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On 11/10/2023 at 7:45 AM, EDM620 said:

reading a book right now "The shortest history of Israel and Palestine", has confirmed much I already understood and shed light on other parts I hadn't understood.

The longest wars on this planet have always been about religion. Conquest for resources always end. Personally I don't see this conflict ever ending, they've been at each other for generations, reason has no bearing.


I've been around almost as long as the country of Israel and growing up there was always some shit going on. Far and away this is the worst conflict yet and though I hate to see the loss of life on this scale... maybe this will straighten things out once and for all.

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5 hours ago, bananahamuck said:

i have moved most of my social media interactions/snide comments to Instagram these days..  


come visit us at www.istagram ---- / olytowndatsuns  ,, dot  idc 




i got at least 40 onlyfan wanna be chicks following me, so you will have to find a chair, from the rack under the stage. 





Well hot damn I'm on Instagram also and ain't got nobody following me. You are safe as I'm not a lemming. 

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11 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

The guy was a new York developer up to his nuts in dishonest dealing. The funny thing was he was all about prosecuting Hillary until he was in a position to do something then nothing happened. She had dirt on him so he brushed off like it didn't matter. Fuck these entitled scum from either party!


What's the latest? 94 counts? Many are likely frivolous like the police charging you with resisting arrest, disorderly, etc for something simple and they bargaining them away for a guilty plea. Just look at all the 'co-conspirators'. Some might be actual BS but some will stick. WTF he would take documents home? If I was going out of office I would definitely consider taking 'dirt' on others or info that would come in handy later in my business. Maybe this is the case here? Basically 94? counts.... where there's smoke... Patience, all will be revealed in time. How the landscape will be changed by this time next year. 

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14 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I think he's guilty of over valuing his worth but I said that before '16. That was to get better insurance and loan rates. So he defrauded banks of proper income.




I'm curious how you get better insurance rates by overstating the value of a property.That makes zero sense.Insurance companies would have to charge you more to cover losses on the valuation.Sounds like some media parroting to me.Or am I doing the insurance thing all wrong ? Should l tell Allstate my home is worth 2 million bucks instead of 650,000 to get a better premium ? Something tells me my rates would go up considerably.And how do you defraud a bank if you paid the loans back ? The loans they approved by doing their underwriting before they gave the loan ? A question I see often elsewhere is who was defrauded ? 

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When you borrow against real estate the higher the value of the asset - the lower the rate of interest due to the lower risk of default.  With insurance you lower the value of the property and are more cheaply able to insure to 80 or 90 percent of stated value.  One statement for the banks and another for the insurance companies.  It's nice to know that he is cheating everybody not just the contractors that built the properties.  At least he is consistent.  

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5 hours ago, john510 said:

 Sounds like some media parroting to me.


What information or 'news' isn't parroted?????? 100% of all posters on destruction are parrots. Awwwwk! Polly want a cracker? If it's an opinion (which by definition can't be wrong) then it's based on parroted information which could be. How, other than the media, does information get to you or anyone? Absolute best case, it's second hand unless you were there or are the news. More likely 3rd, 4th or 5th hand. Out of context, shortened for content, augmented, censored and more likely to be bent, spindled, folded or mutilated. 

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1 hour ago, jagman said:

When you borrow against real estate the higher the value of the asset - the lower the rate of interest due to the lower risk of default.  With insurance you lower the value of the property and are more cheaply able to insure to 80 or 90 percent of stated value.  One statement for the banks and another for the insurance companies.  It's nice to know that he is cheating everybody not just the contractors that built the properties.  At least he is consistent.  

So we're talking about insuring a loan not a property ? One would think lenders are not stupid enough to take anybody's word for it regarding stated value.They would be doing their research to cover their asses.

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19 hours ago, john510 said:

So we're talking about insuring a loan not a property ? One would think lenders are not stupid enough to take anybody's word for it regarding stated value.They would be doing their research to cover their asses.

The insurance is covering the lender if it goes into default.


 Section 80.8 of New York State Banking Regulations states: "No junior (2nd) mortgage loan shall be made except upon a written and signed certificate which states that the property securing such loan has been examined and which appraises the value of such property." It's bank fraud if you signed this certificate providing false information that inflates the value, basically cheating the bank to get a lower interest rate. In Trump's civil case, these complaints were being filed by lenders for years after doing business with the Trump Organization. He was found guilty of fraud in a summary judgement, because the amount of evidence against him is overwhelming, and his lawyers presented no exculpatory evidence in his defense. It's very likely he has none, and the prosecutor had him dead to rights. Instead of proving his innocence, they've filed one motion after another attacking the process, trying to discredit the DA, the prosecuting attorney, and the federal Judge in hopes to have the case thrown out on unfair bias. Choosing to fight this battle to sway public opinion is all he has left, and given his early poling numbers, so far it's working pretty damn good. It looks like he's using the same strategy in DC, FL, and GA. because he knows the only path for survival is being reelected. Wether it holds up through the election, only time will tell.


I hope that before the 2024 election, both of these babbling senile cognitively impaired meat puppets expire. Then maybe we can elect a well informed, fully articulate centrist, MASA candidate who'll Make America Sane Again. 



Edited by paradime
Being well caffeinated, I realized his post needed retooling
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On 11/12/2023 at 12:56 PM, datzenmike said:


What information or 'news' isn't parroted?????? 100% of all posters on destruction are parrots. Awwwwk! Polly want a cracker? If it's an opinion (which by definition can't be wrong) then it's based on parroted information which could be. How, other than the media, does information get to you or anyone? Absolute best case, it's second hand unless you were there or are the news. More likely 3rd, 4th or 5th hand. Out of context, shortened for content, augmented, censored and more likely to be bent, spindled, folded or mutilated. 


I already posted in this thread or the plandemic thread(Covid 19) that I personally know someone that has worked for one of the Presidents, he said they consider us vermin, something that needs to be exterminated like prairie dogs that have overpopulated the area they live in(he told me this in person), as far as I see, even though this is his opinion of what he believes they think about us, I believe him as these politicians appear to be trying to destroy this country, BTW he voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, I only voted for him in 2020 after seeing first hand how the Democrats acted after losing that 2016 election, if one has a choice of two evils, and seeing what the Democrats have done to this country over the last 4 years(this includes the BLM/Antiva terrorist army which went away without a complaint when the Democrats claimed they had won the 2020 election), I will choose Trump, to me it did not appear he was trying to divide and destroy this Country like it appears the Democrats have been.


The democrats/Lincoln project Republicans do not prove wrong anyone that accuses them of something wrong, they just destroy them to shut them up.

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5 hours ago, wayno said:


I already posted in this thread or the plandemic thread(Covid 19) that I personally know someone that has worked for one of the Presidents, he said they consider us vermin, something that needs to be exterminated like prairie dogs that have overpopulated the area they live in(he told me this in person), as far as I see, even though this is his opinion of what he believes they think about us, I believe him as these politicians appear to be trying to destroy this country, BTW he voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, I only voted for him in 2020 after seeing first hand how the Democrats acted after losing that 2016 election, if one has a choice of two evils, and seeing what the Democrats have done to this country over the last 4 years(this includes the BLM/Antiva terrorist army which went away without a complaint when the Democrats claimed they had won the 2020 election), I will choose Trump, to me it did not appear he was trying to divide and destroy this Country like it appears the Democrats have been.


The democrats/Lincoln project Republicans do not prove wrong anyone that accuses them of something wrong, they just destroy them to shut them up.

Interesting anecdote, but what evidence are you basing your convictions on about 2020, and who's selling you this stolen election narrative? Yes, the answer is Trump, but in the complete absence of proof and zero critical thinking, there's no questioning whatever he tells you. Think for yourself and MASA.

Edited by paradime
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12 hours ago, paradime said:

Interesting anecdote, but what evidence are you basing your convictions on about 2020, and who's selling you this stolen election narrative? Yes, the answer is Trump, but in the complete absence of proof and zero critical thinking, there's no questioning whatever he tells you. Think for yourself and MASA.


My critical thinking screams that the evidence is/was there its just that no one was allowed to use it, the list of cases show that most were not allowed to proceed to the argument stage but were dismissed on various procedural reasons.


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Critical fucking thinking... sounds great but no guarantee of being correct. Works best with math where 1 plus 2 =3 anywhere in our universe and where the facts used are true and self evident to any thinker who can count his fingers. Critical thinking is closest to correct for the most superficial things that you can experience first hand but as soon as information is second hand truth begins to break down and is suspect in direct relation to how many hands it is passed through. You might reject some few obvious falsehoods but for the most part, true and false can't be separated and conclusions are faith based.

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19 hours ago, paradime said:

Interesting anecdote, but what evidence are you basing your convictions on about 2020, and who's selling you this stolen election narrative? Yes, the answer is Trump, but in the complete absence of proof and zero critical thinking, there's no questioning whatever he tells you. Think for yourself and MASA.


You know what jerrymandering is?


Gerrymandering - Wikipedia


In representative democracies, gerrymandering (/ˈɛrimændərɪŋ/, originally /ˈɡɛrimændərɪŋ/)[1][2] is the political manipulation of electoral district boundaries with the intent to create undue advantage for a party, group, or socioeconomic class within the constituency. The manipulation may involve "cracking" (diluting the voting power of the opposing party's supporters across many districts) or "packing" (concentrating the opposing party's voting power in one district to reduce their voting power in other districts).[3] Gerrymandering can also be used to protect incumbents. Wayne Dawkins describes it as politicians picking their voters instead of voters picking their politicians.[4]

The term gerrymandering is a portmanteau of a salamander and Elbridge Gerry,[a][5] Vice President of the United States at the time of his death, who, as governor of Massachusetts in 1812, signed a bill that created a partisan district in the Boston area that was compared to the shape of a mythological salamander. The term has negative connotations, and gerrymandering is almost always considered a corruption of the democratic process. The resulting district is known as a gerrymander (/ˈɛriˌmændər, ˈɡɛri-/). The word is also a verb for the process.



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