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ratsun pets, we know you got-em, now show-em

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And then there was one.....
A few days ago I set up an appointment for the vet to come over and put my older retriever to sleep.
She had a tumor on her spleen/liver, the same as her mother Sealik. Passed within a week of each other...(age wise)...both at about 12 years/4 months
Yesterday morn.......
An hour before he arrived she had a grand mal seizure, not a good situation. I never witnessed one before and lets say it's rather disturbing. Definitely not images one wants to associate with the passing of a friend
I didn't know what to do...just kind of held her down till it passed which seemed like an eternity. After that....she was pretty much spent..... :crying:
The vet arrived and couldn't find a vein for the injection and ended up shaving another leg..........finally he was able to locate one and she fell into a deep sleep.
She's resting in a deep snowbank outside until spring....then I'll be able to get up her up the mountain and bury her with some of her family.
So sad......her younger sister Sammie is somewhat confused/despondent now....she keeps glancing at the door wondering where her buddy is.....
About one year young....


Couple days ago....








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Doug, I'm so sorry for your sad sad loss. It was great meeting Sammy and Ruby a couple of years ago as I was missing my dog around then. I'm not a big people person but I can't pass a dog on the way home without stopping to pet them. They ask so little and give so much and when they are gone the empty space they leave is hard to bear.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

It's a must.

You obviously know what's up :lol:


I can't get over how much I love this little dude.  He's done an amazing job of helping heal both our hearts after losing our last two dogs. 


And, he loves the 521.... he's a keeper :wub:











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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is a really shitty and sad note to throw in here, but I didn't want to start or new thread or anything. My dog has died. He was 15 and had a great life, but it doesn't make it any easier. So I'm in a bit of a full out funk over it.

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