that was pretty dick! how would you have felt if you had hidden pars and somebody took them? no love for your datsun brothers? if i see hidden parts, i leave them! hell sometimes ill toss some more stuff up there
B310=datsun 210. the vin SHOULD say B210 then everything will be just gravy. my dad installed one in his 510 in less than an hour(including going to pep boys for some hose) so it should be a sinch
what kind of an IDIOT buys a car if they dont have the money for it? because financial problems rarely happen overnight. oh and its spelled power not p0wer. numbers dont belong there buddy. maybe you need to go back to college for another couple of years
i doubt you paid the 6800 he was asking. now you just wanna flip it. LOL what a jackass!
P0werPlentySR20? learn to spell dickwad! its idiots like yourself that are ruining the datsuns down here.
i hate you