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Everything posted by Raggleflaggle

  1. What are you getting for zx struts up there? In the south they part out z's like crazy. Always at least one on CL.
  2. here's to the punks.

    1. MicroMachinery


      Woulda never made it through prison without em.

    2. flatcat19
  3. where does one find datsuns in germany? they are all hiding

  4. Find the fanatic PPO? I found out my B had a racing history by tracing its lineage.
  5. Hell, I don't make drivelines. I just putting my my two cents, that if you're attaching a new piece of metal to a 30something year old piece of metal, that's already being used over its specs, it could break. (sorry mhub I think you actually told me once that you have a custom one, but I don't remember if you said it was a from scratch or a modified existing one- if so disregard) but in the end, I'm talking out of my ass, I haven't even driven/created/examined any reputable amount of modified drivelines. I just really dig the build, man. It would suck to see it get fucked up, especially when I spent a nice little chunk of the buyin' money last night. But in the end its your car. So what you want.
  6. Put a spacer, so long as it works, its ratsun. Eventually the spacer will break, and then see if its time to lengthen the driveline. Untill then, get a spacer, and keep a backup in the car. And of course, don't beat on it. in hindsight maybe that's too much to ask. Just don't blow it up, yeah?
  7. goddamn, bamalam.

    1. mrbigtanker


      she comes from alabam bamalam.

    2. bananahamuck


      with her bunghole on my knee.

    3. Raggleflaggle


      That ain't not wonna Dem lyrics

  8. i woke up, an my bed was on FIAH! - the things you hear on the streets...

    1. MikeRL411


      Did you eat beans?

    2. Raggleflaggle


      Nope. But he had some fireball...

  9. KEEP IT BRO. like, I have the money in all honesty, but I'm in f*%king Germany. plus, I'd rather build my own, not that there's anything wrong with yours, but I'd have a hard time being proud of it if I just bought it completed, no work involved.
  10. Dude those new tails are sweet. so sweet that I verbalized profanity upon the image of them meeting with my retinas.
  12. So what I'm gathering is a truck DE is better if you put a few car DE parts from it, or can you take the girdle off the car DE and run it no problem? And anywhere I would find a car oil pan I would fins a car DE, so why bother, right?
  13. Hey guyse, ericsB210 is parting out a pretty decent looking B, all maroon and shit. Help a brother out and save it from the crusher!
  14. Africa's next. There's a good bit of oil there.. I MEAN STARVING CHILDREENS.
  15. is the B210 curb weight just above, or just below 2,000 lbs?

    1. r0p0doe
    2. spottedog


      My '74 B hatch sticker says 2150 pounds

    3. Raggleflaggle


      I googled it and came up with different numbers.

      also, thanks Sdog.

  16. why do people ever watch any of theese "police solve child rape" tv shows?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. freetheoranges


      because Law and Order isn't on.... which is like every premise of every show..

    3. Fat510


      Lol yeah, and some people dont let their kids watch a show like Family guy, but they are totally okay for their kids to watch CSI and like every episode some chick got brutally raped and murdered

    4. MicroMachinery


      I know. Everybody knows that police don't ever actually solve anything.

  17. Wouldn't that create a sump/ member issue?
  18. While we're misusing datsuns... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zpIviOHY9ZE
  19. Yeah, good to see one stripped to reuse the body, and not because of a telephone pole..
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