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Status Updates posted by flatcat19

  1. Stop being such a house.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Guess I'm a honey-bucket.

    3. flatcat19
    4. flatcat19


      If you weren't such a refrigerator box...

  2. Let me know if you come up to buy it. Be good to see ya again.

  3. It will fit. Lower part to S manifold will need to be custom to fit around torsion bars. The OBX header should fit if not needing just a slight massage. Thats what i have read.

  4. Youre joking, right?

  5. Finances on lock-down. The hunt begins!!!

    1. peanutbuttercups


      Rad, I hope you find a great one!!!

    2. peanutbuttercups


      Btw I did my taxes today, I file extension yearly, five grand gone. And still worked on my datto

  6. Sporadically Raymond.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      First one is2 500$ for a 77 620kc 4x4 with z pistons shaved cam and dual su. it has a sticking valve in #2. It 4 speed. camo paint with topper on 33" tires and a 6 inch lift. Has a factory tach. running and driving on 3 cylinders. Comes with a 79 parts truck ran when parked bad throwout bearing ALSO 4x4. good titles.

      Call at 360-521-7024 Second is a a 72 620 with l18 and weber, 4 speed. Black with white wheels and a red topper. Driver. 1250$

      call RC a...

    3. flatcat19


      PM me those links. We just moved-no internet yet. I'm all mobile right now.

    4. Dat Lurka
  7. Fucking money! Why do you have to be so expensive?!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ArchetypeDatsun
    3. Draker


      Don't even think about doing that. Sell other stuff first.


      Do more side jobs..


      Personal loan?



    4. Draker


      What's the scoop?

  8. CL just got blocked at work. Everyone complaining. Ratsun and Pandora still working. Problem?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. flatcat19


      That was the reason. I went and grabbed my broom.

    3. Draker


      The IT guy before me was a total boner.. So I know about power tripping IT folk.

    4. skyblue
  9. If it's not one thing it's a mother fuckin 'nother.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. flatcat19


      Or just working on it.

    3. Draker


      So you gotta take another trip? Is there at lease an oic to be had? Any where?

    4. flatcat19


      Just got home from trip. I'll give ya guys something a little later on.

  10. New truck. New starter. New alternator. Fun day!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      safe trip home dude !

    3. flatcat19


      New alternator in. Hits idler; belt to long. FML!

    4. MicroMachinery


      Someone bring this man a belt.

  11. Mater who? Not this guy!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      GAWD DAMN IT !!!!


    3. Draker


      Heck yes!!!!!!!

    4. flatcat19


      BUT-thread coming after I replace alternator and battery. Already replaced starter. Not happy.

  12. Hurry up week! Be over with already! I've been waiting too long as it is!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RedBanner


      Doubleyouteaeff batman, thought you got it weeks ago and i was patiently waiting for more pics! Redteam go!

    3. flatcat19


      Family got sick. Hotel reserved in Vantucky for Saturday night. It's going down!

    4. RedBanner
  13. Anyone watching Big Brother?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      ^^^ :sneaky: ollz


      In Soviet Russia ,,, INDY's evil identical twin ,,, hacks up 510's ,,, then hides the evidence 30ft away in tall grass


      wait ,, wahhh ?

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      no ,,, 510's ,,, because evil twin imports them ,,, and cuts them up ,,, and welds them together ,,,

    4. bananahamuck


      Flatcat likes to watch.

  14. I'd rather be talking about Yaris' then scrolling past all this spam.

    1. flatcat19


      Mobile, Lou. Can't open your link...spammer.

    2. DAT510


      kill all of the spammers meme


    3. flatcat19
  15. First rule of Ratsun...Pics or ban.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DAT510


      Ummm the first rule is don't speak of fight club.


    3. flatcat19
    4. Draker


      I thought the first rule was don't post pictures of your butthole. But I see HRH is still around. lulz.

  16. Is anyone else missing KC Prius right aboot now?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. flatcat19
    3. flatcat19


      He knows just the right buttons to push.

    4. flatcat19


      He is a doctor, is he not?


  17. Reached my monetary goal! Time for a road trip!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Draker


      Oooooooooo.... Ahhhhhhh... That's what I'll be saying to all the oics

    3. peanutbuttercups


      FUCK yeah bro I'm feenin for a road trip myself. Highway101 would be my choice right now. Out of this heat!!! Have fun

    4. flatcat19


      I-84, all the way to the Rose City and back for me.

  18. Fuck that guy.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      You're a mater !!!


      Uh oh ..


      Need datsun stat !


      Have an eye on one ?

    3. flatcat19


      Oh. You don't know?

      Mwahahahaha! It's evil!

    4. I'm BLUE
  19. Reduced pricing in my for sale thread.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. flatcat19


      Sure would. Sell ya a reciept for that price.

    3. Zeusimo


      I Only Have $299

    4. flatcat19


      ^ Hence, lower pricing.

  20. There is not enough yellow paint in the world to paint your rear bumper! ARGH!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I'm BLUE
    3. flatcat19


      Long story. Some rookie just ruined my week though. Right when plans were perfect. Noob took a shit on my success.

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Fuck... That is not fun at all. Condolences.

  21. It's world middle finger day. So here's to ya!

    1. I'm BLUE
    2. Eagle_Adam



  22. There's a new Raymond in town.

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