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Everything posted by Raggleflaggle

  1. ah ha... guess what my new plans are for my next off day! but man i dunno. i may keep it. nobody wants the damn thing to treat it right, because it isn't associated with a ten-cent piece. so i may as well just keep it. at least i have a use for the louvers and spare brush guard now. may as well force it over the hill again. wonder if it'll be small enough to fit in the tunnel...
  2. I feel you man. like, the lack of funds just makes you want to get rid of it... don't. there are plenty of dollars out thereto be earned, but nobody will ever pay you in unique datsuns. sure, maybe it won't be your DD. in all honesty i wouldn't touch anything with that much penetrative rust. (or DD an L-series, they're too much fun) the only way to get to it all would be a full teardown. :crying: time to buy some rust converter...
  3. i don't see what it could be. car runs fine on open ground. even on most hills. i'd say it's just this one hill... i'd like to get it looked at, but i don't want to bust even more money i don't have for them to tell me the car's fine. i just want to get rid of it.
  4. i don't know, maybe i'm just not driving it right. still doesn't make any sense, it's not like i'm overshifting, i've tried it from the bottom of the hill at a red light, and about 2500rpm of the in 2nd gear, it couldn't push me any faster. i can't downshift into first, because that tops out at, say, 15mph. i could upshift into 3rd, but that would nearly risk me stalling.
  5. THAT'S THE HILL. there's actually no way arond the hill, because inverness has no proper backroads. just subdivisions. i've heard of that tunnel as well, and i've been looking for the entrance for a while. a friend of mine has a dirtbike and he lives right by the tracks, if only i could convince him to let me use it...
  6. if you've been, it's the 280 hill to/from inverness. they should just level the hill.
  7. nope. shit job. but i get 40hrs. so it could be worse. but hold on, what b210 are YOU driving? you have magical tires or something?
  8. ....this is exactly why it cannot stay in my yard. i'd end up buying a whole hardbody just for the KA.
  9. still though, i don't want to destroy it. i mean, you guys don't get this hill. it's cost me $1200 in a tranny rebuild, on a more well-maintained vehicle. i really just want to car to go to a good home. or i could get a different job...
  10. because of the hill. the thing is huge. and eveybody down here like their 2500 HD's and their suburbans to go 80 on the highway up and down the hill. po' little datty just can't keep up, can't even maintain speed limit uphill. it's literally illegal for me to drive it to work. 2000 lbs vs 5000lbs just isn't going to end well one day when somebody has to LOL at some facebook post or something. and, as a side note, i'm broke as ****. if it stays in my yard i'll keep spending money on it.
  11. gah, i'd have taken advantage of that! i dig the '79 facelift. especially the coupes.
  12. well, i'm wanting to get what i put in by getting miles of transportation, but i now work on the other side of a huge hill, and the main point of the car is decent mileage and the ability to get me there on time. it can do neither.
  13. my thoughts exactly. that's why i want someone else to buy it for cheap and part it themselves.
  14. my biggest concern is that it's not a 510.; if it's not a 510 or L-series motor there's not as many people who'll need parts, and therefore, less buyers. if i sell even one primary element of the car, it is no longer complete and that alienates anybody who'd buy thee whole thing and save me the trouble.
  15. remorse from debt incurred from money spent on car > sellers remorse.
  16. i sent the pictures, man! i just checked an hour or so ago ( this is totally out of the blue) to make sure that i had responded to all my messages! please buy the car! don't make angry faces TAKE THE CAR!
  17. if it takes as long as that, and is as easy, then why not just sell it?
  18. i wish you could connect me with that guy. or anybody. i go to the pull a parts about once a month, and it'd be nice to have someone else looking out. or at least a ******* driver's side door handle. it'd be not too bad at dirttracking or something. still, it's been on CL for months. it's just... an entire car. chassis and all. functional. it's very difficult to bring myself to part it out. i really don't feel like dealing with it just to throw out so much of it come October. it's sounding like parting is overly painstaking.
  19. but you would have wanted it for "datsun prices"! if i'm going to part out then i'm going to most profitable route. this being said, i know that what i have isn't worth much.(or even remotely near what i paid) see, i agree with your title statement, but i can get a tag and drive it legally in AL. i have a BOS. how can i sell sections of the car? you mean as in entire engine, entire driveline, etc? another downside is this would be a cashing out point. i have sunk an INSANE amount (considering my income) into the car. i'd never get it back out, because the parts i've replaced/bought are nothing you can't buy elsewhere. i've justified it thus far by saying, "at least it's cheaper than a new car." it's coming up on being that much. i really just want someone else to buy it for cheap, and part it out while i pretend it's getting driven around. and lastly, WHY DOES NOBODY BUY THE CAR FOR 500 IF THE TRANS IS WORTH 6? WTF?
  20. so, i have my B210 up for sale in the classifieds, as well as CL. gotten a few buyers, off and on. nobody really wants it despite it being such a good deal...(1/3 what i paid for it) and i've said i'm not parting it out. despite this, a decent number of people have come to me and asked for dibs on parts should i change my mind. i'm at the part where i may change my mind. how i see it: PROS of parting: -more money than i am currently selling the entire car for. -I get rid of the car. (PRIMARY GOAL) -i have free(ish) time to do this now. CONS: -i have become somewhat attached.(would you part out your dog? rip it limb from limb and leave the carcass in the yard? kinda like that) -parts and shit all over the place. -disassembled car is useless. -possibility of only selling some parts. any advice from anybody who has done this? is there a particular way to go about it? should i get a paypal? who do i ship parts with? how long does it take? was it tragic to rip apart all your time, money, blood, and sweat for the highest bidder? hardest/easiest parts to sell? how bad is the mess? any other "i wish i had known that before i _____" information. should i part it out, or not?
  21. man, i have those same style american racing rims, what are they called?
  22. wish stuff like that appeared down here! everybody seems to think the 4x4 decal translates to 4x the value of the vehicle.
  23. Somebody please buy my Datsun.

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