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21 minutes ago, frankendat said:

I have considered it. Much like philosophy, I find myself unwilling to divorce from preconceived, possibly embedded or genetic ideals. There are sound, rational, logical arguments that support renting over buying. The same arguments can be employed to debunk the notion that anything is ever truly owned. But, I am convinced that some things are mine, convinced with such conviction, I would place myself in harms way to defend them. Similarly, I believe in free will, although those with proven greater intellect have provided sound, rational, logical arguments that it is an illusion. 
Though I acquiesce these conundrums, it does not diminish my fight against injustice and the laws and regulations that have allowed the balance of power to lean so dramatically in favor of oppressors over oppressed.   

I can understand your frustration with the increasing taxes. Nobody should be taxed out of their own home. Some states provide homestead exemptions limiting the percentage on how much value can be added to a home value for tax purposes some do not. I have witnessed older folks having to sell because they can no longer afford thier homes because they are waterfront or have some other prime reason insane value increase. Same thing with iminent domain. The banks you make your own deal with. Take it or leave it but if you agree to a contract you can't really call the bank evil. You agreed to the deal. One of the downfalls to renting is a lack of "Pride of ownership". A mostly rental community has the ' it's a rental" so I am not making much effort look to it. Funny thing is and this will sound off the wall but the best thing for an old run down house I swear is for a couple of Gay guys to buy it. They have an eye for curb appeal and seem to have a green thumb with gardening. Just sayin.

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1 hour ago, paradime said:


In early 90's SF, there was a bicycle group called Critical Mass, who promoted cycling in the city to deal with SERIOUSLY F'ed up parking and traffic issues after the 89 earthquake. What started off as a good idea that got positive media attention, their rhetoric quickly escalated with the Gulf War as a backdrop. From there it turned into a protest power trip against the evil gas guzzlers. To "promote" their cause, they instituted huge Critical Mass Rides designed to block traffic flow to gridlock the entire city for hours, and it succeeded. To put added stink on it, they moved it to the Friday mad rush home to start the weekend. It amped up when a driver at a green light tried to get through, 50 cyclists would roll up to enforce their traffic chaos. Without enough cycle cops to restore order, wasn't long before serious violent clashes broke out, and these Massholes became the villain in this tale.


I agree that as US citizens, we have the freedom to be a PITA, but I'm not willing to take it from others to get my way. Extremes like Antifa, Arian Brotherhood, and even some MAGA folks are guilty of the same stupidly myopic "citizen enforced" form of chaos. When someone tries to cross their political roadblocks, all these self professed "True Americans" use the same form of thuggish mentality, subversion of the legal system, and use of assault and physical violence to promote their selfish cause. You could ad the woke movement here, but only on an emotional consciousness guilt trip level. 🙄


I say Fuck them all. Anyone who says their side is the "true Americans" and the other one isn't, doesn't have the balls to actually BE an American. I look forward to the day when these selfishly myopic assholes become the villain in the tale of our UNITED country under the US Constitution. Not saying we don't have problems that aren't being addressed, but anyone crying for their authoritarian revolution is my enemy, because defending our union is what real patriotism actually is. 

Alright, who do you think are the heroes and the villains in your tale? We are in agreement, "...as US citizens, we have the freedom to be a PITA, but I'm not willing to take it from others to get my way." Where we might diverge (hopefully not) is in action vs. reaction. Since hypotheticals change with fact variation and specific solutions fail in general, can we agree, when any protest unsafely disrupts traffic, threatens bystanders, devolves into looting or damaging property, the laws of self defense should be expanded to shield defenders against civil and criminal liability. I knew that Kyle kid was going to walk, if the law was correctly interpreted the first time I saw the video. It was clear to anyone with even limited understanding of the legal system and my understanding is limited, but I would expand the law even more. I remember watching protest groups pulling people from their cars, the chances you could legally shoot the one that grabbed you in your car is high(except for CA maybe OR, WA), but what if you hit another? Without regard to the issue protested, I would suspend criminal and civil liability for someone acting in self defense until the threat dissipated, including injuries incurred by those directly associated but not actively participating in the event prompting self defense. If you are part of a group that is actively harming others, destroying property, threatening the lives of bystanders, share in the responsibility, share in the liability of the actions of that group.   

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8 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

I can understand your frustration with the increasing taxes. Nobody should be taxed out of their own home. Some states provide homestead exemptions limiting the percentage on how much value can be added to a home value for tax purposes some do not. I have witnessed older folks having to sell because they can no longer afford thier homes because they are waterfront or have some other prime reason insane value increase. Same thing with iminent domain. The banks you make your own deal with. Take it or leave it but if you agree to a contract you can't really call the bank evil. You agreed to the deal. One of the downfalls to renting is a lack of "Pride of ownership". A mostly rental community has the ' it's a rental" so I am not making much effort look to it. Funny thing is and this will sound off the wall but the best thing for an old run down house I swear is for a couple of Gay guys to buy it. They have an eye for curb appeal and seem to have a green thumb with gardening. Just sayin.

They also have two workers. My wife is a hard working woman, in many ways harder than I, but I won't be taking her to help me pull the engine on that D21. It's ok, I don't want to trade. I'll keep what I have and pull the engine myself.

You're missing the intersection of Banks and Government, now you could go total "self" responsibility and say I shoulder all the problems of the USA, because we live in a democracy and that is an island on which you can stand. 

I am being pushed out because of insane value increase because of the State I live in, I bitch about plenty of things, but I like to live here. The Banks have manipulated the Government and have no right to force me out. There were many things in the contract I signed and I  read it, but this idea that the banks decide the value of my home and then the Government makes me pay more I didn't consider, because nobody considered it. It wasn't an issue when my parents got older, it wasn't an issue when my grandparents got older. Tax always increases and it is always a pain in the ass, but were talking quadrupling and then doubling because of a imaginary, bank made up value. A value when it increases it benefit the bank. I don't want to sell, it doesn't benefit me. I am not asking to pay less than others, I am bitching about paying more, especially at the cost of my house. I worked construction for many years and would love to build a garage apartment to rent out or expand the kitchen, but I can't because it will increase the value of my house and increase the tax. 
But don't worry about this right now, focus on what to pull from that D21  :)


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2 hours ago, paradime said:


In early 90's SF, there was a bicycle group called Critical Mass, who promoted cycling in the city to deal with SERIOUSLY F'ed up parking and traffic issues after the 89 earthquake. What started off as a good idea that got positive media attention, their rhetoric quickly escalated with the Gulf War as a backdrop. From there it turned into a protest power trip against the evil gas guzzlers. To "promote" their cause, they instituted huge Critical Mass Rides designed to block traffic flow to gridlock the entire city for hours, and it succeeded. To put added stink on it, they moved it to the Friday mad rush home to start the weekend. It amped up when a driver at a green light tried to get through, 50 cyclists would roll up to enforce their traffic chaos. Without enough cycle cops to restore order, wasn't long before serious violent clashes broke out, and these Massholes became the villain in this tale.


I agree that as US citizens, we have the freedom to be a PITA, but I'm not willing to take it from others to get my way. Extremes like Antifa, Arian Brotherhood, and even some MAGA folks are guilty of the same stupidly myopic "citizen enforced" form of chaos. When someone tries to cross their political roadblocks, all these self professed "True Americans" use the same form of thuggish mentality, subversion of the legal system, and use of assault and physical violence to promote their selfish cause. You could ad the woke movement here, but only on an emotional consciousness guilt trip level. 🙄


I say Fuck them all. Anyone who says their side is the "true Americans" and the other one isn't, doesn't have the balls to actually BE an American. I look forward to the day when these selfishly myopic assholes become the villain in the tale of our UNITED country under the US Constitution. Not saying we don't have problems that aren't being addressed, but anyone crying for their authoritarian revolution is my enemy, because defending our union is what real patriotism actually is. 

Now I don't support the Arian Brotherhood but when was the last time they held a protest and fucked up traffic or anybody's right to get somewhere without a hassle ? And the MAGA people also ? It would be big news and it isn't so why even use them as an example compared to Antifa ? 

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5 hours ago, frankendat said:

I try to stay one step ahead. My "lock in at 5%" could face criticism such as: "What if I could get a better rate elsewhere?" At the present, it would be difficult to get a better mortgage rate, but as I mentioned. My neighbor refinanced a few years back at 1%. Even if the "lock in at 5%" plan was adopted, I was leaving the option (freedom) of not participating in it.
Property tax is not a different issue, at least in Idaho, as property tax is anchored to "perceived" value, bank perceived, yet State taxed, which leads to State enforced. Marrying property tax to the monthly mortgage empowers banks. From many discussions on this topic, I have found bipartisan support for the proposition "Rarely, if ever, should a homeowner be evicted from their home for delinquent property tax." However, as mentioned before, property tax (in Idaho) attaches to the monthly mortgage. When "perceived" value goes up, property tax goes up, the monthly mortgage goes up. If I am 60 days past due on my mortgage a bank assessor arrives and performs and evaluation of my home, to determine potential price if sold at auction. An assessment that comes with a $150 charge, which is attached and included, in the required past due mortgage payment. At 90 days foreclosure begins and is not easily reversible.
Banks have there dirty hands in every facet of this process and are in control. Who determines how much to loan on the home-Banks. Who determines the interest rate and monthly payment-Banks. Who makes the payment go up or down-The State (Based on the value given by the Banks) Who took a stable, secured, insured mortgage system and loaned money to high risk clients, passing the buck and inflating "perceived" value and stuffing their pockets until the reality of actual value detonated the market--Banks. Who extorted the government into providing insane sums of taxpayer money to rebuild what they had destroyed--Banks. 
My premise stands unassailable , Banks and bankers are motherless whores who will be first against the wall in the first days of the revolution.


*a side note that I mention often, but bears repeating: When interest rates were low, I wished to refinance. The Banks, multiple Banks, and I attempted with a broker, denied my application. I do not make enough money to finance the "perceived" value of my home. At first, we attempted to refinance at a lower rate, add on some extra for needed repairs, but keep the monthly payment unchanged - no dice. Then we attempted refinance at a lower rate, reduce the length of the mortgage, keep the monthly payment unchanged -- no dice. Finally, we attempted finance at a lower rate, keep the length of the mortgage, lower the monthly payment--no dice. Neither my wife, nor I have great credit, but at the time we applied for the refinance, the "perceived" (taxed) value of the house 8x the mortgage. (and it went higher in the following years)

Banks and bankers are motherless whores who will be first against the wall in the first days of the revolution.


I have my doubts that you are required to bind your property tax payments to your mortgage payments. Usually this is done for convenience by your mortgage servicer, but not required (ie you could make your property tax payments yourself, separate from your mortgage, just like you would after paying off your mortgage). That's why I say property tax is a separate issue.


How old are you? Have you looked into the homestead exemption?

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1 hour ago, frankendat said:

They also have two workers. My wife is a hard working woman, in many ways harder than I, but I won't be taking her to help me pull the engine on that D21. It's ok, I don't want to trade. I'll keep what I have and pull the engine myself.

You're missing the intersection of Banks and Government, now you could go total "self" responsibility and say I shoulder all the problems of the USA, because we live in a democracy and that is an island on which you can stand. 

I am being pushed out because of insane value increase because of the State I live in, I bitch about plenty of things, but I like to live here. The Banks have manipulated the Government and have no right to force me out. There were many things in the contract I signed and I  read it, but this idea that the banks decide the value of my home and then the Government makes me pay more I didn't consider, because nobody considered it. It wasn't an issue when my parents got older, it wasn't an issue when my grandparents got older. Tax always increases and it is always a pain in the ass, but were talking quadrupling and then doubling because of a imaginary, bank made up value. A value when it increases it benefit the bank. I don't want to sell, it doesn't benefit me. I am not asking to pay less than others, I am bitching about paying more, especially at the cost of my house. I worked construction for many years and would love to build a garage apartment to rent out or expand the kitchen, but I can't because it will increase the value of my house and increase the tax. 
But don't worry about this right now, focus on what to pull from that D21  🙂



I hear this, and can agree that property taxes on perceived value are ridiculous, espeeeecially when it costs a million bucks just for a POS starter home.  Capital gains, fine, whatever, but saddling someone with lifelong taxes just because their home went up in value or was ridiculously valued in the first place is lame

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57 minutes ago, frankendat said:

Alright, who do you think are the heroes and the villains in your tale? We are in agreement, "...as US citizens, we have the freedom to be a PITA, but I'm not willing to take it from others to get my way." Where we might diverge (hopefully not) is in action vs. reaction. Since hypotheticals change with fact variation and specific solutions fail in general, can we agree, when any protest unsafely disrupts traffic, threatens bystanders, devolves into looting or damaging property, the laws of self defense should be expanded to shield defenders against civil and criminal liability. I knew that Kyle kid was going to walk, if the law was correctly interpreted the first time I saw the video. It was clear to anyone with even limited understanding of the legal system and my understanding is limited, but I would expand the law even more. I remember watching protest groups pulling people from their cars, the chances you could legally shoot the one that grabbed you in your car is high(except for CA maybe OR, WA), but what if you hit another? Without regard to the issue protested, I would suspend criminal and civil liability for someone acting in self defense until the threat dissipated, including injuries incurred by those directly associated but not actively participating in the event prompting self defense. If you are part of a group that is actively harming others, destroying property, threatening the lives of bystanders, share in the responsibility, share in the liability of the actions of that group.   


We the people are the heroes in both tales. The villains are those who resort to chaos to force their will over others. 


6 minutes ago, john510 said:

Now I don't support the Arian Brotherhood but when was the last time they held a protest and fucked up traffic or anybody's right to get somewhere without a hassle ? And the MAGA people also ? It would be big news and it isn't so why even use them as an example compared to Antifa ? 

Blocking traffic was just an example of civil chaos, but to your point, in the Charlottesville protests when James Alex Fields Jr ran down and killed woman with 35 others injured. Also in the news was MAGA's intimidation and death threats against Judge Engoron and his court staff, Tanya Chutkan, Shenna Bellows, Jack Smith and his team, Fani Willis, Tish James, Alvin Bragg, Aileen Cannon, and countless election workers. All part of the same chaos game plan I referred to with antifa.. 





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32 minutes ago, thisismatt said:


I hear this, and can agree that property taxes on perceived value are ridiculous, espeeeecially when it costs a million bucks just for a POS starter home.  Capital gains, fine, whatever, but saddling someone with lifelong taxes just because their home went up in value or was ridiculously valued in the first place is lame

Yes, the only piece I seem to find resistance is when I Iink banks into this mess. Banks must value (appraise) a home before lending on the home. The higher the appraisal, the bigger the mortgage and the more money in interest generated by the Bank.(Bank wins) When an area is accessed, by Banks, at least in Idaho, recent property sales in the area are used to set a value for other houses in the area. The higher the appraisal the higher other houses in the area appraise and the higher tax, both in amount paid and percentage of total area tax paid. Higher the appraisal more tax gathered by the State.(Bank wins, State wins) State increases tax to provide infrastructure that subsidizes real estate and promotes growth (Bank wins, State wins) Growth drives up prices for real estate resulting in higher prices (bigger mortgages) (Banks wins, State wins). Boise residents deal with overcrowding as industry is unable to keep up with growth, greater demand for resources (two parks closed last year because over use was causing permanent harm) competition for resources brings increased prices for all things.(Banks win, State wins, Boise residents, like me lose, Lower and middle class, like me lose)

I have been in my house over two decades, through a recession and  through times of economic growth and my personal financial situation hasn't changed much and my house hasn't changed much. To come along and claim my house is worth a half a million dollars....because....well, it just is...and now I must pay more tax because I am obviously wealthy-chaps my ass. 

Growth is not a Bank created problem, but looking at the above paragraphs there is a bunch of Banks wins and State wins, but not much People win and if the argument is people win because they have the choice and opportunity to serve Banks, then it is time to rethink your definition of America 

BUT! You reminded me, there was something I heard once about the option of paying tax in two payments, not month to month. I am sure that being delinquent on tax breeches the mortgage and is grounds for foreclosure, but your point is well made  

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11 minutes ago, frankendat said:


BUT! You reminded me, there was something I heard once about the option of paying tax in two payments, not month to month. I am sure that being delinquent on tax breeches the mortgage and is grounds for foreclosure, but your point is well made  


" If property taxes on real property become three (3) years delinquent, the county takes title to the property through tax deed. This process involves extensive research to make sure that all individuals who are a legal “party in interest” are notified of the delinquency and given an opportunity to pay the tax and retain their interest."

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1 minute ago, thisismatt said:


" If property taxes on real property become three (3) years delinquent, the county takes title to the property through tax deed. This process involves extensive research to make sure that all individuals who are a legal “party in interest” are notified of the delinquency and given an opportunity to pay the tax and retain their interest."

I think there is a mortgage attachment, but I will have to find it

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57 minutes ago, paradime said:

We the people are the heroes in both tales. The villains are those who resort to chaos to force their will over others. 

Careful now, your rhetoric is showing

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14 hours ago, frankendat said:

Careful now, your rhetoric is showing

Guilty as charged. I'll be careful now, we don't want to wake Mike up. He needs the rest.

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I think that in time you'll find out that the so-called MAGA threats against the shitbag judge will be just like the Jesse Smollett racist incident, the Nascar Noose incident, the E Jean Carrol fitting room rape, or a roll cage made from old fence posts - complete fabrications. 

By the way, this whole TicTok thing... If Nancy Pelosi is in favor of it you know that it has (or will contain) a poison pill that will eventually be used to take down Twitter, Rumble, Truth, and every other platform that doesn't agree 100% with their ideology.

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

Guilty as charged. I'll be careful now, we don't want to wake Mike up. He needs the rest.




Rest? What I really need is virgin blood.

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47 minutes ago, datzenmike said:




Rest? What I really need is virgin blood.

Got me LOL'n Mike, but maybe more like this.


 Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 1.33.51 PM.png

Edited by paradime
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Here in Michigan, my property taxes can only increase based on tax increment changes while I own the house.  The assessed value can increase, but not the taxation based upon it.  When you sell the next sucker gets the new market valuation as the assessment "uncaps" and taxes become based upon it.  Some of the same problems remain with inflated values, but not continual valuation increases being taxed.  My home value has gone up approximately 70% in 9 years, but the taxes only about 10% or so.


I can't remember exactly how it worked in Illinois where I lived previously, but I stayed out of cities and lived in a small town or rural areas where my taxes were usually half or less for more property.  Limited services, but most cities you don't get garbage, water or sewer for your property tax payment anymore anyway.

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18 hours ago, paradime said:


We the people are the heroes in both tales. The villains are those who resort to chaos to force their will over others. 


Blocking traffic was just an example of civil chaos, but to your point, in the Charlottesville protests when James Alex Fields Jr ran down and killed woman with 35 others injured. Also in the news was MAGA's intimidation and death threats against Judge Engoron and his court staff, Tanya Chutkan, Shenna Bellows, Jack Smith and his team, Fani Willis, Tish James, Alvin Bragg, Aileen Cannon, and countless election workers. All part of the same chaos game plan I referred to with antifa.. 






What is so interesting, is that I have NEVER read about MAGA death threats...............but then again, I do not watch ANY main stream media, which is likely where that potential BS is reported.  It is not to say that no far right wing nut cases might have done it, but I am NOT far right wing.  I hardly read or see  much far right wing propaganda, as I do not "look for it".  I had a far left libtard friend claim the same thing (MAGA death threats), asked for some proof, no response.  I do not mind the label of MAGA..............it only means Make America Great Again to me, which I & any great American desperately wants!  How is THAT so bad?  Because it is linked to the man you hate so much........linked to Trump?  Phooey!!   

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19 hours ago, paradime said:


We the people are the heroes in both tales. The villains are those who resort to chaos to force their will over others. 


Blocking traffic was just an example of civil chaos, but to your point, in the Charlottesville protests when James Alex Fields Jr ran down and killed woman with 35 others injured. Also in the news was MAGA's intimidation and death threats against Judge Engoron and his court staff, Tanya Chutkan, Shenna Bellows, Jack Smith and his team, Fani Willis, Tish James, Alvin Bragg, Aileen Cannon, and countless election workers. All part of the same chaos game plan I referred to with antifa.. 





Death threats are wrong of course. And that shit comes from both sides. We're talking about the inconveniencing of us regular people just trying to go about our day. The right wing people are NOT doing this like the lefties are. Antifa and BLM have been quiet lately but they sure did some damage. And of all places, where they live. Talk about stupid. Now we have the Palestinian supporting idiots making things difficult for people that have nothing to do with the situation. They want support from us so they block freeways and intersections ?  That's even dumber than burning down your own city. What I think it's really about is young dumb kids that don't have much of a future and they know it.

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4 hours ago, flyerdan said:

I think that in time you'll find out that the so-called MAGA threats against the shitbag judge will be just like the Jesse Smollett racist incident, the Nascar Noose incident, the E Jean Carrol fitting room rape, or a roll cage made from old fence posts - complete fabrications. 

By the way, this whole TicTok thing... If Nancy Pelosi is in favor of it you know that it has (or will contain) a poison pill that will eventually be used to take down Twitter, Rumble, Truth, and every other platform that doesn't agree 100% with their ideology.

Yes, I wonder if they caught and arrested anybody that made these threats. You know if they were real they'd have the FBI looking for the suspects. I've heard of no arrests.

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7 hours ago, yenpit said:


What is so interesting, is that I have NEVER read about MAGA death threats...............but then again, I do not watch ANY main stream media, which is likely where that potential BS is reported.  It is not to say that no far right wing nut cases might have done it, but I am NOT far right wing.  I hardly read or see  much far right wing propaganda, as I do not "look for it".  I had a far left libtard friend claim the same thing (MAGA death threats), asked for some proof, no response.  I do not mind the label of MAGA..............it only means Make America Great Again to me, which I & any great American desperately wants!  How is THAT so bad?  Because it is linked to the man you hate so much........linked to Trump?  Phooey!!   


Right, because you're well informed on Trump Social, and I'm just an ignorant Trump hater.  Phooey!!   





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3 hours ago, paradime said:

Right, because you're well informed on Trump Social, and I'm just an ignorant Trump hater.  Phooey!!   



Yes, very disturbing those right-wing crazies stalking Kavanaugh and threatening Amy Coney Barrett.  Oh wait...


Right-wing nut shooting congress members at a softball game.  Oh wait...


Your crazy-right wing congresswoman nepotism-specialist Maxine encouraging everyone to harass Trump voters, others saying never let people who support Trump have a job again.  Oh wait...


FBI arresting the dudes here in Michigan for a supposed plot to kidnap our Governor/witch that were so unenthusiastic about it when not drunk the FBI plant had to give them constant pep talks to get them to stay interested in the plot.  


Yea, the right is responsible for all the violence and rhetoric.  Maybe a lot of the rhetoric, but a lot of bluster (which of course the left is allowed to say in the mainstream media with impunity) and not much real action.  Oh, and don't bother to try and bring up the great January 6th trespass affair.  More info out this week that Capitol police perjured themselves on facts in the Proud boys case.  Dude claiming to be a witness to certain events wasn't even in the same building at the time.

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