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Status Updates posted by flatcat19

  1. We're y'all fiendin'?

    1. MicroMachinery


      Maybe some work actually got done while the Datsun forum was down.

    2. mhub91


      I deleted my Fuckbook, so I've been fapping to Ratsun lately.


    3. mhub91


      erm... I mean Facebook. I had to delete it because I got too good at making grown men cry over the internet. Fucking morons over there.

  2. New episodes of Top Gear on Netflix!!!

    1. KoHeartsGPA


      Good excuse to finally sign up!

  3. Happy Turkey day. ROAD TRIP!!!

  4. Not drifting; just drunk.

    1. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      drunk drifting is fun.....

  5. Did anyone get a pic of HRH sitting in the hobo-throne at Canby 2015?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flatcat19


      If that's what needs to be done. Dude needs to get laid so bad he himself is starting to smell like vagina.

    3. Draker
    4. KoHeartsGPA
  6. My 2 year dropped the F bomb. Your youth is over. Time to move out.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      I hope they're still your allies. They don't typically turn on you until they're teens.

    3. Dguy210


      lol, I still remember my 4 year old saying what an asshole after someone cut us off in traffic. I had a hard time yelling at him I was laughing so hard

    4. Skib


      your supposed to be mad at him.... but you really want to high five him. I mean, the kids not wrong after all lol

  7. So sick of waiting for the internet to get hooked.

    1. flatcat19


      No internet = no cowbells.

    2. bananahamuck


      I used to be hooked on phonics

    3. MicroMachinery


      Been hooked ever since I got the internets.

  8. I was going to offer Rick some of my leftover ambition but I'm blocked. So I'm keeping it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Phixius


      WTF is ambition?

    3. MicroMachinery


      What all of General Discussion lacks.

    4. 420n620


      says the guy with a 2 year old flat. LOL

  9. Cubs...lost. Space-time continuum...intact.

    1. MicroMachinery


      We've got to go back!

    2. metalmonkey47


      It's too late, we're already in the future!

  10. Andrea...where are you...come out and play.

    1. EastBay521


      Hes in the middle of rebuilding his L20b. Again......

    2. TENDRIL


      3k stock l20b ftw

  11. What is this rain I keep hearing aboot?

    1. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      Tiny water droplets that fall from the sky....

    2. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      Nanner is holding out

    3. Rjawm


      The tiny droplets are gods tears from everytime you touch yourself.

  12. What's the story, mods?

    1. EastBay521


      We are all under investigation

    2. 510freak


      you broke it.

      at least the ads still work,

  13. Damn you 521 and your standard threaded bullshit!

  14. WooHoo! I found me a Ratsun lighter case!

  15. NBA Free Agency period is sucking up all my internet time.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Draker
    3. jrock4224


      fuck the nba now the blazers are losing la

    4. jrock4224


      and maybe there saving up to make russell wilson the highest paid qb,.... which should not happen by the way

  16. Want to really get after him...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. uberkevin


      Hahaha fuck head.

      It's Sheats.

    3. flatcat19


      Mrs. Hale is gonna show you the sheets.

    4. jrock4224


      keith is drunk

  17. farts, farts, farts, and more farts.

  18. Mercy, mercy...RIP #25.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flatcat19
    3. flatcat19


      Yes, Steve Blake currently wears #25. But the greatest to ever don that number for Portland will be greatly missed. If any other current member were to wear that number, other than Steve, I'd petition to pull it. Blake is the only one tough enough to wear it.

    4. Mattndew76


      That was the best team that never could :(


      RIP Jerome

  19. 196 fresh, in-package Hot Wheels...Yours, for only $5.

  20. Barbara is a pussy. Unblock me if ya wanna talk shit.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      If you pronounce it differently.....it means "sloppy bitch" in Arabic

    3. RadioRedline
    4. skyblue
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