouldn't be driven, or enjoyed, and I know that my mom doesn't want it taking up garage space. Jeff, who's buying it, is going to give it a new home, and has the means, time, and money to make it what it deserves to be.
I'm sure I'll buy another one down the road, but now just isn't the time. Figured I'd let you guys know. :crying: