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Everything posted by Raggleflaggle

  1. One day, people will tell stories like this about me... But instead of my garage burning it will be my wallet...
  2. Mondays suck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mrbigtanker


      nothing like a fuckin monday.

    3. MicroMachinery


      Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays..

    4. monkbonk


      Hello Tuesday!

  3. ...i say I would, because I don't even have a car right now. :\
  4. I would totally buy those tails and speedo/tac cables off it too.. Damn.
  5. I wish I lived near that pick n pull... I paid out the ass for junk with gx trim.
  6. Its supposed to be coming off the car because it was her passion, and all that. I really like the idea of it being unique. guess a nut would be easier to work with. I was just thinking a bolt is more common... A lug nut would work, if it wasn't so hard, I think. Something about 20mm. Nut or bolt. Anywhere I can get to easily.
  7. I'm getting married in a few weeks, and I wanted to know, where might I find a near ring sized bolt on a 280zx? Doesn't have to be perfect, I obviously need to get it shaved down.. But i don't even know where to start.
  8. What happened to this little beast? Still around?
  9. U620.

    1. wayno


      Does this mean you have bought one?

    2. Raggleflaggle


      Were it so easy..


  10. here i get an assignment for germany.. and within two weeks, both a good condition A10 and The Stinger Bee go up for sale.

  11. Did thry sell nissan patrols in germany?

  12. buy muy car back, dont buy it, buy it, dont buy it...?

  13. Whelp, looks like i'm getting married.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raggleflaggle
    3. Lonestar


      So your marring the gal that sold your car in the first place? Your logic isn't gone...it went to Mars for sight seeing.

    4. MicroMachinery


      I like where this status update is going...

  14. Assignment in europe. f#%&ing awesome. guess that puts off any chance of my datsun dreams coming true.

  15. Warning: '77 B210 GX in Sterrett, AL is stolen property.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkbonk
    3. Raggleflaggle


      Yeah, I know It doesn't need a title in AL, but its still mine. I was supposed to be, and at first when I explained the situation he was being very cooperative "helping out the troops" and all that. But when he didn't get money for parts I have yet to see on it, then things turned sour and now he's trying to sell it. I'm gonna try and wait him out. Lowball the shit out of him at like 3-400 and see what he says, maybe?

    4. Lonestar


      Just keep your eye out for on the CL. Hopefully he won't try to part it out.

  16. LZ24 or KA24?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. mrbigtanker


      ka24,dont mess with the lz24 they dont cool very well.

    3. Farmer Joe

      Farmer Joe

      ka24... you dont have to modify the timing chain in a KA to make it run. the LZ monster will need a custom timing chain.

    4. Raggleflaggle


      No, still trying to get my B back. Dude has a CL for it asking 1000. so I don't have much to worry about.

  17. where did everybody run off to, anyways?

    1. monkbonk


      I'm still here! No Datsuns tho

    2. monkbonk


      I think I saw your 77 b210 on craigslist in Sterrett. It was flagged tho.

  18. Also, I don't get why everybody just fled from ratsun. Who are all these assholes that ran out the good townsfolk?
  19. do 280zx struts decrease track width on the front of a B210

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skyblue


      Not sure on a b210 but on 510's it reduces it by 3/4"

    3. Lonestar


      Yes it does, tis why everyone does it! Your Datsun won't look like a chevy truck going down the road.

    4. Raggleflaggle


      Good, good. Thanks. Only thread I can find is for a 210, not a B.

  20. Good to know somebody's keeping the "my dad used to have one of those" alive. Cars are an awesome bonding experience.
  21. Every fourth post or so is about a title,if that counts....
  22. getting my car back!

    1. monkbonk


      Sweet, but how?

    2. Raggleflaggle


      Turns out the buyer put some money into it, and doesn't want any trouble. Being enlisted swayed him a good bit, I think. I pay him what he put into it and it's mine. (again).

  23. Annnd let the shitty week begin.

  24. hopefully next duty station is up that way. I want an A10 too.
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