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Everything posted by Raggleflaggle

  1. Ha! You did start a thread. It looks pretty cool.
  2. Gf is now X. I'm trying to prevent that exact thing from happening. Pretty much looks like I'm paying to have my own car back if I can get a response out of the guy. You hear anything else from him, monk?
  3. So the guy who received the Datsun isn't too keen on giving it up..
  4. hey my cousin is very skilled at toe-coloring books. PS, ROOOOLLLLLLL TIIIIDEEEE Texas wishes it was a southern state.
  5. Rules down here say that vintage (35+ yrs old) doesn't need a title to be registered. There is no title to be had. Somewhere along the line it wad lost. The PO I got it from bought it from an estate auction, along with a racing tuned one. Also with no title. My car was just a parts car. Only paperwork I have is a BOS. I never registered it because it has always had some sort of kink that prevented me driving it to the DMV to have it inspected and registered. From what I can gather, the guy who raced B's (who is deceased) would be the last official title holder. The guy I bought it from had no title for it and no motive to hide it from me. So it seems a title is unobtainable.
  6. I could still get it back if I pay another 800, witch sucks ass, but its both my first Datsun and the first vehicle I have owned. so no title means no repo, and no legal hullabaloo. This also means he can't report it stolen. Because it is not his property. Does the BoS not constitute my ownership in the event the law is involved? the car isn't registered. Bothe the cars involved are non-running. All transport has been done by trailer. Gf is entirely separate issue. Not gonna splatter my relationship issues all over the interwebs. what I'm getting is that it has to be done by me, and I can't get down there to it.
  7. can i repo my own car if it doesn't have a title?

    1. MikeRL411


      This is a duplicate of your "Repro Question" posting. One post is enough!

    2. monkbonk


      Dude. I seriously want the b210. Lemme buy it from this dudeman. You can trade me for it later or something. Or pretend it's going to a good home, because I needs it.

  8. Sorry to start a whole thread or whatever, but I can't seem to get a straight answer from anywhere else on the internet, so I figured maybe someone here would know. here's the story- I am currently away from home at my current active duty station. so called Girlfriend decides to trade off my b210, fore some pos Honda. I find out, phone home in rage mode, and demand that she at least sell the Honda to get me my money back. as it turns out, the honduh has a f$%*Ing screwed front half shafts/suspension whatever. Is only worth $450. GF proceeds to buy $382 of new clothes now I just want my Datsun back, and if I have the BoS, can I have it repo'd? the guy who has it is attempting to sell it, but the car has no title, and he has absolutely no paperwork on it. He has however put "800 in parts" on it. (fuel pump and tires aren't that pricey, pal) I really want the car and all my odds and ends that go with it. He wants 800 for my own car back... Can I have it repo'd when I have no title myself?
  9. the military uses this picture as an example of unsafe vehicle support... Question is, is that a Datsun?
  10. i have no immediate need for a Datsun but #$%$ WHY DEY ALL GOTTA BE SO COOL?!

  11. Hey man, we all suffer the UPS and downs of life. Sounds like you're trying to make something of your life. The top of the ladder is much more appreciated when you start from the bottom rung. Keep on keepin' on, and don't forget to take it easy.
  12. http://www.carsforsale.com/used_cars_for_sale/1976_datsun_720_223997291_1 wish it was closer...
  13. i aspire to make an A10 KA24DE swap. this is my latest quest, to find a suitable vehicle....

    1. mhub91


      I can go on for days about KA / A10 swaps! Been there done that. I'll help as much as possible!


    2. Raggleflaggle


      Dude, I would love to pick your brain about it. Your stanza made me want to do it. But first I need a car...

    3. mhub91


      It's a pretty easy swap. I could pretty much walk you through it over the web lol.

  14. 1200 or 710 notchback?

    1. laotsu


      get them both and sell me the 1200 when I have funds

    2. bonvo


      710 coupe you get l series engine l series superior to a series


    3. Kirden


      psh, L series is not superior...

  15. dude, where's my car?

    1. monkbonk


      where's ur car dude?

    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      it's where you left it

    3. laotsu


      if it was up your ass you'd know...

  16. free time is so scarce, and so easily wasted when datsunless.

  17. weekend PT... what a drag, man.

    1. monkbonk


      Ah man. I'm so going to enjoy the nice weather this weekend. Oh, what's that? You've got to work? BUMMER

    2. Raggleflaggle


      Not nice weather in Richmond anyway.

    3. monkbonk


      Dammit. I thought u were still in Alabama

  18. anybody here know anything about alabama title law?

    1. monkbonk


      I do. For any car older than 25 years, no title is required. Out of state cars still require inspection.

  19. Straight b210 with no title or an A10 with no motor, trans, bumper, imterior, throttle cable, suspension, and rust in the rear frame?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. flatcat19
    3. H5WAGON


      Call your local DMV....if car has been sitting for awhile, it might be easy?

    4. Kirden


      Go A10, send the B210 my way with bill of sale so I can have a parts car :P but honestly, go B210. no title> busted ass A10.

  20. the slow ebbing of my rational thought process can only lead to one thing: Datsuns.

    1. monkbonk


      oh noes, it's the datsun killer

    2. freetheoranges


      The one constant.

    3. Kirden


      Welcome back, did you end up keeping your B?

  21. don't want to have to scrap my datty, somebody throw me an offer! anything! TAKE IT!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raggleflaggle


      everybody keeps saying that. at what point is a below-scrap-value car not worth the trip?

    3. squatches


      where exactly are you located? i dont think your to far off from me im always down for a small road trip


    4. monkbonk


      Do you still have the 210?


  22. i wish someone on here would buy my car. i'm tired of getting hyped over craigslist scammers.

  23. 200 bucks get my car. over 3k total invested. come and get it while i need money.

    1. Eagle_Adam


      id buy it if you were even semi close...

    2. Kirden


      How far are you from Macon, GA and would it need to be trailered or is it running/easy to get running?

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