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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Barry Manilow..... not for the music, check.


I miss political talk......................😳🙄

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Read the latest column by actual trial attorney (not just TV legal bloviator) Kurt Schlichter, who explains how trials work in the real world – not that that has any bearing on how DC or NYC trials for Trump work, but he predicts that even if Trump is convicted, the appellate courts will overturn it because every last case against him is politically-motivated garbage.


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He's not biased one bit. (yes I read it in it's entirety) So in his biased opinion all will be thrown out in the appellate courts. Well I can wait, meanwhile the interesting-ness continues.

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31 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

He's not biased one bit. (yes I read it in it's entirety) So in his biased opinion all will be thrown out in the appellate courts. Well I can wait, meanwhile the interesting-ness continues.

That's funny you calling somebody biased. If these cases get tossed on appeal will that lawyer still be biased ? There's a chance he's right. 

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1 hour ago, yenpit said:

Read the latest column by actual trial attorney (not just TV legal bloviator) Kurt Schlichter, who explains how trials work in the real world – not that that has any bearing on how DC or NYC trials for Trump work, but he predicts that even if Trump is convicted, the appellate courts will overturn it because every last case against him is politically-motivated garbage.


An interesting read that gives some hope that our legal system will actually work like it's supposed to.

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47 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

He's not biased one bit. (yes I read it in it's entirety) So in his biased opinion all will be thrown out in the appellate courts. Well I can wait, meanwhile the interesting-ness continues.


I posted this to try to show HOW our judicial system is screwed in this country.  Apparently, Schlicter is NOT a Trump supporter..........he is a lawyer that sees the judicial issues we have as a country. 

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When I slow down and shut out the white-noise of modern life and try to gain some perspective on modern life it seems like that since the beginning of time life overall just continually speeds up as we discover and incorporate all the things that we humans discover and develop into our lives and daily routines to make what we preceive to make life easier and less wasteful of our time. Nearly everyone tends to get out on their assumed limb of the tree and commences jumpin' up & down shakin' the tree in tune with no one else. I realize that we wade through a lot of contemporary issues on this thread and we all have our opinions on the right way to solve the worlds problems. Seems that a little moderation would possibly go a long way but we all seem to be polarized in our ideologies to the degree where there's no middle ground any more. It's a monkey-see-monkey-do world; we watch our supposed leaders, the people making and applying our laws and guidelines in their polarized intolerance and 'It's our way or no way' blindness and if anything gets done it's the old 'Three Stooges' 'One step forward and two steps back' that results. Moderation.  





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Remember when it was Halloween? and you were 8, and Christmas was like four years away? Now many decades later it's W directly T F???????? It's figgin' April already????? Wa happened to March? and the grand kids are teenagers now? Big sigh. Well at least they have earned some patience and aren't... are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet?


Age speeds up time too. Something interesting speeds it up, something boring slows it down.


Moderation in all things. Including moderation. To combat things being easier and saving time I walk every morning about 8k or 5 miles and if conditions are right anywhere up to double that to 'waste' it but hardly a waste really. That's 2 1/2 hours minimum and as much as 4 hours or more if I run into several people and talk. Biggest time waster is being here. But it's all good.


'Here' is all opinions really. Based on second hand and even third, forth... hand. If you weren't there you can only assume facts. If you've made up your opinion it's unlikely to change in the present and only in hind sight. Trying to change someone else's opinion is another great time waster too. It is entertaining though, watching.   




48 minutes ago, john510 said:

That's funny you calling somebody biased. If these cases get tossed on appeal will that lawyer still be biased ? There's a chance he's right. 


 Yes indeed!! Still very biased. Wrong or right does not change bias.



44 minutes ago, john510 said:

An interesting read that gives some hope that our legal system will actually work like it's supposed to.


On appeal perhaps. 



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1 hour ago, yenpit said:


I posted this to try to show HOW our judicial system is screwed in this country.  Apparently, Schlicter is NOT a Trump supporter..........he is a lawyer that sees the judicial issues we have as a country. 


Then how does not everyone see the law this way? Maybe the bias is theirs? Anyway I guess there's nothing to worry about it will all fall out on appeal then and justice upheld.. 

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11 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Then how does not everyone see the law this way? Maybe the bias is theirs? Anyway I guess there's nothing to worry about it will all fall out on appeal then and justice upheld.. 

Everyone isn't involved with the trials. Do you think this would be going on in any other state ? California wouldn't even try that shit or they would be already. Have you noticed every prosecutor is a Democrat ? New York changed a law so they could go after Trump for E. Jean Carroll. That case was long past the statute of limitations until the law was changed for one specific reason. 

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Laws change all the time and laws are not the same even between states. So knowing Trump is a misogynist, advocates that you "grab them by the pussy", hung with Epstein, screws porn stars (and a lot more) is not capable of sexual battery? You damn well know he did it or to ten other women, you just don't like how it was done to him. Many a criminal has been put away with maximum penalties for prior acts. Happens all the time. He's a vile, loathsome creature and I won't loose any sleep over it.


No worries.... he'll appeal and get what's due to him.

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14 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Then how does not everyone see the law this way? Maybe the bias is theirs? Anyway I guess there's nothing to worry about it will all fall out on appeal then and justice upheld.. 


Yer sarcasm is searingly hot................. 😂😆🤣  As some of us have continuously pointed out, the judicial system here in the USA, is currently a two tiered train wreck, favoring the left liberal democratic side of politics & law, against literally ANY conservative ideologies.  AGAIN, the left "own" the WH, the Senate, the DOJ FBI CIA etc, thus they are handling things how they want to, with no interest in conservative beliefs.  If you actually read & listened to what we are saying & posting ("8 min in I was done!"), then perhaps you would scratch your chin & think "Hmmmmm, maybe there is a problem in the good ol' USA!!??".  All of these entities are currently run by woke left democratic socialists & they are trying to bury conservative views & beliefs.


I think one of the best examples that perhaps you CAN relate to, is the NYPD young cop that was killed by an illegal immigrant, that was released with no bail, after committing other crimes prior, that SHOULD have led to jail time..............NOT led to being released immediately, only to kill a cop!!  Are you watching or paying ANY attention to this situation??  It is a disgusting 🤮 display of the lefts "paid off" DA in NY, by the name of Alvin Bragg.  He is 💩💩💩  His policies are created by the left, his policies are put in to law by the left, his policies are supported by the left & look at what happened!  The scary part, is that the liberals continue to elect & keep these SCUM in office.  Why?  Because they are BLIND, they only pay attention to main stream media & are not aware (enough), of these actions. Why?  Because main stream media is left, so they are grossly uneducated (or grossly ignorant & STUPID), regarding today's current status.  Period. 

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4 hours ago, yenpit said:


If you actually read & listened to what we are saying & posting ("8 min in I was done!"), then perhaps you would scratch your chin & think "Hmmmmm, maybe there is a problem in the good ol' USA!!??". 



No one has ever changed someone else's mind in politics by arguing about it. In my opinion it's only hindsight that might show that they might have been wrong. I wrote a long paragraph on propaganda. Everything in politics is propaganda even when it's true. There is something wrong down south of me but too saying so is too close to throwing rocks in my glass house-ness.



4 hours ago, yenpit said:




I think one of the best examples that perhaps you CAN relate to, is the NYPD young cop that was killed by an illegal immigrant, that was released with no bail, after committing other crimes prior, that SHOULD have led to jail time..............NOT led to being released immediately, only to kill a cop!!  Are you watching or paying ANY attention to this situation??  It is a disgusting 🤮 display of the lefts "paid off" DA in NY, by the name of Alvin Bragg.  He is 💩💩💩  His policies are created by the left, his policies are put in to law by the left, his policies are supported by the left & look at what happened!  The scary part, is that the liberals continue to elect & keep these SCUM in office.  Why?  Because they are BLIND, they only pay attention to main stream media & are not aware (enough), of these actions. Why?  Because main stream media is left, so they are grossly uneducated (or grossly ignorant & STUPID), regarding today's current status.  Period. 


Previous other crimes were paid for with prison time. Latest one was an alleged weapons charge (hardly an earth shaking crime) and was out on $75,000 bail which you are entitled to be. Sucks though.

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8 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


No one has ever changed someone else's mind in politics by arguing about it. In my opinion it's only hindsight that might show that they might have been wrong. I wrote a long paragraph on propaganda. Everything in politics is propaganda even when it's true. There is something wrong down south of me but too saying so is too close to throwing rocks in my glass house-ness.




OK, I will try to aim my rocks, so as not to break your glass! 😜 But my point is..........maybe you WILL read something & at least re-consider the situation.  I post what I post here & on Facebook, to give people the opportunity to consider what I post, not necessarily to change minds.  Most of my liberal friends watch only main stream media, so my postings MIGHT offer them another angle to simply "consider".  I have been accused of "...........attempting to change minds", but that is the liberal way of handling..........confrontation!  But then they don't listen to anything.  I truly do not care what they do 😉 

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:


No one has ever changed someone else's mind in politics by arguing about it. In my opinion it's only hindsight that might show that they might have been wrong. I wrote a long paragraph on propaganda. Everything in politics is propaganda even when it's true. There is something wrong down south of me but too saying so is too close to throwing rocks in my glass house-ness.




Previous other crimes were paid for with prison time. Latest one was an alleged weapons charge (hardly an earth shaking crime) and was out on $75,000 bail which you are entitled to be. Sucks though.

You think a felon that was imprisoned and then had weapons charges filed against him is "hardly an earth shaking crime" ? Felons aren't allowed to possess a gun in this country. It's a felony. How much hindsight does a lefty need to see before they get their head out of their ass ? 

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If the criminal alien wasn't in the USA he wouldn't have been able to kill the cop.



Edited by Dguy210
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Wasn't using it, brandishing or threatening with it, just in possession I assume. Hell it might have been in the glove box or a closet. 

Why does any of that matter ? He had it. He wasn't supposed to.

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I've learned a lot about myself on this thread, and I've fond great insights from other contributors. I think it shuts down a good political "conversation" when one side bashes the other for their ignorant biases. Not to mention the sheer irony of it. Both intrenched viewpoints are totally oblivious that they see what they're told to see, and to ignore everything else because it's the other side's brainwash propaganda. For me, venting along with the top quality shits and giggles goes a long way in destruction's entertainment value. I must say though, the ad-homonym attacks on differing opinions are getting painfully old and repetitive. Clearly, I'm a participant in the counter productive shit throwing, so maybe with a little less of my reindeer games there wouldn't be some much good political meat left rotting around here. That said, Trump announced he will suck rhino dick for campaign money. 😜 

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There are snakes everywhere even on the right. This congressman is not getting "black mailed". He's doing what most of the crooked pieces of shit in our government are doing. He's building a hefty nest egg for retirement. He's getting paid handsomely for his soul IMO. Either that or he's always been a Democrat in Republican's clothing.


What we are dealing with here is much bigger than Biden vs Trump. These two clowns will be gone in 4 years. This mess goes above the US government's pay grade. This agenda is getting pushed worldwide. Why are farmers all over the world protesting in numbers? Why are religious people being put in prison for practicing their beliefs in countries where they were allowed to do so up to until recently? Why are they taking away people's freedom of speech in all countries including the US? Why is the trans movement getting pushed hard in most countries? Etc....etc... All of the exact same things getting pushed everywhere at the same damn time. Coincidence? I don't think so!


If you still don't believe there's a group pulling all the strings at the top. I don't know what to tell you. 


I agree with the congress woman in the clip. We do need to remove all gov officials on both sides and start fresh. But this doesn't prevent the ship from hitting the iceberg. It only slows it down. Only thing that saves this country and others, is dismantling the (WEF) IMO. This group of decrepit wealthy soulless SOB's, are clearly pulling the strings. Either that or there's one faceless man behind the scenes and the WEF are carrying out his orders? 


People need to look beyond Biden and Trump. I think that's where they want us. Bickering about which one of these two has the dirtiest laundry.


Edited by IZRL
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Thanks for an honest assessment of the two shitbags we have running for president. Yep two shitbags! How anyone can root for one or the other I can't understand. They are shitbags and to claim to back one because he is less of a shitbag than the other I don't understand. I want better selections. If this is what you are offering then really fuck it, at this stage I have better things to do on election day. If really all we have is shit or shit for a selection this is a lose or lose election. Maybe 4 years from now there is hope but I am not holding my breath.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Why does any of that matter ? He had it. He wasn't supposed to.


Possession was hardly an earth earth shattering crime. Shooting someone would have been. Big difference. Both wrong. 

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56 minutes ago, paradime said:

I've learned a lot about myself on this thread, and I've fond great insights from other contributors. I think it shuts down a good political "conversation" when one side bashes the other for their ignorant biases. Not to mention the sheer irony of it. Both intrenched viewpoints are totally oblivious that they see what they're told to see, and to ignore everything else because it's the other side's brainwash propaganda. For me, venting along with the top quality shits and giggles goes a long way in destruction's entertainment value. I must say though, the ad-homonym attacks on differing opinions are getting painfully old and repetitive. Clearly, I'm a participant in the counter productive shit throwing, so maybe with a little less of my reindeer games there wouldn't be some much good political meat left rotting around here. That said, Trump announced he will suck rhino dick for campaign money. 😜 


I like this.

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