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Status Updates posted by flatcat19

  1. Why does it still smell like cheese in here? 

    1. datzenmike


      Worry only if it smells like toast.

  2. How 'bout them Blazers?!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Bronco ii man myself....i swear by their V6’s.....

    3. Dolomite


      I swear at their v6. The 2.9 is literally the shittiest v6 ever. A chevy 2.8 is even better.

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Lol agreed ^^^ 1000%

  3. Right where we want them. Get it done, Eagles!

    1. flatcat19
    2. Dolomite


      Fuck Tom Brady gently with a chainsaw!

  4. Watching pregame stuff; wind outside is f*cking with my TV antenna. Argh!

  5. Welp, that was pretty cool.

  6. Status updates needed an updated status.

  7. NRG steering wheel hub in a 521...Who's got one???

    1. flatcat19


      Not a WTB. Want to see fitment pictures.

  8. Carrie Fisher...You will be missed.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MikeRL411


      Mother and daughter within a day of each other! Both apparently from a stroke to boot.

    3. MikeRL411


      Just keep that POS Eddie Fisher away from both funerals!

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Eddie Fisher is dead so he won't be there.


      May both ladies rest in peace :(

  9. Xbox or PS4 Pro. Decisions, decisions.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Fat510


      xbox has better games and xbox live doesnt get hacked and shut down for 4 months

    3. r0p0doe


      Build a PC, thank me later...

    4. pondking


      SSR wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Snow in the Dry Shitties!!!

  11. Go, Cubs. I have been waiting my whole life for this moment.

    1. Rjawm


      And now you could die happy?

    2. cr83


      That was the best game 7 ever

  12. To whomever brought the dead horse...you need to get it out of here. It's turning to glue as we speak.

    1. bananahamuck


      Been doing many secret things and haven't been on... So i will be needing a link.

  13. Back in the PNW. Beginning to think it would just be easier to move here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      Better stake your claim before the Californians get it all.

    3. Draker


      They took our yurbs

    4. TENDRIL


      id rather be in bend

  14. With so many dicks running around here, you probably shouldn't proudly proclaim that you're the lone asshole. Just sayin'.

    1. Rjawm


      Maybe that's how the membership card is earned...

  15. DatzenMike... it's happening again!!!

  16. Airtex water pump...fuck you!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. shacks510


      Happened to me too with my O'Reilly pump (repackaged airtex?). I filed each fin just a tiny bit.

    3. KoHeartsGPA
    4. banzai510(hainz)
  17. Stupid person time...L series...is there a gasket for the tensioner?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bananahamuck


      There is never one included,,, Go without it won't hurt nothing..


      What i tried to say is i make one but most probably leave out since it's really flat surfaces

    3. skyblue


      Just splooge a light layer of some high quality sealer.

    4. MicroMachinery


      You don't need that shit.

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