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5 hours ago, paradime said:

"Started" those wars. Involvement of both parties was in support of the country, not necessarily the administration's decision. Eisenhower gave financial support to the French military, but didn't send military personnel to Vietnam. In 1954 the French went down to defeat to the Communist forces in North Vietnam. It was Kennedy who sent the weapons with 900 military "advisors". Seeing there was no way to win this war, Kennedy formally decided to withdraw from Vietnam, and McNamara supported his decision. We all know what Johnson did.


Reagan's illegal arms sales to Iran money exchange program to fund the Contras was done in secret... until it wasn't. Tx (R) congressman Charlie Wilson supplied billions of $ in weapons through covert CIA channels armong the Mujahideem to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. It bled the Russian economy dry hastening the fall of the USSR. The Biden admin is doing the same to Putin, so it's hypocritical that sleepy Joe gets trashed by Tucker (the nut laser salesman) for his proxi war in Ukraine. It's still feeding the military industrial complex, but at least it's being done out in the open.


I stand corrected on Truman though. 

Why is it hypocritical for Carlson to trash Biden about the Ukraine war ? There wasn't war until Biden came along.Let me guess,Trump's fault ? 

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Correctamundo, DZM. The 'Brown Messiah' & 'Miss Vicky' (Nuland) & other operatives, named and unnamed,  set this skirmish up. NATO,NWO, WEF, etc. were pushing buttons, real and figurative buttons further up the 'food chain'. A shot to the heart of Asia.

Western Alliance -vs- BRICS.jpg

Edited by difrangia
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6 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:



THIS is what this disgusting country (world?) has come to................FILTH for children!!  Keep your ADULT toys to yourselves (nuthin' wrong with that!) 😡

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Sorry, pulled from Mike Huckabee's email newsletter, no link to this individual article, so cut & pasted!!  Enjoy!!


Georgia DA Fani Willis caught up in election scandal of her own

Anyone who doubts the political motivations behind Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis’ lawfare against President Trump should set those doubts aside, thanks to an investigation started by Peter Bernegger at Election Watch, out of Wisconsin, and Chris Gleason in Florida.

Many months ago, we reported on an investigation centered around a Democrat get-out-the-vote organization called ActBlue, the largest fundraising Political Action Committee (PAC) in America.   “The investigation,” writes Chris Gleason, “which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.”  They say they’ve uncovered what may be the “largest illegal political campaign money laundering scheme in the history of America.”  Now, there’s your RICO.

This investigative team has documented what appears to be hundreds of millions of dollars being illegally laundered via ActBlue and other left-wing PACs, simply by way of publicly available records on the  fec.gov  website (Federal Election Commission) and other state government campaign finance reporting websites.

ActBlue also has two nonprofits, a 501(c) 3 called ActBlue Charities and a 501(c) 4 called ActBlue Civics, and they reportedly can pass money through these without disclosing who benefits and by how much.  It’s a textbook “dark money” setup.  Money passes through ActBlue PAC to the recipient and ActBlue collects a fee as payment.  The identity of the ultimate recipient remains obscured.

What tipped off these investigators to something suspicious was that over half the donations came from “not employed” or “retired” people --- people who generally can’t afford to give a lot of money.  The investigation by Take Back Action Fund found that nearly half of all donations to ActBlue were made by people who were of modest means and unemployed.  That was $346 million supposedly from the pockets of unemployed people.  The “donations” were in small amounts, but they had been made over and over, many times, in a pattern no real donor would follow.  When the investigators started knocking on doors and getting in touch personally with some of these people, most weren’t even aware that they had given to ActBlue.  Hint:  it’s because they HADN’T.  Someone else had used their identity.

It so happens that ActBlue doesn’t verify up to 55 percent of their credit card transactions.


The investigation turned up a large number of unemployed “campaign finance mules” in Washington State, of all places, who “gave” lots of money to a U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia, Raphael Warnock.  Perhaps it’s because of all that money that he’s in the Senate now.  Remarkably, out of the top Warnock “volume” donors, only one was actually from Georgia.

The story at the link tells about Election Watch teaming up with James O’Keefe of O’Keefe Media Group to go door-to-door, documentary-style, interviewing these donors who turn out to be victims of a money laundering operation.  O’Keefe has helped enlist thousands of concerned citizen data analysts, journalists and other investigators from around the country.


Here’s an example of the video they’ve compiled since we did our first report.  When people are asked about the donations they’re listed as having made, they have no idea what the interviewer is talking about.  Records show one of them had given a total of $60,000; she is mystified when she hears about this.


The team found massive-scale money laundering of this type going on not just in Washington State, but in EVERY state, breaking both federal and state campaign laws.

So, where does Fani Willis fit in?  As Gleason reports, “Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises.  It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire election process.”

The GEORGIA RECORD posted Gleason’s report on the link between Willis and “a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.”  Her campaign donation information was obtained directly from the State of Georgia campaign finance database.  It showed 222 donors listed by name only, with no donor information at all.  Of those with donor information, many were from out of state, and these contributors fit the profile of the elderly, unemployed ActBlue “donors.”  These generally were people who had little discretionary income and didn’t even contribute to campaigns in their own areas.

One of the out-of-state contributors to Fani Willis’ campaign was listed as having made over 9,178 individual contributions since 2018.

When investigators started doing some in-person checking, they spoke to people who had never donated to Willis.  The did speak to someone who had given one time only, but her name was also used, with different addresses, for donations from Florida, Wisconsin, Illinois and New York.  This person was also listed as registered to vote --- and having voted --- in multiple states.

“Fani Willis,” Gleason says, “once seen as a rising star in the Georgia political arena, is now grappling with a full-blown scandal that threatens to irreparably tarnish her reputation and upend her career.  The implications of these revelations are far-reaching, serving as a stark reminder of the fragility of trust in public officials and the lengths some might go for power and wealth.”

But here is the problem that helps explain why so many leftist, Soros-approved candidates for district attorney, judge, etc., are winning local elections:  “What is being seen at an alarming rate is that the nationwide money laundering RICO enterprise is making more and more contributions to PACs and these PACS are financing local candidates...Many of these PACs have strong ties to the numerous Soros-connected organizations that are active participants in the nationwide election fraud, money laundering, terrorist network financing the massive ongoing RICO enterprise.”

(NOTE:  This is also why it’s so important to vote in local elections, especially off-year!  City council, county sheriff, county judge, DA, school board --- this is where the battle primarily is fought.  I digress.)

It should come as no surprise that these organizations share significant connections to big Democrat law firm Perkins Coie, of Hillary Clinton and fake-“dossier” fame.  Perkins Coie would have to be one of the largest beneficiaries of all that laundered money.  As Gleason explains, “The firm received vast sums of illicit money via legal fees paid by the PACs and committees who helped launder the campaign finance contributions made in the name of over a million individuals whose identities have been stolen and used to structure financial transactions and circumvent federal campaign finance limits.”

Gleason also raises questions about the financial institutions utilized by ActBlue and other PACS and nonprofits, citing JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Amalgamated Bank.  Would their fraud detection units not have found a suspicious pattern?  Were reports filed?  Who failed to act?

It also seems that the Federal Election Commission has been looking the other way.  Gleason’s communications to them about the interstate “money mules” have been ignored.  In this piece, he asks anyone who knows about such criminal activities taking place in their state to notify their member of Congress and also state officials.  We’d think the House Judiciary Committee would be a good idea, too.


For when you have time, the GEORGIA RECORD goes into detail about this story and also RICO and election law.  How fitting that after abusing RICO law to try to bring down political enemies, she might be revealed as the beneficiary of an actual RICO scheme.


RELATED READING:  Jonathan Turley looks at DA Willis’ attempt to try 19 people together (Trump + 18) to “give them a more sinister, conspiratorial patina.”


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11 hours ago, john510 said:

Why is it hypocritical for Carlson to trash Biden about the Ukraine war ? There wasn't war until Biden came along.Let me guess,Trump's fault ? 

Captan Nut Laser's myopic rhetoric doesn't meet the moral standards or values he claims to have. But let me guess, if Biden just sucked Putin's dick we'd all be safe? Why is it justified when one party conducts proxi wars, but when the other party does it, its corrupt tertiary? Sounds like hypocrisy to me.

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50 minutes ago, paradime said:

Captan Nut Laser's myopic rhetoric doesn't meet the moral standards or values he claims to have. But let me guess, if Biden just sucked Putin's dick we'd all be safe? Why is it justified when one party conducts proxi wars, but when the other party does it, its corrupt tertiary? Sounds like hypocrisy to me.


Did anyone here say it was ok for one side to conduct wars and not the other?

Concerning this war the presidents dick is so deep in the Ukranian corruption hole the only thing keeping him out is how the left has switched sides from questioning everything to question nothing they are all fucking Sargent Schultz's

The MF is on video bragging how he got the investigator fired that was investigating the company that was paying his son and that never raised an eyebrow on the left how fucking blind can we be?

Now a couple of business partners to Hunter "Devon Archer, Tony Bobulinski and Vicktor Shokin" the investigator that was fired are beginning to spell out how he was involved in the corruption.

If this was Watergate he'd be gone already, done, toast, back hiding in his basement.

 Personally I consider it a civil war and we should stay the fuck away, humanitarian aid only.

Until President Biden got elected that country was considered one of the most corrupt, now its priority number 1 to save them, more important than saving our own.

Maybe we've been lied to maybe Putin is correct there are NAZI's there let him keep it.



Edited by Ooph!
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49 minutes ago, paradime said:

Captan Nut Laser's myopic rhetoric doesn't meet the moral standards or values he claims to have. But let me guess, if Biden just sucked Putin's dick we'd all be safe? Why is it justified when one party conducts proxi wars, but when the other party does it, its corrupt tertiary? Sounds like hypocrisy to me.

If Biden sucked Putin's dick he still would have attacked Ukraine.I'd feel a lot safer if Biden wasn't funding the war with our money or anybody else's.I don't believe Carlson NOT bringing up old wars from the past has much to do with his opinion on Ukraine NOW.I do know this.Russia didn't invade Ukraine until #46 took over.Why ? 

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On 8/30/2023 at 8:43 AM, difrangia said:

Couple a goot FAFO vids:

Check out the legs on that fookin chair in first FAFO !!




I am not sure if it is a good thing, but that first video really warms my heart.

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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:


Did anyone here say it was ok for one side to conduct wars and not the other?

Concerning this war the presidents dick is so deep in the Ukranian corruption hole the only thing keeping him out is how the left has switched sides from questioning everything to question nothing they are all fucking Sargent Schultz's

The MF is on video bragging how he got the investigator fired that was investigating the company that was paying his son and that never raised an eyebrow on the left how fucking blind can we be?

Now a couple of business partners to Hunter "Devon Archer, Tony Bobulinski and Vicktor Shokin" the investigator that was fired are beginning to spell out how he was involved in the corruption.

If this was Watergate he'd be gone already, done, toast, back hiding in his basement.

 Personally I consider it a civil war and we should stay the fuck away, humanitarian aid only.

Until President Biden got elected that country was considered one of the most corrupt, now its priority number 1 to save them, more important than saving our own.

Maybe we've been lied to maybe Putin is correct there are NAZI's there let him keep it.



Did anyone tell you to take my satirical reply to John literally? You missed my point about "Proxy" wars. They have allowed our country to achieve its goals without committing our own armed forces in a conflict. Right or wrong, it's been a part of US projection of power and influence throughout the world for 80+ years. A civil war is fought between citizens of the same country. Putin's war is an invasion of a  separate sovereign country to gain military access to the Mid East, Black Sea, and the Sea of Azov. 


Torching the other side while turning a blind eye to your own sides blatant corruption is not unique for either party. If you're not questioning Tucker's rhetoric, does that make you a Sargent Schultz? Before buying Putin's KGB style propaganda about Ukrainian Nazis to justify his invasion, maybe you should consider why it's in America's best interests to keep Putin the fuck out of there. Do you question why Tucker isn't talking about that? 

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6 hours ago, john510 said:

If Biden sucked Putin's dick he still would have attacked Ukraine.I'd feel a lot safer if Biden wasn't funding the war with our money or anybody else's.I don't believe Carlson NOT bringing up old wars from the past has much to do with his opinion on Ukraine NOW.I do know this.Russia didn't invade Ukraine until #46 took over.Why ? 

 Is it because Zelenskyy was clamoring to join NATO?Tucker tells you it was Biden's idea to throw money and weapns at Ukraine. in reality, it was a group of Republican congressmen who drafted a bill declaring Ukraine a NATO-plus country and Russia being a state sponsor of terrorism.


"House Armed Services Committee Lead Mike Rogers (R-AL), House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Michael McCaul (R-TX), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Lead Mike Turner (R-OH) and House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) released the following statement on introducing the Guaranteeing Ukrainian Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense (GUARD) Act of 2022. This bill will ensure Ukraine is provided with the military and diplomatic support it needs in the face of Russia’s destabilizing military buildup in and around its borders. The legislation would also hold Vladimir Putin accountable for his aggression by immediately sanctioning the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to stop it from ever becoming operational."





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There are still those who's parents and grand parents survived the Stalinist 1930s disastrous collectivization and genocides perpetrated by Russia and the stories from those times. Hatred runs deep. It's no wonder that when the soviet union broke up these countries immediately broke away and claimed independence and even less of a wonder they joined or wanted to join NATO. Russia has a long history of tyrants and autocratic leaders and communism didn't change this one bit. No way they will go back to that. Russia's 'leaders' have little regard for the individual, life is very cheap to them.  


It's also no wonder that the west doesn't support them under Putin's rule either. As Kennedy pledged America would... “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”   

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5 hours ago, paradime said:

 Is it because Zelenskyy was clamoring to join NATO?Tucker tells you it was Biden's idea to throw money and weapns at Ukraine. in reality, it was a group of Republican congressmen who drafted a bill declaring Ukraine a NATO-plus country and Russia being a state sponsor of terrorism.


"House Armed Services Committee Lead Mike Rogers (R-AL), House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Michael McCaul (R-TX), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Lead Mike Turner (R-OH) and House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) released the following statement on introducing the Guaranteeing Ukrainian Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense (GUARD) Act of 2022. This bill will ensure Ukraine is provided with the military and diplomatic support it needs in the face of Russia’s destabilizing military buildup in and around its borders. The legislation would also hold Vladimir Putin accountable for his aggression by immediately sanctioning the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to stop it from ever becoming operational."





So you think the Republicans are funding the war without the need for Biden's approval ? Since when do the Republicans get to override what Biden wants ? The guy in charge is ultimately responsible.He didn't need the help of Republicans to get his way.I also don't support Republicans approval of funding the war.There's something fishy about this whole Ukraine thing going back to when Biden was VP.And FWIW I really don't watch Carlson much at all.As far as I'm concerned fuck Ukraine,let Russia have it because the money we're sending them is ridiculous.And trying to hold Putin accountable for anything is a joke.What are they going to do arrest him ? LOL.Let's push a mad man with nukes to the edge over a country that was once part of Russia.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

There are still those who's parents and grand parents survived the Stalinist 1930s disastrous collectivization and genocides perpetrated by Russia and the stories from those times. Hatred runs deep. It's no wonder that when the soviet union broke up these countries immediately broke away and claimed independence and even less of a wonder they joined or wanted to join NATO. Russia has a long history of tyrants and autocratic leaders and communism didn't change this one bit. No way they will go back to that. Russia's 'leaders' have little regard for the individual, life is very cheap to them.  


It's also no wonder that the west doesn't them under Putin's rule either. As Kennedy pledged America would... “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”   

When Krushev visited USA his minders wanted him to visit Conrad Montana since local farmers has rescued Russia from starvation by supplying seed grains of Russian red wheat to break a fungal infection and resulting starvation in Russia. Bad choice! Conrad Montana farmers were Ukranian not Russian! Visit switched to midwest. A little surprise had been arranged in Conrad! The locals never forgot!

I was there/

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1 hour ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:


We received a notice from Kia about our Nero Hybrid. In reality, they F'ed up and left an easy way to hack the security system and drive their cars away without a key. Once car thieves learned this weakness it's been open season on these cars. Insurance companies are pushing for compensation and rightfully so IMO.

Edited by paradime
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5 hours ago, john510 said:

So you think the Republicans are funding the war without the need for Biden's approval ? Since when do the Republicans get to override what Biden wants ? The guy in charge is ultimately responsible.He didn't need the help of Republicans to get his way.I also don't support Republicans approval of funding the war.There's something fishy about this whole Ukraine thing going back to when Biden was VP.And FWIW I really don't watch Carlson much at all.As far as I'm concerned fuck Ukraine,let Russia have it because the money we're sending them is ridiculous.And trying to hold Putin accountable for anything is a joke.What are they going to do arrest him ? LOL.Let's push a mad man with nukes to the edge over a country that was once part of Russia.


I know how our branches of government work. Congressional Republican leaders in top level military and intel positions understand the real dangers of Russian expansion in the region. They pushed the Biden admin to stop diplomatic intervention and take imediate action. The security implications are profound, and supersede the political puppet show rhetoric. History bares out the danger of placating tyrants, and the US is not alone in supporting Ukraine, because they understand the greater implications. Even China has backed away from supporting Putin's land grab because they see the West's resolve in not letting that happen. No doubt this is scary shit, but I'd rather have an administration that confronts the threat than one that looks the other way and accepts Russian military expansionism as justified. Like it or not, Russia has earned it's position as an enemy combatant of the US, Eastern, and Western Europe. The countries that broke away from the USSR have prospered under capitalist free trade with NATO protection. It's ironic that isolationist MAGA rhetoric refers to NATO as fascist socialism. Is this just pandering to the base, and if not, what strategic agenda does this serve? 

Edited by paradime
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The Crimea land grab emboldened Putin and the rest of the world's dictators take notice. Lobbing missiles into civilians can't be ignored. War crimes and land grabs if they go unopposed we will watch the whole world melt down in short order. I am ok with the weapons being supplied as long as the US stays out of direct conflict. That will change if a nuke is used. The Ukrainians are paying for this with thier own blood and doing well against a much larger enemy.  Still the losses over an old Demented dictator trying to leave his mark in history is sickening.

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