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Status Updates posted by flatcat19

  1. Any members in or near Central Montana?

    1. Str8_69


      cool, but that's a spendy test light

    2. flatcat19


      I'm hoping Jay Leno buys it. Flatcat needs Datsun!

    3. flatcat19


      No reserve. Get it for cheap.

    1. squatches


      ive never seen that car around lol but it looks hella clean!


  2. Lottso-Hugging-Bear...You haz PM>

  3. \/ That guy voted no. \/

  4. Crisis MiniVan-fully adverted!!!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. bananahamuck


      my American minivan(s) were built in canada.


      I love my minivan it is the swap meet find haulin bitch.

    3. flatcat19


      Meh. I'm just gonna keep telling myself I got a great deal on it and continue watching the smile on my wife's face.

    4. flatcat19


      She has a nice Honda Pilot now and I have a date with the classifieds.

  5. Sad day. Selling my Maxima to help fund :fuckme: a minivan.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. devilsbullet


      lol, like that idea flat?

    3. flatcat19


      I do. Brilliant!!!

      I'm pretty morbid-yet that thought never even came close to crossing my mind.

    4. devilsbullet


      glad to be of service lol

  6. Updating my resume sucks!!!

    1. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      wannna borrow mine?

  7. Anyone else try Jack In The Box's hot cinnamon milkshake?

  8. NismoDr. just created a paradox in Insomniacs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      I love hot sauce, what are you talking aboot?

    3. Draker


      Topic has been pseudo-locked for all dudes.

    4. flatcat19


      You meant you like sauce hot.

  9. Finally home. No more hospital food.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. freaky510


      So much for the room service. Glad to hear your out

    3. TENDRIL


      egg salad sammies FTMFW!!!!

    4. Jennifer


      the best sammich i ever had was in a hospital... i went back.. for non hospital business... they changed the whole menu :(

  10. Staying the night at hospital. Wife, who just gave birth 3 days ago, had to have her appendix removed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flatcat19


      Thnx ya'll. Its been a scary last few days.

    3. Draynor


      Hope everything goes well...my brother just went into surgery for his appendix last night too...

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Oh poor thing :( Well wishes your way.

  11. IT'S A BOY!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DAT510


      Woot! Datsun for him!

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      Congrats man babies are a lot of fun!

    4. MikeRL411


      It's a boy, and he wants a Datsun!!!!

  12. Wife is in active labor. Shit's goin' down.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. freaky510


      Congratz!! I will be watching the for the Need Diapers For sale thread ;)

    3. PrimeLuxeZ


      Congratulations. And good luck.

    4. Eagle_Adam


      damn man, keep me posted

  13. Wife just went into active labor. And I'm on Ratsun.

  14. Driving. In snow. At night. Turn on brights. ENGAGE WARP DRIVE!!!

  15. Just added a black male kitty to the fam. Thinking aboot a Datsun-ish name.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. flatcat19


      Maybe that was what was wrong?

    3. flatcat19


      She ain't even mad though.

    4. 420n620


      how about Rustycat or shorten to RC or gina so when you ask peeps, have U seen my gina. ???????????


  16. Someone school me on the HL510.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Draynor


      $900 on mine


    3. RedBanner


      It's cool, seent it in person a year ago, almost traded my b for it. Glad I waited lol

    4. H5WAGON
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