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Officially voluntary, but in actual fact there is huge propaganda program promoting donations.


Those that donate probably are secretly annoyed (because they really felt they have no choice) and when they see someone who chooses not to, they exert social pressure to conform and do so. (If I have to pay so do you) I never saw anyone else who openly refused to do so and it's highly unlikely that so many would be so willing to be so generous. For management/union workers to actually walk down the line asking and filling out a donation deduction slip in front of your co workers outraged me more than I can say.


Just like the production line, the removal of money from your pocket was made extremely efficient. The Nazis had nothing on these guys. I don't know what the amount was but I bet it was staggering. Where ever there is money, there's corruption. Always. I wonder just how much went to administrative costs.


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9 hours ago, Ranman72 said:

fucktards WTF is mandatory voluntary its like we don't require it but its mandatory 

IIRC, sometimes you are required to pay at least part of the dues into the unions because they still collectively bargain and litigate on your behalf as an employee within a union, even if you don't want to pay...ie you can't realistically decline all the benefits of being in the union even if you don't want to support their overreaching.

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3 hours ago, thisismatt said:

IIRC, sometimes you are required to pay at least part of the dues into the unions because they still collectively bargain and litigate on your behalf as an employee within a union, even if you don't want to pay...ie you can't realistically decline all the benefits of being in the union even if you don't want to support their overreaching.


I was referring to charity donations. UAW dues I don't remember there being any choice. Dues were taken out of every paycheck automatically. If there were an option to only pay part, everyone would opt out an do it, and that's not going to work. Again, where ever there is money (or power)... there's corruption.


Some of my fellow UAW members were rabid supporters and goes without saying rabid haters of the company. You know the type, just like political lemmings, their Dem or GOP hierarchy were gods that could do no wrong and there is no room for discussion. Far as I was concerned they were the biggest ass kissers there were.  Let's not forget there were also company men who ass kissed GM. Grooming themselves to move up from line work to management positions. The disgusted me equally. 

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If you are a union member there is an option to withhold your dues that go to political costs and donations.  The 100% charity contributions were finally ruled out back in late 80's or early 90's. For the charity donations I was told by a co worker to just sign up for the lowest amount which was a couple dollars a week then to wait a month and cancel it because the management only paid attention to them during the annual drive and it gave them something to do the next year. 

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Urban Dictionary states it etymology as military jargon and the first time it showed up in print was in '72. I recall the slang being used by neighbors and family serving in the military. It also coincides with Egypt's F'ed up state pre Anwar Sadat who was elected president in in Oct 1970. So maybe there's some synergy for it being considered a Bum Fucked place? 

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Egypt denied Israeli access to the Suez Canal and in '56 invaded Egypt causing all kinds of trouble for France and Great Britain but in the end got what it wanted. A big 'Fuck You' Egypt. By '67 tensions were again high and Nasser of Egypt and other Arab states once again closed the Suez Canal to Israel. In a nut shell Israel boot fucked the Egyptian military and took away some of it's territory. Nasser resigned. In '73 once again Egypt and other Arab states attacked Israel (the Yom Kippur War) to get their lost land back. Once again Israel more or less kicked the shit out of Egypt and drove the battle within 60 miles of Cairo. A peace was brokered and basically Israel realized that they may not be as lucky in the future and perhaps Egypt had finally learned the hardest of lessons and a peace accord was signed in '78 by Sadat and Begin.


So Butt Fuck Egypt probably refers to what Israel did to Egypt more than it being a remote nowhere place.   

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Kind of typical of Fox news lately, light on facts sparse in detail.

A little more detail is provided in the business section article.


"Derek Kreifels, CEO of the State Financial Officers Foundation, noted that the pension funds were in trouble long before the pandemic, asserting the move was political and a gamble for taxpayers and union workers alike.

"The White House is going to allow the same pension fund managers – who have been historically awful at their jobs – the ability to make riskier investments with not only hardworking American’s pensions, but also the nearly $100 billion worth of taxpayer dollars delivered to unions under the guise of COVID relief,"




Multiple unions, different funds and all hamstrung with government regulations that prevented them from investing in stock markets, this would help prevent them from losing steeply but also prevented them from gaining. For private pensions some of these problems were solved after the United airlines pension fiasco, the Govt. made rules that funds are required to have a certain amount of funding to meet future obligations but those of Government workers were apparently not covered by these rules.

 The pension fund at the Aerospace company I worked for provides a regular accounting of the pensions fiscal status and details how much additional cash needed to be added to meet the Govt. mandated level of funding. 

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I'm finding it harder and harder to get upset about some shit. Double whammy... I'm desensitized.... and I'm Canadian.


Toronto Maple Leafs on Twitter: "Blues score. 5-3 with 9:10 remaining." /  Twitter


Told that that shaking 20 min ago was the Cascadia Fault letting go and it's three times worse than the one in Japan. 




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4 hours ago, Jesse C. said:

Haven't felt the pain yet? Here you go...


https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-36-billion-bailout-union-pension-plan#:~:text=Biden announces %2436 billion bailout for union pension plan


Biden announces $36 billion bailout for union pension plan


This means you are all paying union dues and getting fuck all for it.

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US GDP was $26 Trillion in 2021, and the US tax revenue was $4.05 Trillion. Total US pension fund assets total $35.49 Trillion, so WTF is Biden's $36 billion union "bailout" payoffs supposed to fix? The Employee Benefits Security Administration has a tiny $185 Million budget to oversee the entire bum fucked corrupt pension fund investment industry, and retiree's healthcare benefits. Fuck your conjured up BS crisis and give that money to the EBSA to keep these fund manager vampires on their God Damn tippy toes.




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