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About mhub91

  • Birthday 10/05/1991

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  • Location
    Tacoma, WA
  • Cars
    210, 320, 620, 510, A10, B210, 200SX, 240Z, D21... Lost count. Had them all.
  • Interests
    Telling Ted he sucks.

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  1. let me know if you need help. i'm in tacoma. I have a 65.
  2. Gross.
  3. Sold all my Datsun shit except my old '65 320 during China Virus and somehow ended up going down the Mopar rabbit hole. It got me thinking.... The current resurgence (fanboi craze) of Datsun shit is similar to the fanatical Mopar zealots. Let me explain: For me, Datsuns, way back when, were an oddball car. Not so oddball you'd be classified with those British-car loving queers, stinky VW hippies or Volvo lovers, but rather, Datsuns were owned by people who were like that one uncle who only came around on 4th of July or a shotgun wedding to drink beer and tell tall tales of him dropping acid at Van Halen's 1984 tour... that is... if he were lucky to be out of jail that year to celebrate. You see, back then Datsun were so cheap or free. Infact, you could actually get paid to pull that B210 "everyone had in high school" out of the back yard and dude's ol' Lady would provide lemonade or sweet tea. But something happened. Right around the year 1996 Al Gore invented the internet. This led to many car enthusiast clubs to be hosted on Yahoo! and Geocities pages. Simple text, No build thread, just a basic calendar outlining the month's events that happened at the same Pizza Parlor on the same "Every third Saturday of the month" and a single picture of the group's founder's wife in front of his "Rotisserie Restored [insert non-desirable, quirky car here]". Then, the holy trinity of internet shit storm: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube. Somehow, I found myself in a world of pseudo-Mopar Cock Suckers: People paying astronomical prices for rusty junk. And just like that: faster than a Jew with a 50%-off coupon DATSUN was the new name of highly desired shit box. ........So, anyway, like I said. Sold most my Datsun collection and got into buying, selling and driving old Mopars. Now I can't stop drinking Miller High-Life and talking about how I shouldn't have sold my '68 Barracuda. Or Saying things like "That's nothing. My old LO23 Hemi-Cuda would lift the front left tire of the ground -- All motor!" Or, like, when I hear "Cat Scratch Fever" and slam my beer down and ask my buddy "Dudn't this jus make ya wanna bite the ass off'a cat? Similiarly: "Needs Cragars" or "Needs shackles, N50's on the back end, Mickey Thompsons up front, 3/4 race cam and hot Accel coil." Here's some pics of the garbage I been playing with:
  4. Truck still going strong after bringing it home in 2016.
  5. KA / CA / SR are all on the end of "advanced" engine swaps. They're all a tight fit and have various issues. When I'm at a PC I'll sit a give a huge info dump. On cell phone now.
  6. I can tell you anything you want about the entire process. I've had a CA, ka, SR and an LZ23 in my 76 B210. Spoiler: my LZ23 (2.3L Frankenstein L series) didn't make shit for power. A single cam KA would blow it out of the water.
  7. mhub91

    ca18de in b210

    Also, refer to my post here in the B210 section. I provided definitive information on the entire swap process of B210.
  8. mhub91

    ca18de in b210

    I've actually had a CA18DE in my B210. It will ... "fit" ... using a PL510 engine cross member and 620 mounts. Unfortunately, when using the 510 crossmember as-is, the engine sits too far-forwards several inches. The oxygen sensor on the manifold directly interferes with the steering box too.
  9. All Datsun coil over kits are the same except 240/260/280z, truck and early (pre 1968) cars and anything FWD. The 210, B210, 510, 610, 710, 810, Maxima, R30 Skyline, R31 Skyline, S110 200SX and S12 200SX are all the same in terms of what weld on coilover kits can be used. Yes, it fits.
  10. Don't give up on it. I've owned mine for about 7 years. All It does (mostly) is sit in the garage. I drive it a dozen times a year at most. I got mine for the cost of dirt so it's not an issue for me if something goes bad. You should stick with it. There's something special about these little trucks.
  11. Hey Joe, is this still available? I'm interested. Please send a message. Thanks!
  12. DUDE. Exactly. Me and a few of my local buddies have done things that are supposedly "impossible" to the internet experts. I've come to realize that the majority of people on the Ratsun FB group acting like experts have zero to little hands-on experience. It's mind blowing.
  13. Nah, I didn't mean to come off as getting worked up. I curse a lot. I have the mouth of a sailor and the intelligence of an 11th grader.
  14. The A10 xmemer WILL bolt into a 1979-1981 210 / B310. It will NOT bolt into a B210 or a 1200. The B210 is very unique. I call them the "medium" width xmembers. The 1200 is "narrow". Everything else is wide. ... 510, 610, 710, 810, 910, maxima, A10, S11 200SX and are interchangeable to some degree.
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